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Hey everyone,
I aparently have a damaged InDesign file. When i try and open the file i get a mesage saying "InDesign detected that the file "filename.indd" is damaged. Would you like us to try and repair the file? The file will teporarily be processed on our servers."
This runs for a few minutes then stops halfway and i get this message "indesign could not repair 'filename' the repair service is temporarily unavailable please try again later"
It is a very big file. There are around 150 pages. The project was done but I just had to do a few corrections. I have the PDF export of the complete file i could potentially work with.
Is there a fix for this? How could I access earlier versions of this? Please help.
I've attached the file in my google drive because it exceeds the limit here
Some othwer things you can try as well:
Open as a copy.
Manually copy the file to your local drive and open from there if located on a network server of some sort.
Use Kasyan's blind export to .idml script:
or his indesign recovery tool: INDDRecovery ā a program for restoring corrupted InDesign documents
Oh my god you beautiful soul. You've just saved my ass. This was about 250 hours of work over 2 years! I had other copies but hadnt done a major save in a while as I was pretty much complete with the project.
If any body else has this problem. This ended up working for me
Thank you so much Peter! I hope you have an amazing day and some great karma coming your way ā¤ļø
Thank you to all who replied so quickly to this and took time out of their day
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I want to add that i cannot open the file and resave it. This is really urgent and have been working on this for a bout 2 years!!
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Hi @maitena98A4,
You can email the download link of the document at for the Adobe engineers to try and salvage the file for you. There is no specified timeframe within which you can expect a revert from Adobe guys, so if time is of the essence and you won't mind a paid solution, try the following
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Thank you so much for your reply!
I'll email them right now. I'll also check out that website. Just a big file so its pricey
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Some othwer things you can try as well:
Open as a copy.
Manually copy the file to your local drive and open from there if located on a network server of some sort.
Use Kasyan's blind export to .idml script:
or his indesign recovery tool: INDDRecovery ā a program for restoring corrupted InDesign documents
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Oh my god you beautiful soul. You've just saved my ass. This was about 250 hours of work over 2 years! I had other copies but hadnt done a major save in a while as I was pretty much complete with the project.
If any body else has this problem. This ended up working for me
Thank you so much Peter! I hope you have an amazing day and some great karma coming your way ā¤ļø
Thank you to all who replied so quickly to this and took time out of their day
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Glad it worked for you. I've had about 50% success rate over the years, so I figure it's always worth a shot.
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And here's some more free advice: ALWAYS save a new version each time you do any editing on a file, especially something this important. I use the same filename with a version number sequence. This allows not only for recovery of a recent version in the event something goes wrong so you don't have to recreate a project from scratch, but it also allows you to go back and branch in a new direction from any given point when yourt client (or you) decides you've gone down a blind alley.