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InDesign CC 2019 performance issues / crashes

Community Beginner ,
Oct 17, 2018 Oct 17, 2018

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Is anybody else having major performance issues with InDesign or having crashes? I can't move some textboxes (it just hangs until a couple of seconds), sometimes the program crashes after I moved a textbox. This started after the update to the recent version...and it's annyoing as hell!





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Explorer , Nov 15, 2018 Nov 15, 2018

The latest build seems to be working for me - (v, win10, x64)  - hurray!

No more text box delay / program crashes (however, others have commented in another thread that the same build did not fix their issues). Here is the link if you don't want to wait for the official release.

link: Adobe Prerelease

One thing to be aware of ... in the Creative Cloud "Apps" interface - it doesn't recognize INDD as being installed. I am hoping that this is a non-issue - but thought it was worth pointing



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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 17, 2018 Oct 17, 2018

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Is this happening with a specific document? Or does it happen with every document you try to work on?

If it is happening with a specific document, can you please share the document and a sample video showing the issue at amaarora@adobe.com?





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 17, 2018 Oct 17, 2018

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This is also happening to my entire design team of 7 people. Every time they select the Text tool the InDesign freezes and crashes. This is happening on all files.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 17, 2018 Oct 17, 2018

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If you installed using the option to keep your previous preferences and settings that may be the cause of your issues.

Try deleting your InDesign preferences and see if that clears up the problem.

To do so:

For Macintosh Users: The User Library folder in which InDesign’s preferences are stored is hidden by default on most Macintoshes. To access it make sure that InDesign is closed and click on the desktop to launch a Finder Window (Command-N). With this window in column view follow the path User>Home folder (it’s the folder with an icon that looks like a house—it may have the user’s name rather than “Home”) and click on the Home folder. With the Option Key pressed choose Library from the Finder Go Menu. “Library” will now appear within the Home folder. Within the Library folder find the folder called Preferences and within it find the folder called “Adobe InDesign” and the file called “com.adobe.InDesign.plist” and delete both that folder and that file. When InDesign is next launched it will create new preference files and the program will be restored to its defaults.

For Windows Users: You can try the quick way of resetting on a PC which is to hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift when launching InDesign and respond affirmatively when asked if you want to reset. There have been some recent reports that the window asking if you want to reset is not popping up but that the prefs are being reset anyway. If this works great but if it doesn’t you may have to manually delete them.

To do so:

On Windows 7 and above the preference files are hidden. To find them go to the Control Panel and open Folder Options and then click the View tab. Then select “Show hidden files and folders” or “Show hidden files, folders or drive options” in Advanced Settings. Then delete (or rename) the folder at the end of this path: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>. Make sure that InDesign is closed when you do this. When you relaunch the program it will create  new preference files and the program will be at its default settings.

The advantage of manually deleting preference files is that after you’ve reset up the program (make sure that no document window is open) to your liking, you can create copies of your personalized “mint” preference files (make sure that you quit the program before copying them—that finalizes your customization) and use them in the future to replace any corrupt versions you may need to delete.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 18, 2018 Oct 18, 2018

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Tried all of this on my iMac and it still does not work. This iMac is running macOS Sierra 10.2.6.

It works on my MacBook which has been updated to macOS High Sierra 10.13.6.

I'm starting to think this is an OS issue.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2018 Oct 23, 2018

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This helped! Though, I am still having the same issue if I have the Control window open and use the Type Tool.




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New Here ,
Oct 24, 2018 Oct 24, 2018

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Thanks, worked for me. What a shame Adobe ! We have to manually repair this program...




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Community Expert ,
Oct 17, 2018 Oct 17, 2018

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jackier43236732  wrote

This is also happening to my entire design team of 7 people. Every time they select the Text tool the InDesign freezes and crashes. This is happening on all files.

Hi Jack,

I can confirm parts of your observation.

My experience:

After opening the first document in an InDesign session, changing the active tool to the Type Tool will freeze InDesign for a couple of seconds until the tool is fully available. Could be take well 10 to 14 seconds. There is no crash, there is no hang. You just have to wait until InDesign becomes responsive again. After that InDesign behaves normally. I can see this problem only once in a session. I see this every time after starting InDesign anew.

I'm on Windows 10 German, this issue is InDesign CC 2019 specific.

It will not happen with e.g. InDesign CC 2018.1.





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Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2018 Oct 23, 2018

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I am having the same issue as you Laubender​. Since the upgrade to ID CC 2019 every time I choose the type tool, on a new session, after just starting ID It hangs for a bit. It only happens the first time I choose the tool after freshly starting ID. If you noticed in the type drop-down menu the type you have selected will now show as the text for the font examples. So I am assuming it has something to do with that new feature. Assuming once you select the type tool it has to load all your fonts first before it can do anything. The more fonts you have loaded the worse it will be/ the longer it will take.

But once that is achieved I have no other issues with my type tool or hanging.

I don't like the suggestion of having to remove your preferences. It seems like any problems that arise Adobe wants you to remove and wipe out your preferences. What is the point of saving the preferences if they are never compatible or cause problems with every new version of the program? Oh Well. I'm just whining now...




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2018 Oct 24, 2018

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I'm getting the exact same thing. 




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New Here ,
Nov 01, 2018 Nov 01, 2018

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I'm having the same problems. Seems this is a real indesign bug. Not happy with it...




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 06, 2018 Nov 06, 2018

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Laubender  schrieb

jackier43236732   wrote

This is also happening to my entire design team of 7 people. Every time they select the Text tool the InDesign freezes and crashes. This is happening on all files.

