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How do I change the color picker in InDesign (2019)

Community Beginner ,
Jan 26, 2020 Jan 26, 2020

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Ho do I change the color picker/color space view to what it looks like in the other Adobe programs?

I have problems with the look and function of this color view.


Color picker.jpg

Feature request , How to




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correct answers 3 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jan 26, 2020 Jan 26, 2020

InDesign doesn’t have an HSB view. The Lab L view is similar, where H & S are in the color field and B is in the slider.



Community Expert , Apr 16, 2021 Apr 16, 2021

CC2021 now has an HSB Color Space View.


If you haven’t upgraded set the Lab a & b values to 0 with the L radio button selected, and you will get a gray slider:

Screen Shot 26.png



New Here , May 30, 2021 May 30, 2021

Click on the color picker, after the dialogue box opens up it will look something like the image below. As you can  see it by default the option R will be selected (The one highlighted in blue). Now all you have to do is just select the circle next to the letter H and it will activate your HSB view which will look like the 2nd img below.  color picker RGB.JPGcolor picker.JPG


Community Beginner ,
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 05, 2023

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Thanks, but I understand what you mean and this is an easy way to pull up
the color picker, but what I'm looking for is to make the window behave
like it does in Photoshop and illustrator; with a consistent behavior
inside the window. As it stands now, if you click on the dot next to R or G
or B, the diagram changes. I dont want that.
What I later figured out and answered my original question is that you need
to click the dot next to the H instead. This way you see a color diagram on
the left side with a color bar next to it that you can slide up and down
and change the diagram.



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New Here ,
Jun 10, 2023 Jun 10, 2023

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wellcom dear i will tray to clear you r confusion. In Photoshop and Illustrator, the color picker provides various modes or representations for selecting colors, such as RGB, HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness), or others. It sounds like you prefer the HSB mode, where clicking on the dot next to the H (Hue) allows you to see a color diagram on the left side and a color bar that can be adjusted up and down to change the colors displayed.

If the color picker in the tool you're currently using doesn't have the desired behavior by default, you may want to explore the settings or preferences of the tool. Look for options related to the color picker, color modes, or representations, and see if there are customization options available. Check if you can switch to an HSB or similar mode that matches the behavior you're seeking.

In the event that the tool you're using doesn't offer the specific functionality you're looking for, you might consider exploring alternative color picker tools or software. There are standalone color picker applications available that provide advanced features and customization options beyond what certain software tools offer.

If you can provide more specific information about the tool or software you're using, I'd be happy to assist you further in customizing the color picker or addressing any other questions or concerns you may have.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 10, 2023 Jun 10, 2023

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Just to clarify, the orignal post for this thread was from Jan 2020 when InDesign CC2019’s Color Picker did not have a HSB Space View—it was added in version 15 (CC2020).


The Color Picker’s Space View is sticky, so if you want the Hue Space View to be the default, open the Color Picker with no documents open, click the H radio button, and restart InDesign




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