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I need information is it possible to auto fill indesign with equations by replace the text in InDesign cs6. The story is next, we received the 200 pages book with about 500 equations, with mathtype I successfully extract equations and replace with text eg. (<<equations001.wmf>>), is it possible in some way to auto fill everything. Right now i don't look in options for style I will pay attention later about visual looking.
On left side is the original document, on the right side is extracted equation with file name of the equation.
It's not problem to create some .csv table with links, but i think that data merge is not capable of doing this but it will be great if this is possible..
With regards,
I think this video explains just what you need
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Hi Boris,
see into this script featured by Kasyan Servetsky:
That may help you.
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There is a script (I think only for windows)
Take a look here:
Design Science: MathType Works With...
If you do a lot of work in InDesign for Windows, and your work involves equations, you should consider purchasing MT-Script, a script that installs into InDesign and really makes your life easier.
Check "Replace equations with file name" to replace equations in Word document into tags with file names ( << Eqn0001.eps >> or << Eqn0001.wmf >> ) and start processing.
So you must get a folder with equations (for example, from Eqn0001.eps to Eqn1001.eps) and Word document with tags from << Eqn0001.eps >> to << Eqn1001.eps >> instead of MathType equations.
Then start InDesign, import Word document with tags instead of equations and click "PLACE EQUATIONS INSTEAD OF TEXT WITH TAGS" in menu MT-Script-CS*.
Choose folder with just exported from Word equations and click OK to start importing ones.
And that's all.
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I think this video explains just what you need
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Thnx for reply, right now don't have budget for buying script but this will be on my top 5 stuff to do.
RIght know I have a problem with WMF files, they displaying badly inside the indesign, when I drag and drop inside the Word they work fine, I retype like 30 equation that Mathtype didn't pick up for export. And you can see from photo my problem.
I find that when I unhook italic option, than start to dispay what I need to see, but hey I need sometime italic /variable
With EPS is even worse, if I print equation in PDF from Mathtype everything look fine. Gif after export look terible but export everything fine.
Here is the video about italic
Shared album - boris munk - Google Photos
Only options how I can do Italic is with Style -> Other -> Specify Font and than chose Italic
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take a look here (post number 2):
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Hi Boris,
cannot contribute much here.
Your video is very low res so that I can hardly see what's going on exactly.
As I understand your problem, it's a screen representation issue only?
Exporting the page from InDesign to PDF is working as expected?
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Laubender you can click on the link and after click on the video, it is in the 720p. The problem is when exporting from MathType to .wmf. Doesn't show good characters inside Indesign, If I put variable or Greek lettering to italic than everything is fine, if I select in MathType as text than everything break, only stuff when everything working is when i manually insert symbol from edit menu. Than if i choose Italic, Regular or Bold everything is ok.
Vladan i try what you propose but is not working. Bottom is the EPS, Upper WMF
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Are you on Mac or Windows?
Did you save in EPS/none format?
did you place (file < place) the equations in Indesign?
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yes I try everything (I am on the windows w10) - ID Cs-6, but I find what is the problem. I think so...Greek "mu" you can find under the Times New Roman with 2 option:
unicode U+00b5 (Description Micro sign) - This one wmf read
unicode U+03bc (Description : Greek small letter mu)
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I reproduced the same equation in mathtype and placed it into indesign.
As you can see in my screenshots everything is OK.
LC greek is italic and keeps all the symbols well in indesign.
I think the problem is that some symbols in your equation don't have the same style but some symbols have different style.
For example in your post number 4 the first two greek letters mu have a different style than the third greek letter mu
Try this method: don't untick "italic" from LC greec (if you want them in italic) but simply select the equation and apply the Style Math.
Save always in eps/non
... and we are waiting informations from MrMathType
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it's not the same you have all italic (math style) change to text style and than try.
The big problem here is if you don't want italic you change to text, when you change everything break. If you untick the italic from styles than everything working.
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I have all italic for LC Greek
in fact as I said before:
...I think the problem is that some symbols in your equation don't have the same style but some symbols have different style.
For example in your post number 4 the first two greek letters mu have a different style than the third greek letter mu...
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I put that thrid letter "mu" in italic so you can see that italic is shoving properly but non italic (regular -> Text) not.
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Don't apply the Style "Text" to your greek letters in MathType
So to have different styles for Greek letters in the same equation, you do not have to apply Style "Text" but select the Greek letter and only untick the italics from it.
Here's how it's done in MathType
Select your letter> Style> Other> untick Italic
And this is result in InDesign
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I'm sorry I'm seeing this late; I was not notified of the post, or that it mentioned me. I wouldn't have had anything to add though, because vladan saveljic​ has already given some excellent advice, and it is the same as what I would have written. I think the major points are these:
Bob Mathews
Wiris America, makers of MathType