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I'm having an issue since working with CC I didn't have before in CS6 and I hope someone can explain to me how the default settings for new text boxes work? I just started a new document and the first couple of new boxes I placed had the default style. Now, everytime I place a new box it's displayed in one of the custom object styles. I have the same issue with the text. I've searched everywhere i could think of to find a setting where i can define which defaults I would like to use, but must be overlooking something.
So, can anyone point me towards the settings for default object and text styles?
Thanks 🙂
2 Correct answers
For object styles you can set the default using the object style palette, see the screengrab for a demo. For text properties, with nothing selected on the document if you make changes to properties like font, font size, etc they become the default for any text that is added henceforth, the same rule applies to paragraph/character style as well
InDesign sets default styles/settings a couple of ways:
- You edit the default styles, such as the Basic Paragraph text style or the Basic Graphics Frame object style.
- You select a style or change a setting with no text or object selected. (This is the most common issue.)
If you happen to do either of these with no documents open, they become the default for any new documents.
In your document, switch to the Selection tool and click on the pasteboard to deselect everything (or use the Edit>Des
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For object styles you can set the default using the object style palette, see the screengrab for a demo. For text properties, with nothing selected on the document if you make changes to properties like font, font size, etc they become the default for any text that is added henceforth, the same rule applies to paragraph/character style as well
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Thanks! That helps 🙂
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InDesign sets default styles/settings a couple of ways:
- You edit the default styles, such as the Basic Paragraph text style or the Basic Graphics Frame object style.
- You select a style or change a setting with no text or object selected. (This is the most common issue.)
If you happen to do either of these with no documents open, they become the default for any new documents.
In your document, switch to the Selection tool and click on the pasteboard to deselect everything (or use the Edit>Deselect menu or keyboard command). Check all you style panels, including Paragraph, Character, Object, Table, and Cell; then check any dialog-based settings you may have uses, such as Basic Text Frame, Text Wrap, Effects (these are also under Object styles, but often used manually). Change them to what you want them to be.
Opps--The dupe answer was due to the time it took me to type my answer. When I started, there was not a previous reply 🙂
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Thank you as well. Never mind the dupe. More than one explanation is always nice 🙂