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I mean: text height.
I always "Trial and error"ing with the font size (on PT units) , measure it with measure tool, converting it's height to CM. it's a time consuming methood.
is there any more user friendly way to do it?
this question goes to illustrator too.
2 Correct answers
Hi danezeq,
so in effect you need a tool that will format selected text so that the height of say, the letter "H", is a distinct value in millimeters? Think, that Gerald Singelmann did a script for this purpose about 10 years ago. Ah. Found it:
Reale Buchstabenhöhe in mm bestimmen
Gerald Singelmann
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
Here the direct link to Gerald's script SetVisualCharSize.jsx :
Just tested it with InDesign 2020. It's still working!
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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Thanks, again. for all you help. 🙂
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For anyone coming to this old thread: I wrote a script that takes another approach altogther—it ignores the font metrics and gives you the actual bounding box of the selected glyphs.
- Mark
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what a great script! do you have the same for illustrator?
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I might be able to adapt it to use in Illustrator. I'll have a look into it when I get a chance. - Mark
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Hi @danezeq, I finally got around to making an Illustrator version.
- Mark
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I write an H, convert it to outlines and get all the meassures of cap height.

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