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In my InDesign CC 2017 document that I'd placed from a Microsoft Word for Mac doc,
the photos and other visuals in it were placed center of the pages, but some I want to move them
to the left and then wrap words around them (if "wrap" also applies to the words being on only one side of the object).
I went to Objects in the menu, but what I tried there didn't work.
Thank you,
Morty—I agree 100% with Jane's advice. It is a herculean task to learn InDesign while laying out a document. First learn InDesign, then lay out your file.
That said, this is the workflow I suggested.
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If the images came from Word, they are inline with the text. That means that they act similarly to a character in a font. If the paragraph that contains the image is aligned right, the image will be on the right. Similarly, you can center or left-align an image, but it really works best if the image is in it's own paragraph if that's how you want to work.
If you want the image to be more adjustable, click on the image and go to Object>Anchored Object>Options and change Inline to Custom. There are several parameters to play with in this mode, so you might want to read up on it. Also, I found a Lynda video with a quick Google search about working with Word files in InDesign. I haven't watched it myself, but you might want to give it a view.
InDesign tutorial: How to import Microsoft Word files | - YouTube
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Thanks, Migintosh,
I tried what you said, but still can't move the object.
By the way, all my objects are in their own paragraphs.
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Do the images need to move with the text edits, or do you want them in a static position?
Migintosh​ gave you what you need for images that are anchored to the text and will move with the edits. If the images aren't going to move, there is an easier approach:
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I'm not sure what you mean, BarbBinder, but let me tell you in my own words:
In Word I put images in their own paragraphs and placed the whole ms into InDesign CC 2017 that way.
I had centered them all horizontally in Word and that was maintained in InDesign.
I want the images to stay where they are in the text (in their own pagaraphs), and the ones that fill
or almost fill the widths of the page, I will leave as is.
But some are narrow and I'd like to move those to about .25 inches from the left margin of the page,
and wrap text to their right.
I followed what you said to do and when I got to Edit > Paste, the image appeared on the page
to the right of the page it was on, but on top of text.
When I went to Window > Text Wrap > Wrap Around Bounding Box and chose Right Side,
that worked fine—BUT ON THE WRONG PAGE, not on the page I had the visual and still want it.
I hope you can help. This is encouraging so far!
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If you want them to be inline, do it the way Migintosh​ said.
If you want to be able to move them around, do it the way BarbBinder said.
If it's on the wrong page, move it to the correct page if you made it a moveable object.
Hope this helps,
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I tried everything for the past two+ hours (and yesterday too), Jane, Barb, and Migintosh, but can't get anywhere with this. Depressing.
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Not sure what you mean by "everything", since you haven't given step-by-steps or screen shots.
Have you had any training on InDesign? I've been following your questions, and it sounds like you had it formatted it Word, put it into InDesign, and now you are trying to battle issues as they come up, which is causing immense frustration and loss of time.
You might want to sign up for a live training class or watch a course on to get a better picture. I think it would save you time and we want to see you smiling, not depressed, Morty!
Lynda has a ten-day free trial if you haven't been a member before.
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This is what I mean, Jane (I copied it from your previous post):
If you want them to be inline, do it the way Migintosh said.
If you want to be able to move them around, do it the way BarbBinder said.
If it's on the wrong page, move it to the correct page if you made it a moveable object.
I've also referred to my Visual QuickStart Guide, by Sandee Cohen.
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mortyfromqueens wrote:
I've also referred to my Visual QuickStart Guide, by Sandee Cohen.
Thanks, Morty
Oh, Sandee Cohen​'s book is another great place to start. That should help a lot if you start at the beginning and work through it!
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I started to study it through, but it's too much of a study for me with all the stuff I'll never use or need, so I went to work directly and refer to it when I need to. However, it didn't help with this problem now of moving an object to wrap around it.
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Morty—I agree 100% with Jane's advice. It is a herculean task to learn InDesign while laying out a document. First learn InDesign, then lay out your file.
That said, this is the workflow I suggested.
NOTE: These specific steps allow you to move an image anywhere you want, but the image will not flow with the text if you add or remove text in advance of the image. If you need the images to move, you will need to re-anchor them. That is a separate question, and should be asked as a separate post, but before you do that, work though this online documentation: Work with anchored objects in InDesign​ .
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Very kind of you, Barb, Jane, and everyone, to help me with this.
I'll work with this later today.
It's now "later today," and I feel I'm more in touch with reality now!
Forgive me for not having previously realized I WANT the images anchored,
and so I attempted to flow text around an anchored image.
I think I got the set-up right (see attached visual), BUT now how do I get the text to flow?
—Thanks again,
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Everything went fine, Barb, but the text didn't wrap-around.
(Small correction to the Text Wrap screen shot I posted previously, though I don't think that matters:
no space between left side of object and left page border.)
I got the object before the paragraph I want to wrap around it, but no wrap.
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Hi Morty: Please show a screen shot with the image selected and Window > Text Wrap panel open. It should be an easy fix.
Use the button outlined in orange to add the screen shot:
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It's an inline graphic, improperly anchored.
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Thank you Barb. This worked, but do you mind if I don't close the case for a couple of days?
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Glad that helped, Morty.
This one was already marked as answered—that happened a few weeks ago.
Remember, you can always come back and start a new thread if you have further questions. And you can copy/paste the link on my name if you'd like to call me in on it.