How to make a jpg or png with a click to register
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Hi. I created a conference flier in indesign. I need to save it as a jpg or png and clickable to hyperlink to a website. Thanks for all of your expertise.
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What export format are you using?
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This is probably fairly obvious but you cannot include hyperlinks in image files such as .jpgs or .pngs. I think what you're looking for is probably an interactive PDF with a link embedded in it.
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You can't. If this is to be displayed on the web you could add a hot spot depending on how the website is created.
I'm curious what made you think you could do this in InDesign.
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The confusion over creation vs. platform again.
I think the rising tide of online builder sites and all-in-one services like Canva is confusing the issue for many developing designers —"But I saw something just like that!"
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I created my indesign file with a link embedded. I exported and saved it as an Adobe PDF (interactive) but the problem with that is when I share it, it only appears with the PDF icon, no image. Most people will not click to open something like that. I also saved it in png and HTML formats. The png format looked awesome, but it wasnt interactive and therefore nobody can click on it to go to the website to register for the conference. Hope this helps explain it a bit more.
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Okay, just to be clear it's the export format that's important here — as InDesign has no useful interactive features, what matters is what format people will be using it in. PDF is good.
However, PDF is something of a slippery standard. Features much past displaying static pages depend on the reader used, and the only reader guaranteed to support multimedia, interactivity, etc. is Acrobat Reader (or Pro). If you open an interactive PDF in a third-party reader, including those that come with various mobile devices at the OS level and especially those integrated into browsers, the more advanced features may or may not work.
So unless you can get people to use Acrobat Reader, they may or may not find a visible/usable link.
In general, HTMLis a more reliable interactive format, but it's somewhat harder to share easily.
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How are you sharing the image?
If the PNG looked great then send that.
If it's by email you need to add the hyperlink to the picture in the email programme.
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I'm sorry, but you continue to leave out exactly how this is supposed to work. Where exactly do you expect people to click on this thing? Email? Website popup? Something else?