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What is Adobe doing with all these silly little pop-up things that are getting my way, now its some glyph thing that just started showing up and I have been scouring posts to get to the bottom of this - there is no option in Type or Advanced Type settings to prevent this completely unnecessary popup from gettting in my way.
Ligatures - why is this turned on by default? No client I have anywhere would ever want ligatures, maybe only the odd traditionally-typeset style book layout... this is ludicrous Adobe would force this on us. It should be an OPTION, not a MANDATORY TOOL. Every time I update I have to change this back and I have had some layouts go through with this crap starting up mid-project and it is a nightmare.
Open Type - ask me if I care!!!!!!! Why does typing or selecting in InDesign have to bring up some silly little icon to say "hey, I'm OpenType ain't I great" Again DO NOT CARE.
Adobe - stop shoving this crap at us and make sure you have clear options for turning this off.
So tiring.
Hyphenation though - thought when I turned this off [no doc opened so it becomes default] this stays off even with a new install? Have to watch that, because again, these defaults are not useful,
Hi @AndrewC1264 , You should be able to migrate your preferences on an update—I’ve been using ID since version 1 and have never had to rebuild my preferences.
There is no chance the default preferences will change unless you post a feature request and get others to vote for your request.
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It's fine if you don't like it - but it's a professional layout tool for professional book and page layout - and accessing these features is vital for a lot of people.
Typically making changes with no documents open will turn off that feature for all new documents. Older documents will still have the feature on.
You can try turning off ligatures with no documents open and see if it resolves your issue.
You can adjust your preferences the last two options on the bottom
And you have View options to turn off certain features
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Hi Eugene,
Glyphs - I have those options off in Advanced Type, thanks. Show Threads isn't applicable here.
Open Type - previous version I could turn this off by default - with no document open, turn off, it disappears, great! - now it is screwed up somewhere unfindable.
Ligatures - I know, as stated, I have to battle with this ever time the app is updated, which is unnecesary. This type formatting is great for fine books and high-end typesetting but most of the documents I work on do not require this as client's do not want this - it looks like an error to them "Why are the f and the l crushed together?" I only use ligatures sparingly as the layouts dictate, it should not be ON by default.
Please see the attached image that I created - because I could not screen capture the actual fly-out menu. This is what I need gone permanently, as it pops up and adds an additional layer of unnecessary interaction, I am simply changing a number, I am not changing the style.
Any assistance is appreciated.
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Yeh so that option is in the Preferences under advanced type
The bottom two turned off removes this pop up box.
I hear ya - every new install or update the 'Hyphenation' is automatically turned on.
It's a bit annoying.
You can make feature requests here
or find a similar feature request and upvote it.
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Nice job, go get yourself a beer. Very much appreciated.
Hyphenation though - thought when I turned this off [no doc opened so it becomes default] this stays off even with a new install? Have to watch that, because again, these defaults are not useful, they are dumb-downing things. Very much Microsoft-Wordian... ugh. Let's toss in all the tools because they need all the tools.
Thinking of the new kids - I started out with Adobe Illustrator '88, probably one of the first people in Toronto to install it... the new kids don't know, they don't have the experience, so these settings are letting them create documents with entirely wrong formatting. Technical documents DO NOT require ligatures. A nice coffee table book, yes. So how many coffee table books do people get to work on?
Big fat nope on ligatures, they need only be turned on when desired. As a default - absolutely stupid.
Glyphs - if I need to find it, I will find it, I don't need several suggestions thrown into my face and preventing me from typing a simple number into my document.
Have a great day Eugene!
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Hyphenation though - thought when I turned this off [no doc opened so it becomes default] this stays off even with a new install? Have to watch that, because again, these defaults are not useful,
Hi @AndrewC1264 , You should be able to migrate your preferences on an update—I’ve been using ID since version 1 and have never had to rebuild my preferences.
There is no chance the default preferences will change unless you post a feature request and get others to vote for your request.
Personally I think ligatures depend on the font not the document’s content—I want them on for InDesign’s default Minion, but would turn them off for a monospaced font like Courier, but that’s my preference and I don’t expect it to be universal.
You can script the application defaults for new documents. This sets the text default (and any default application styles you may have created) to ligatures off.
app.textDefaults.ligatures = false;
var ps = app.allParagraphStyles;
for (var i = 1; i < ps.length; i++){
ps[i].ligatures = false;
var cs = app.allCharacterStyles;
for (var j = 1; j < cs.length; j++){
cs[j].ligatures = false;
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Thank you - this has been driving me nuts for ages.
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Ligatures on by default has been there for decades. I taught an InDesign/InCopy group back in the day that were moving from Quark and they were blown away by the fact that they wouldn't have to do a find change for every ligature in the document so I'm not sure about your rant there.
