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Dear Sir,
I am a template designer, I am interesting on Indesign scripting but I don't know basic knowledge in software languages. So Please help me which languages i should learn for indesign scripting. (some of them saying C language is must). Is c language is essential or Shall i go directly with java script. And also i want Beginners indesign scripting guide (not advanced) and give me some tips how should i develop skills in a short period. Please advice me.
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Sir Please give me some other guides and explain for my question (C language is essential or Not)
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Hi Rajesh,
In javascript, some concept and codes are used as like C. If u know it, then it's some more easy. But For learning Javascript, U go to learn C, then Javascript, It's Bad Idea. Better u gove with Javascript basic. Then Get into Indesign JS.
Better u go throw the below site... Hope it's some more useful.
Thanks and Regards,
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Do you have any programming experience?
Do you know the basics of programming?
Have you ever written any script/program/whatever in any language?
Once you know the basics, how to think a program, how to structure it, learning a (new) programming language is rather trivial in most cases. If you are starting from absolute 0, I suggest you try your hand with a bit of pseudo-code, for start, to develop you logical thinking.
A good book for this:
Now for your question:
C won't help you much with Indesign. But:
So, in conclusion, if you re in a hurry, jump (almost) straight into javascript. But if you want a solid start, i sugest a route like: pseudocode -> pascal (or BASIC) -> C -> C++ -> ANYTHING YOU WANT (javascript, java, python, Lisp whatever).
Here is some beginning help with javascript:
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I totally disagree with Vamitul.
There's NO advantage to learning C first. Some of the syntax is the same (curly braces, etc.), but the concepts are TOTALLY different. C is a statically typed language and Javascript is a dynamically typed language.
You can get going with Javascript with almost no background. For a quick start, I recommend the guides on this site:
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What we call here "InDesign JavaScript" (DOM+language) is syntactically based on Adobe ExtendScript, which derives from E4X (ECMAScript for XML) and ECMAScript itself. (JavaScript is known as an implementation of the ECMAScript standard.)
In short terms, "InDesign JS" as a language should somewhat implement the ECMAScript and E4X specifications, i.e. ECMA-262 and ECMA-357:
It is true that the JavaScript's syntax and conventions contain familiar echoes from C or even Java, but these languages are definitely different on the semantic level and I really don't believe it's a good idea to learn C before learning JS.
Here are a few links I would add to this discussion:
The basics:
– Eloquent JavaScript (Marijn Haverbeke):
– JavaScript Guide (MDN):
– Douglas Crockford on JavaScript:
Advanced articles and resources:
– Peter Michaux (see "JavaScript Language"):
– Learning Advanced JavaScript (John Resig's tutorial):
– Higher-Order JavaScript (Sean M. Burke):
– Annotated ECMAScript 5.1 (next spec., in the making):
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Learning new programming languages in any depth is not trival. It might not be the hardest task in programming but it isn't the easiest either by a long shot.
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wideEyedPupil wrote:
Learning new programming languages in any depth is not trival. It might not be the hardest task in programming but it isn't the easiest either by a long shot.
Certainly not with that added requirement
.. how should i develop skills in a short period
On there are links to beginners' tutorials for Javascript, AppleScript, and VBScript.
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What's the time investment in order to be proficient in creating InDesign scripts? Most companies don't want to pay an employee to learn on the job if it's going to take 6 months to a year to really be proficient. Could someone learn to do some serious scripting in a month?
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Could someone learn to do some serious scripting in a month?
If you already have a solid knowledge of Indesign as a user, and are also somewhat proficient with JS it will still take you more time to get familiar enough with the DOM