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Hi everyone,
I got this script, function: modify cells
the UI:
I Want make the box consist, how can I do that?
How can set Panel's weight, and set the dropdown list weight?
var cancel = 0;
if ( app.selection.length > 0 && ( app.selection[0] == "Cell" || app.selection[0] == "Table" ) ) {
if ( app.scriptPreferences.version >= 6 ) {
app.doScript( main, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT , [], UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "style every second column in selection" );
else {
} else {
alert ( "Nothing or wrong selection!" );
function main() {
w = new Window("dialog","What is your choice", undefined, {closeButton: false}),
mPanel1 = w.add ("panel",undefined, "Fill Color"),
mPanel2 = w.add ("panel",undefined, "Fill Tint"),
mPanel3 = w.add ("panel",undefined, "Stroke Color"),
mPanel4 = w.add ("panel",undefined, "Stroke Weight"),
mPanel5 = w.add ("panel",undefined, "Character Style"),
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
mCoList = mPanel1.add("dropdownlist",undefined,app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name),
mFillTint = mPanel2.add("dropdownlist", undefined, ["15%","20%","25%","30%"]),
mStCoList = mPanel3.add("dropdownlist",undefined,app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name),
mStWeightList = mPanel4.add("dropdownlist", undefined, ["0.5pt","1pt","1.5pt","2pt"]),
mStyList = mPanel5.add("dropdownlist",undefined,app.activeDocument.characterStyles.everyItem().name) ,
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
b = w.add("group");
mCoList.items[0].selected = mStyList.items[0].selected = true;
w.alignChildren= "left";
buttton1 = b.add ('button', undefined, "OK", {name: "ok"});
button2 = b.add ('button', undefined, "取り消す", {name: "cancel"});
button2.onClick = function()
cancel = 1;
if ( {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
var myColor = mCoList.selection.text;
var mFillTint = parseInt(mFillTint.selection.text);
var myStrokeColor = mStCoList.selection.text;
var myStrokeWeight = mStWeightList.selection.text;
var myCharStyleName = mStyList.selection.text;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
var curSel = app.selection[0];
var allCells = curSel.cells;
var startCol = curSel.cells[0].name.split(":")[0]*1;
var endCol = curSel.cells[-1].name.split(":")[0]*1;
var startRow = curSel.cells[0].name.split(":")[1]*1;
var endRow = curSel.cells[-1].name.split(":")[1]*1;
var counter = startCol + 1;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < allCells.length; i++ ) {
var curCell = allCells;
var curCol =":")[0]*1;
var curRow =":")[1]*1;
if ( curCol == counter ) {
with ( curCell ) {
fillColor = myColor;
fillTint = mFillTint;
texts[0].appliedCharacterStyle = myCharStyleName;
rightEdgeStrokeWeight = myStrokeWeight;
rightEdgeStrokeColor= myStrokeColor;
leftEdgeStrokeWeight = myStrokeWeight;
leftEdgeStrokeColor= myStrokeColor;
if ( curRow == startRow ) {
curCell.topEdgeStrokeWeight = myStrokeWeight;
curCell.topEdgeStrokeColor= myStrokeColor;
else if (curRow == endRow ) {
curCell.bottomEdgeStrokeWeight = myStrokeWeight;
curCell.bottomEdgeStrokeColor= myStrokeColor;
counter = counter + 2;
if ( counter > endCol ) {
counter = startCol + 1;
} // end if
} // end for
} // end main
thank you all
Hi John,
Replace all 5 lines where you add dropdownlist with:
...//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
mCoList = mPanel1.add("dropdownlist",[0,0,180,20],app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name),
mFillTint = mPanel2.add("dropdownlist", [0,0,180,20], ["15%","20%","25%","30%"]),
mStCoList = mPanel3.add("dropdownlist",[0,0,180,20],app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name),
mStWeightList =
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Hi John,
Replace all 5 lines where you add dropdownlist with:
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
mCoList = mPanel1.add("dropdownlist",[0,0,180,20],app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name),
mFillTint = mPanel2.add("dropdownlist", [0,0,180,20], ["15%","20%","25%","30%"]),
mStCoList = mPanel3.add("dropdownlist",[0,0,180,20],app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name),
mStWeightList = mPanel4.add("dropdownlist", [0,0,180,20], ["0.5pt","1pt","1.5pt","2pt"]),
mStyList = mPanel5.add("dropdownlist",[0,0,180,20],app.activeDocument.characterStyles.everyItem().name) ,
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
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Hi, try this code snippet below
// w.alignChildren= "left";
w.alignChildren = ['fill','fill'];
w.children[0].alignChildren = ['fill','fill'];
w.children[1].alignChildren = ['fill','fill'];
w.children[2].alignChildren = ['fill','fill'];
w.children[3].alignChildren = ['fill','fill'];
w.children[4].alignChildren = ['fill','fill'];
thank you
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Thank you Chinna
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Cool what happend it the meantime with my script.
@Chinna: I realize that the script throws an error, if e.g. no stroke or no characterStyle is selected. How can I catch this ?
And: If I start the script a second time, I wish, that the former entries are honored. Would this be possible with a palette?
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HI, Kai
Your orginal script:
Can you make a script for modify cells?
someone helps me to add some function in it
now I want to add more
could this be possible to add some function like this:
How to add combine two scripts functions?
thank you
and wish for your help
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First of all, I think you employ in the meantime 2-3 people here with this one script. If this will get more complex you should invest some money in a paid version!
As I said before, I’m a script beginner, so I write scripts here, to learn things. For the above script, there exists two versions:
One will deal only with the selection. That’s mine. I think, Chinna wrote a similiar for you (the one which apply character styles to $-values), that deals first with the selection, but chooses then something like app.selection[0].cells[0].columns[0].
In this case, you deal not anymore with the selection. And the results are maybe more random rather than intended.
I was not able to write your other requirements. So I did not write anything in the thread! However: The combination of the script with an UI is very interesting to me .
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I willing and happy to pay for script, if that will happen in someway or more
and more complicate
Can you?
I have more complicate idea
but how much is the price?
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I know you can make it happen
I can only see your personal site, not a privite mail in you status
and I appreciate for being help, thank you so much
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John, I’m surely not the scripter who can help you here, if this will grow up. Even if I can help you in some ways, it would take much longer, than if an advanced scripter solve your issues.
So I suggest contact Chinna, Jarek, Trevor or Uwe Laubender or one of the others directly.
– Kai
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Thank you Kai
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of couse, if the price too expensive, I can't afford