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Hi all
I've found this script very useful, but there is one thing that is causing me an issue.
I'm generally placing A4 pdfs into an A4 sheet. The script automatically places the pdf on the page with x, y axis of 0. I've been able to amend this measurement to allow placing of pdfs with varying degrees of bleed/trim, however (it seems to me) the script won't run if the bleed dimensions of the placed pdf are larger than around 25mm causing the automatic image box to fall outside the visual area of the desktop (eg if the pdf is 297x210mm but has bleed surrounding it requiring x,y co-ordinates of -31.0). However it is possible to create an image box manually to these co-ordinates.
I assume that the following line of text from the could be changed to crop the placed pdf to the trim and I can then run with the [0,0] co-ordinates - I've tried but sadly I don't know the correct terminology is it 'object model'?
app.pdfPlacePreferences.pdfCrop = PDFCrop.cropMedia;
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Hi Steve,
Take a look on below url. I hope it will help you.
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Hi Shonklyn
Thanks for the link.
I have tried to use your script before but had forgotten about it - I've been concentrating on using javascript.
I can't get it to run very sucessfully though. If I choose either the crop trim or crop bleed I get an Applescript error:
Adobe InDesign CS4 got an error: A resource wasn’t found. (-192)
I can get the pdf to place (the first page) using crop media, but is there a way to place 'all' pages of the pdf without opening up the pdf to see how many pages there are and entering that number into the 'To:' field?
If I try to load 10 pages from a 64 page pdf I get the following error:
'There are missing any pages in your document'
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i'm not sure if this will help any but there is a MUCH better multiple pdf placer script which allows for page offsets, page rotations, putting in reverse order etc... its so huge it has its own instruction manual.
have a try of this script and see if it is more flexible than the pdfplacer script.
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Cheers Colly
that's a vast improvement