Hi Jack,

I can confirm parts of your observation.

My experience:

After opening the first document in an InDesign session, changing the active tool to the Type Tool will freeze InDesign for a couple of seconds until the tool is fully available. Could be take well 10 to 14 seconds. There is no crash, there is no hang. You just have to wait until InDesign becomes responsive again. After that InDesign behaves normally. I can see this problem only once in a session. I see this every time after starting InDesign anew.

I'm on Windows 10 German, this issue is InDesign CC 2019 specific.

It will not happen with e.g. InDesign CC 2018.1.


I have the exact same issue. And I sure do not want to go and start messing around in my system libraries. This started with the new 2019 version of InDesign, please fix.

Also, please bring back the old font menu! The new one is such a tiny window that cannot be resized. Then there are a load of new fonts added which makes it impossible to browse for a specific one. That is, unless you have hours to scroll though the font library, which I don't.




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Contributor ,
Nov 06, 2018 Nov 06, 2018

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For the Indesign pausing issue, just use the shortcut to hide and show the control panel ribbon only when needed..  At least until they come out with a fix update.  Control+Alt+6 on Windows. Thanks Boblevine.  I'm guessing it might be Command+option+6 on macs?  Correct me if wrong.

They came out with an illustrator fix pretty quick.  The photoshop workaround to use the legacy compositing in prefs came as a quick relief.   Give them a minute to figure this one out for Indesign's pausing too. 




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Engaged ,
Nov 06, 2018 Nov 06, 2018

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Like many others, I've experienced the text-tool-pause bug in InDesign. In these same threads, I have read about bugs also being present in the 2019 Photoshop and Illustrator updates. But I have not experienced any of those (guess I'm lucky?), and I wondered if someone could briefly tell me what they are. I know this is an InDesign thread, but without some kind of clue, I don't know what to go to the other forums to try to read more about. Thanks anyone for any clarification.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 31, 2018 Oct 31, 2018

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Same thing here. I have three designers and we are all experiencing the same bug. We open InDesign -> open any older .indd file or start a new file -> select the Type Tool in our sidebar and InDesign freezes for about 45 seconds then operates as it should until we select the Type Tool again. Rince and repeat.

These are new 2018 windows machines. We have deleted the old prefs. I'm sure you can understand how important and often-used the Type Tool is in a publishing program.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 06, 2018 Nov 06, 2018

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Update: I am now experiencing a new bug to go along with the Type Tool (I want to suggest that this tool be called the "Freeze Tool" henceforth ). I open InDesign and choose one of my recent files from the thumbnails. That file opens...but so does another random recent file??? This happens every time I open a file without fail. I open a file and immediately after that file is open Indesign will open a second random file.

This is a new one on me.




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New Here ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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I have this happening on mine and also at work, most time when you select text box tool




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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2018 Nov 22, 2018

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We have a design team of 4 and havuing installed all the 2019 apps we have uninstalled Indesign 2019 off all 4 work stations. Various issues - speed - now crawls. Most annoying all the print presets have gone and when you try and create new ones just creates something called copy default! After 4 x copy defaults we gave up. Text tool and selector tools don't work properly either.  Don't Adobe Road Test before launching. Illustrator had similar issues so we have removed ALL 2019 apps and maybe we will wait until 2019 before having another go

Geordie Hayward





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 17, 2018 Oct 17, 2018

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I have just reset my settings like Bill Silbert suggested, didn't help. I'm going to send you the document with the problem, although I had some problems with other documents as well.

The performance issues only happen when I'm in "normal view", when I change to preview it works.




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New Here ,
Oct 20, 2018 Oct 20, 2018

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text tool selection freeze occur only when the control panel open. with out alt ctrl 6 no problem. So when selecting text tool there is some background work to load to the text tool option panel on top.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 20, 2018 Oct 20, 2018

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Hi ds94589750 ,

you found the culprit, thank you very much!

Just tested this with InDesign CC 2019 on Windows 10.

Started InDesign.

Disabled the Control panel.

Did a new document.

Switched to the Type tool.

Drew out a new text frame.

No delay this time!

But then I wanted to enable the Control panel again.

Now I had a delay of a few seconds before I can see the panel appear.

So the bug is with the Control panel.





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Explorer ,
Oct 20, 2018 Oct 20, 2018

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Yes, I'd agree. Does need to be fixed, though.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 20, 2018 Oct 20, 2018

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Nice sleuthing, folks!




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Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2018 Oct 23, 2018

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Yep, I tried again and if I disabled the control panel, I could use a text box. But if I enabled it- it froze again. However, this time I waited a few minutes and it was usable again. Annoying, but I think I can at least use the new version now.




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Engaged ,
Oct 25, 2018 Oct 25, 2018

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I have disabled the font preview option per one of the posts above, and so far, my system doesn't hang or crash anymore when I use click on or try to use the text tool.  But this should only be a temporary fix we're all putting up with.  I don't like its side effects.

For one thing, I keep expecting to see my 10 most recently used fonts show up at the top of the font list, and they went away when that option to disable the font preview was deselected.  The font preview and the recently used fonts seem to be hitched to each other's immovable boulder.

Second, disabling this feature has not prevented the delay of activating my text tool, but at least it only has to be activated once per session, the first time I use it after I've opened the program.  Each new session requires me to click the text tool and wait 30 seconds or so until it activates. But at least it stays activated the whole time I'm in the program for that session.

I'm only still using 2019 because I'm trying to finish up a couple projects that I have been working on therein. But I after that I'm going back to 2018 until this puppy is fixed.  So far, it bites.




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