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Every time I open an old indesign file. I am getting a window for typekit. I use suitcase and all the fonts are located there. Not installed on my computer. (I have 9800 fonts so you get the idea).
It will not find my suitcase fonts even if they are open - I need it off ASAP any help will be appreciated.
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Just adding our two cents here. We use Suitcase and can't get our InDesign file, which we had to close, to recognize Helvetica Neue Bold even though it is loaded in Suitcase. We are on a deadline and don't have enough available machines to be moving files to reopen them. This is crazy. Don't dictate what kind of font management program to use.
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Adding image to show the inconsistency. To avoid the Typekit popup window, InDesign and Illustrator need the "Don't show on document open" option like Photoshop has.
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TypeKit is turned off in the CC Preferences. I never downloaded TypeKit fonts. Yet I still get the pop-up in Illustrator!
How do I turn it off completely so I never see this again?
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Hi Kenyon,
I'm sorry you ran into trouble here. That pop-up is the missing fonts dialog for Illustrator. Typekit doesn't control that window though our logo is present there.
Most likely, the installed fonts on your system are deactivated for some reason. You should be able to reactivate them within your font management tool even with the missing fonts dialog open. I hope that helps.
If you run into further issues here, please shoot us an email here: with details and we'll look into it.
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So regardless of the fact that I have TypeKit turned off, this pop-up will show for nay font I do not have installed on my computer?
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I am late to this conversation, but I somehow activated TypeKit in InDesign yesterday. Now, when I click on the font selector in the Character Screen, all I get is "Get fonts from TypeKit" message, no list of MY fonts (and I just bought one that I love from a British type foundry).
I can still get to all my font from the dropdown in top menu bar, but that is not what I want. I have no idea how this happened. I do not want TypeKit. I can't see where to turn it off in preferences. I've looked everywhere.
This is not happening with Photoshop CC. Yet.
This whole thing is an abomination. You should take your Marketing people for a long walk on a short pier.
It would be much better if Adobe focused its enormous resources on cleaning up (or rebuilding from scratch) its archaic code base and figure out to output clean HTML5 from InDesign, for example.
There is a lot of unhappiness out there over this and other recent changes in what we get from or must pay to Adobe as users. Adobe is very vulnerable as a result. I've been an Adobe admirer and user for over twenty-five years.
How do I turn off TypeKit???
Thank you.
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Here's where you can turn it off: Creative Cloud Desktop > Preferences > Fonts > Typeset On/Off.
If that doesn't satisfy you, you can make your Feature Requests at this link. Adobe product managers don't check on this forum for your comments:
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That. Does. Not. Work. How many times can we state this!
Sent from my iPhone
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You're telling that to the wrong people.
Here's where to tell them:
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I understand. But when someone says go to this menu and JUST click to OFF button, I feel obligated to say that it does not turn it off. That’s why this is such an issue. If it were that simple, this would be a non-issue.
How do I get rid of Typekit
created by Steve Werner in InDesign - View the full discussion
You're telling that to the wrong people.
Here's where to tell them:
Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
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If you turn TypeKit Off, no TypeKit fonts are synced to your computer. Does that mean that no mention of TypeKit will occur before your eyes? No, it does not mean that. If that disturbs you, you need to use the link I gave you. (Hint: The vast majority of Creative Cloud users don't feel the way you do.)
I have nothing more to say on the subject.
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That's fine if the vast majority of creative cloud users don't mind I already have a font managing system this is taking its place and I don't want it. there is no reason for Adobe to not ask me to take away my font management system and put theirs in its place. My decision not theirs
Sent from my iPhone
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Steve, I am a bit confused by the dismissive nature of your posts relating to TK. There is a very good reason for these negative posts As an AppleScripter, I am now shaking my head in disbelief as my darling Illustrator workflows fall one by one to the unwanted TK popup that can't be dismissed or avoided.
Since the beginning of Creative Suite apps, there has been no mandatory dialog box that lasted beyond one or two minor revisions. Using scripting we can always ask to be free of user-interface interactions. In Illustrator, specifically, I can ask to open a file without dialogs. This does not mean without 'most' dialogs, it means no dialogs what-so-ever, ever. I can run a script to process hundreds of files and know it will be done.
That worked perfect, until the oddly mandatory incursion of Type Kit. A fine product, I'm sure, however due to the fact that it has no opt-out option, I cannot run a script from start to finish without sitting next to the computer clicking buttons.
