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Find and replace won't find, even when copying and pasting

Enthusiast ,
May 28, 2018 May 28, 2018

I have to replace 100 instances of "tab word space" with "tab" only. Although I've copied and pasted the tab and space by hand and by using the supplied characters (can't remember the name of the box supplied), InDesign can't find them. Oddly enough I can. Why does this happen? I am NOT asking it to find a format (though that didn't work, either.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Enthusiast , May 28, 2018 May 28, 2018

Thanks, but I was copying and pasting so the formatting should not have been a problem (I think). I restarted InDesign and discarded my old preferences, and then finding/replacing worked.

Community Expert ,
May 28, 2018 May 28, 2018

Hi Grundoon Groundhog:

A common reason why InDesign won't match a string that you are looking at is because of an issue with search criteria:

Screenshot 2018-05-28 20.02.27.png

If that isn't it, please share a screen shot of the text you are trying to locate with Hidden Characters visible, and your Find/Change dialog box settings.


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Enthusiast ,
May 28, 2018 May 28, 2018

Thanks, but I was copying and pasting so the formatting should not have been a problem (I think). I restarted InDesign and discarded my old preferences, and then finding/replacing worked.

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Community Expert ,
May 28, 2018 May 28, 2018

Ok, so you are all set? Go ahead and mark your last response as correct to close the thread, or I can.


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