You could have turned all of this off in less time than it took you to post this.
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Bob, thanks for responding to the one item that wasn't necessary - as I stated - I battle this with every new install.
The task at hand here is getting rid of the glyphs menu, see my response to Eugene who was more helpful.
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Any application that has features is going to have defaults. Whether you like or don't like those defaults is going to be based on your own needs. Setting defaults is InDesign 101.
Some are application wide and some are document specific. I strongly recommend that you learn the difference and how they are set. It will go a long way in helping you going forward.
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I knew what I was looking for - thanks for thinking I didn't know or whatever.
What I was clearly stating - please reread original post - where on earther were they now hiding this. In the past, I would find it easily, it was not buried, this time not as easy.
You commented on ligatures when i was stating I knew what a pain that was as it was a similar issue, wasn't asking for help there but ok thanks I guess.
I have taught for a few decades, I know what is required, don't need to be schooled. Eugene nailed it which was what I was hoping for.
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We're all doing our best to help. Where a response doesn't reflect what you're looking for exactly - the forums are searchable - and others may come across the thread and relate to a reply - so all information is good to add to threads - whether it's relevant in the moment or relevant for the future participants - it's all good.
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Thanks Eugene... my response was in parallel to the other "you could have turned this all off faster than ranting" comment. Clearly, I wasn't able to find this as the labelling was not clear enough for me - probably not clear enough for others. If that fly-out menu has a pop up dialogue box why isn't the option there - clearly under-developed.
Many thanks again Eugene, you're an invaluable asset to the community.
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Yeh good point on the flyout menus that pop up - a way to turn these off when they show up would be nice.
You can post a feature request - I linked to it earlier - it's the only place developers will take feature requests to improve the software.
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That's a good point, Bob.
If only the Adobe Apps were smart though. I recently got a new MacBook and reinstalled Creative Cloud - opened up my account on the desktop app - reinstalled everything - and had to reset all my preferences and workspaces for my apps that I have installed on the computer beside me.
Pity it's not 'stored in the cloud' so when you move computers it travels with you.
I got a new phone, and input my Samsung Account login and the phone downloaded all my apps, set all my preferences, set the wallpaper, alarms - the whole shabang was setup by logging in - didn't have to do anything.
Wish Adobe apps worked like this.
Especially with the pop-ups showing you new features - I only installed on a new computer, I don't need a tour of the factory again.
Anyway - internet rants are the best.
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What a terrible reponse. So condescending and not helpful at all.
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Thank you for adding that helpful piece of information. I'm sure others will benefit greatly from it.
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The most miserable people in the world are adobe forum moderators.
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I agree that this is annoying and I need to shut it off. I'm sick of having to make twice as many keystrokes to do basic edits in text, or else having to mouse out of the way. Adobe keeps trying to reinvent the wheel. All they are doing is piling layers of useless muddy features over a a shiny diamond. Eventually someone will mistake InDesign for a dirt clod an chuck it into the dustbin of history when someone comes along and builds something easy to use and efficient (like InDesign was)
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Working on two large catalogue project right now and pointed out the ligatures in the old layout - the client nearly freaked that all of their materials have been wrong in the past 10-12 years. Making it right, right now, removing all idiotic default ligature settings. What a complete fiasco. Thanks Adobe for not considering our work before shoving this crap on us. Thanks alot.
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the client nearly freaked that all of their materials have been wrong in the past 10-12 years
Wrong? Well, think what you want about ligatures, but as far as I'm concerned, I can't even imagine to turn OFF ligatures…
Thanks Adobe for not considering our work before shoving this crap on us
InDesign is a tool, nothing else. And in the same way that it is the user's responsability to change the basic justification settings because they never fit his/her needs, that is the user's responsabilty to set any software fine tuning to his/her personal needs.
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Catalogue - not a fine text book, it looks stupid and wrong, when pointed out the unnecessary ligatures the client praised my work, also replacing quote marks with correct prime marks, just sloppy work by someone who figured the defaults were sufficient for a professional layout... and was wrong. Ligatures have their place, but not in technical books and catalogues, certainly not with sans serif type, that makes it even worse. Plenty years of experience knowing what is needed, constantly fixing the mess left behind by these defaults.
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Your feature request only has 2 votes, so I don’t think there is universal agreement with you on ligatures
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And you pointed this out because? I happen to love the look of ligatures and as I stated in an earlier post, I've had clients that love them too. So much so that they celebrated finding out they didn't need to do anything to get them into their layouts.
Not only is this NOT a fiasco, it's a fabulous feature. If you don't like it, feel free to turn it off. There are plenty of things to criticize Adobe and InDesign for, but this ain't one of them.