Then, like magic - I could turn Type Kit off in CC Preferences. I held off tears of joy as my bondage was surely over, only to find that turning off TK means, well, nothing. The blood-pressure-raising popup still came up. Quit. Restart. Log out, Log in. Restart again. The popup is still there. TK survived its own kill-switch.
Please. If most people don't care about Type Kit, then they will never know that you allowed the few of us to NOT see it. But for us it means we can continue to use our favorite suite of graphics software as we always have: freely.
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Apparently, you do not understand what everybody is saying. I followed your advice. I turned off TypeKit in CC Preferences, quit out of InDesign, started it back up. Opened the file I was working on, highlighted some text, went over to "Character" window, clicked on "Font" to see if it worked, and I am still getting "Get font from Typekit" and no way to access my own fonts. I'm just using FontBook on my mac. This ridiculous. Seriously, fire every MBA in your company. Me no want TypeKit. Me no like TypeKit. Me not alone.
This is what I'm still getting:
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Although my issue was different, there are big problems with Typekit. My issue was that after using a Typekit font in my design, every time I opened InDesign, the fonts weren't found unless I logged out, and then back in again. A colossal waste of time. I did everything asked to try to correct the issue, and the final response from Typekit was:
"I'm very sorry I haven't been able to sort this out for you. I've let the Creative Cloud team know about this issue and will follow up with them.
We've made improvements on font sync so far and I'm hopeful we'll be able to sort out these last few edge case issues in the near future.
Very sorry I couldn't be of more help here. Thanks for your help and feedback. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do. "
I replied that they could send me the font. Of course they didn't. So I am an edge case that can't use Typekit. Over and out.
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Just wanted to chime in and say that we use Universal Type Client, and TypeKit is interfering with the font auto-activation. Sometimes UTC will load the fonts like it's supposed to, sometimes it won't, and requires a manual launch to get InDesign to see the fonts. I'd like this "feature" to die a quick death. It's super annoying and obviously breaks all sorts of workflows, scripted and otherwise.
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Ben, that is a great manual way of ensuring the fonts are added (especially when the handshake doesn't occur). Thank you for your time and effort in trying to find workarounds for us. Thank you for your well thought out explanation and for not immediately dismissing our concerns (which seems to be a trait for non-employees who are "working" on this help forum). Your solution is a great way of making sure fonts are added while the third party works out bugs in their plug-ins.
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I use Suitcase Fusion 6, with Adobe CC. I just turned off Typekit under the CC prefs. I have been having issues with InDesign not responding when opening a file. I believe this is due to an auto-activation conflict, and assumed it was with certain fonts, but was having no difficulty prior to installing OS 10.10.2 and updating Suitcase Version 17.0.0. We will see if that helps at all.
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I use Suitcase to manage faults. I understand that the "Typeset" dialog is just a revamped version of the missing fonts dialog that has always existed in Indesign. In previous versions of Indesign, it seemed like Suitcase got to poll for missing fonts and then auto-activate them before Indesign queried for missing fonts. At least that's how I remember it because I rarely got missing font dialogs. I could be mistaken on this point. It seems like now, every document gives me a warning about missing fonts, then when I dismiss it, Suitcase goes ahead and open the fonts and everything is fine. But gosh, it really is annoying to have to acknowledge that darn dialog box when I know for a fact fonts aren't missing. I know that seems like a small thing, but small things add up when you're doing them 10 or 20 times a day. Why can't "warn me about missing fonts on document open" be a preference that can be turned on and off like the "automatically update links" preference?
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Well hey, michaelg82353566, thanks a lot!
That was exactly what I needed. I hope I will have no more problems with TypeKit.
Many thanks!
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Thank you for finally having given us a way to turn Typekit off. It has been a nightmare to use InDesign since Typekit has been there and I agree with one of the comments above stating that we, users, want to keep on having our freedom. Deciding for us how to manage our fonts and whether from one day to another we can use one of our own fonts apps or not is not okay. The quality of your products is really high but you have to respect us as users. We are not just here so that your company makes profit. We are here because we like the services you provide but if you become so intrusive in our workflow, we'll look for other alternatives. So please, keep on respecting us as free beings who have the right to choose for themselves, and make sure your applications give us this basic right before you launch it on the market.
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Creative Cloud — (Gear icon) — Preferences — Fonts — Turn Typekit off
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Creative Cloud — (Gear icon) — Preferences — Fonts — Turn Typekit off