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InDesign CS5, v7.0.4
OS X 10.7.4
No third-party font-management application running.
Macbook Pro (June, 2012)
InDesign crashes in these two instances:
1. Trying to delete a page that has content. Right as the warning box comes up, it shows up without content (just the "Warning" title) and crashes.
2. When packaging a file, as it's about to warn you about the perils of archiving fonts it does the same thing as above, and crashes.
Tried the alt-opt-cmd-shift trick to reboot preferences and nothing.
Tried deleting the two preference files directly so that they would rebuild and nothing.
Interestingly, I have another computer running OS 10.7.3 (as opposed to 10.7.4 on the crashy one) and the same InDesign CS5 7.0.4 and that one works perfectly.
Ideas? Leads?
1 Correct answer
Our engineers have provided a workaround that, while potentially complex for some, should allow for full functionality.
Essentially we're asking those affected by this issue to place three icon files within the InDesign application file itself to bypass the check for the missing API.
Please take a look at the just published article and see if the steps and the files work for you.
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Same issue with InDesign CS 5.5 Version 7.5.3. Mac OSX Version 10.7.4. MacBook Pro 13in mid 2012. No such issues on my previous MacBook Pro (mid 2009) or my IMAC. Is this somehow connected to the new MacBook Pro? I tried removing folders/files from the user librar area. Did not help. Uninstalled and reinstalled InDesign. Did not help.
Please help.
Thank you.
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Same issue. I just bought a new MacBook pro - 13" installed CS6 and I am getting both the same crashes when packaging and when deleting a page. My old Macbook Pro with the the same software versions only difference is the hardware is older is not doing this.
Major issue for me.
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Same issue here. MacBook Air 13" (June 2012), InDesign 7.0.4 (CS5) and MacOS X 10.7.4.
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After hours on the phone with adobe and some online research... have figured out this is a bug in the software that is conflicting with Lion. I read that all the developers testing Mountain Lion out next month are experiencing similar crashes. One thing I learned as a work around until Adboe or Apple get this resolved is if you hold down the Alt key while you try to delete a page or package a file then it will not happen, but you have to not click the Package all fonts feature when you package or it will still crash. I tested both these issues with CS 5.5 and 6 and the alt key work around works for now.
Clearly - -they need to resolve but in the meantime this might help.
seriously a problem for anyone using InDesign daily like me!
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Same issue here. MacBook Pro 15" (June 2012), InDesign 8.0 (CS6) and MacOS X 10.7.4
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Same probmlen here as well, MacBook Air (June 2012), InDesign 8.0 (CS6) and MacOS X 10.7.4
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Yes, your solution works! Thanks so much!
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Yeah, exact same issue as benjaminmueller_burda – mid-June MacBookAir refresh, 10.7.4, latest version of Indesign CS5 – although i can't entirely figure out what triggers the crashes. It seems like the application crashes almost randomly, but definitely whenever i attempt to bring up any dialog box. I have been simply trying to load some print settings that i brought over from my previous computer that i had InDesign installed on.
Seems like a lot of people are having these issues; hope that Adobe is paying notice to that (because i can't afford an upgrade right now!)
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Same here (MacBook Air, June 2012). I also can't export a PDF or do anything that involves a waring dialog or a pop-up dialog. Please fix this Adobe!!!!
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One of my users has discovered that having an embedded PSD file/image with locked layers was causing trouble. Unlocking the layers allowed him to export to PDF, but clicking on Page Setup in the Print dialog screen still crashes out InDesign. Can anyone else confirm the "locked layers" issue? InDesign still crashes, but at least he can export a PDF to print.
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We're having the same problem with one of our users. Macbook Pro (retina/June 2012) crashing in InDesign when delting a page or packaging the file. Any other workarounds until Adobe or Apple fix the issue?
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I'm getting a crash any time I try to print from InDesign on my new Retina MacBook Pro. Deets:
InDesign CS5, v7.0.4
OS X 10.7.4
No third-party font-management applications installed.
Macbook Pro (Retina) (June, 2012)
As soon as I select "Print" I get an Apple dialog box, unexpectedly quit. Usually a bout 15 seconds later I get an Adobe dialog box for sending a crash report.
I also cannot export as PDFs without crashing.
The file works fine on my 2009 MacBook Pro running InDesign CS5.
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same issue here:
Indesign CS4, Version 6.0.6
Brand new MacBook Pro 13 (Summer 2012),
Lion 10.7.4
Any suggestions welcome.
Thanks, D.
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I'm having the exact same issue with my new 13" Macbook Pro (June 2012).
I'm unable to setup any print options. I hope Adobe is able to fix this issue soon. Not being able to print correctly from InDesign defeats the purpose of using it in the first place.
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Same issue using Indesign (CS6) in the Adobe Creative Cloud.. crashes when deleting pages and whenever the warning box pops up. Freezes and crashes.
I meant to add - i have no problem on my iMac using the same software and indesign files, just on the new Macbook..
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Same issue too... any warning box that appears, if I try to delete pages, re-link images, or make a PDF, or package a file crashes InDesign. Killing my workflow I'm totally frustrated with this! I was on the phone with Adobe for 2 hours today trying to resolve the issue- but nothing fixed yet!
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I am getting similar warnings when I try to go to printer options on new MacBook Pro (non-retina) Warning box comes up, but can't see it, then CS6 crashes. So, now I can't use things like double-sided printing. (The reason I bought a Magicolor printer!)
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Same issue. When deleting a page on Indesign CS6 on my new MacBook Air (2012) crashes.
Can someone at Adobe please help?
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Hold down ALT key while deleting a page or packaging a file. It is a workaround for now.
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Thanks, but what exactly do you mean by holding the ALT key? When I clear the text frame holding down the ALT key, the result is exactly the same --> CRASH
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I read on another forum of developers that if you hold down the option (Alt) key it prevents the crash. I have tested it on the following commands:
1. Deleting a page - I select the page in the palette. Hold the alt key and then hit tthe trash can. Page will delete and no crash.
2. Packaging a file - I select package a file in the menu. Select Linked graphics, but DO NOT select to collect fonts. Then before I hit ok. I hold down the Alt key, and it works.
3. The work around does not work for exporting PDFs. I have to go use my old laptop to export those.
It is a total pain and unacceptable, but it does work around some of the issues.
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When you say "alt" key, do you mean the "option" key? Or, are you saying that you have to press fn + alt/option? Please adivse.
Let me add I've been tweeting at the adobe_care people all week with this issue. They only replied to me after I started complaining to my followers about not getting a reply. They said they were "looking into it".
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Just hold down the OPTION key.
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That doesn't work when making a PDF that isn't high rez. If I make a PDF that is screen rez, it crashes when the warning dialog appears.