Help: how can i resize a svg on InDesign
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I'm new to ID and I need help.
Please watch the video. I inserted a svg file I’m not able to manipulate it, it's within an square and linked, I can't adjust the size and move freely within the file.
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SVGs are problematic files within InDesign and generally can't be manipulated as freely as more standard elements like JPEG, PDF, AI etc. They tend to be a bit "black box" in that ID and print/export processes simply pass them through without any active processing or management. They should only be used as something of a last resort, and are best used for projects that will be exported to Publish Online, EPUB or HTML where the specific format is well supported.
I don't think there's any inherent reason you shouldn't be able to manipulate the basic placed file, though. But as it appears you're just using a standard industry logo/icon, the simple solution would be to go find one in another, more standard format. For print or PDF, which appears to be your goal, PDF, PSD, AI or even high-res JPEG would work just as well or better.
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thanks, for the details instead of svg what kinda files i can use, i need an icon for LinkedIn
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Hello @emm durg,
It looks like you’re trying to resize and manipulate an SVG file in InDesign. By default, SVGs in InDesign are treated as linked objects, which can sometimes feel restrictive if you’re not used to how InDesign handles graphics. Here’s how you can work with them:
Steps to Resize and Manipulate an SVG in InDesign:
1. Click on the SVG's bounding box (square). This is the frame that contains the graphic. Increase the size of the frame.
2. Right-click the frame and choose Fitting > Fill Frame Proportionally.
Let us know how it goes.
Anshul Saini
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it worked, the problem now that I have is that the color of the icon can't be changed, instead of black i wanna change it to green.
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That's one of the problems with SVG, as I noted — they are impervious to editing and management within ID.
You should have no problem doing a search for "LinkedIn logo" and choosing a more flexible format, such as JPEG, of approximately the right working size and resolution. You should be able to shift its color to green or whatever in Photoshop, then scale it if necessary (to about 300ppi for print from InDesign, depending on how large it is in the layout) and place it in your project page.
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