Footnotes to Endnotes
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Hi all,
well i was looking for a script to convert all footnotes to endnotes and i got it, it was belong to Kahrel Script
but i wonder if it can convert all footnotes from book with several files to EndNote at the end of last file without need to merge all files first to one file, because when i used that script it split footnotes between files on book
so i'm just wondering can it be??
Thanks in advance
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Looks as if you're after this one:
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Be aware that CC2018 supports native endnotes -- though not for books.
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Oh the big man answers himself
well thanks a lot dear, but i tried it and it seems dosen’t work with footnote link back script!
any hint please??!
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Well, that footnote link back script wasn't designed to deal with the endnotes produced by the end-of-book notes script.
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Well that mean there is no any way to link all notes at end of book back again
sorry for bothering you again
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for your script, am really happy about that you gave such a opportunity to use it globally.
Im using your script "foot_to_end_dynamic" for converting with CS6 and after conversation in endnotes i see a empty space like this, that cant be found and replaced by none of the Find or Find Grep or Find Glyph commands. Did U had the same problem and know a solution to this - how to remove this automated? Would appreciate if someone else who knows how to solve this, could comment on this as well.
And one more thing i faced when working with this script. If im layouting the book and doing conversation chapter by chapter the next chapter endnotes adds correctly to previos one and numbering is continued correctly, but superscript endnote number in main text restarts from "1" again for the following chapters. Does someone faced this problem and knows a solution? Also CS6 here.
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Andrej -- The script sets up cross-references to create dynamically numbered footnote numbers and references. The blue colon indicates a text anchor, which used as the target of a cross-reference. The single blue dot after the blue colon is a normal space, which was taken from the Footnote separator field in the Footnote Options dialog. Don't delete the anchors, if you do you lose the footnote references.
When you combine chapters afterwards, you need to update the cross-references to update the footnote references. It's all explained on the web page from which you downloaded the script.
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Do you know how to align the endnote list so the second and further lines gets aligned as first? The blue colon and space adds significant space that can be noticed.
Definitely will read about the cross reference updates. Thanks for explanation.
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As I said, the single blue dot after the blue colon looks like a normal space which you can remove. Alignment of paragraphs is a very geneal (and basic) InDesign thing, I really can't go into that here. Do read that web page and consult InDesign's on-line help for paragraph-alignment.
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Thanks, i have solved it. In addition to Paragraph Indents new Tab position was needed to be set.