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It's great with the new upgrades in InDesign, but the question is when will you make changes to the insertion of footnotes! The ones we use now are outdated, i.e. with limited capabilities. Why don't you use the solutions of Word and QuarkPress, which have a large range of choices for inserting footnotes. Is that difficult or does it become something else.
And one more thing, is it possible to insert the Cyrillic Macedonian alphabet when creating an index. I am attaching the Cyrillic alphabet in Macedonian (Аа, Бб, Вв, Гг, Дд, Ѓѓ, Ее, Жж, Зз, Ѕѕ, Ии, Јј, Кк, Лл, Љљ, Мм, Нн, Њњ, Оо, Пп, Рр, Сс, Тт, Ќќ, Уу, Фф, Хх, Цц, Чч, Џџ, Шш).
With respect,
Toni Kostoski
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What features for footnotes does, say, Word have that ID does not?
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I am sending you a pdf document for creating footnotes in a word document.
The problem is that in InDesign the footnotes cannot be changed like the
example I am sending you.
So footnote 1, then a footnote with a symbol and then it continues
Maybe I am not doing it correctly, but I tried the same in Quark Xpress and
it works the same as in word footnotes.
Toni Kostoski
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InDesign has footnote capabillities that are at least as complete and configurable as Word, although they do not work in quite the same way so it can be confusing to a new ID user.
Have you set up your footnotes as you desire them to appear using the Footnote Options menu—
— which is under the Type main menu item?
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Hi Toni:
You are correct that we can't just change the numbering system midstream in InDesign footnotes like one can in Word. InDesign note numbers are designed to be all numbers. all letters, all custom characters, etc.
I have a reliable workaround that I can share with you when my footnotes need to begin with *, **, *** etc and then move to numbers, but it sounds like you want to start with numbers, switch to *, and then back to sequential numbers? It's possible, but fussy.
How about sharing a screenshot that shows an example? There is a button at the top of the reply box when you reply in your browser window not in your email.
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Footnotes can be formatted on a chapter by chapter basis, right? So it would require splitting the book by each section requiring a different format — something so messy I'd think hard about just doing it manually instead. 🙂
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This is how I am interpreting "So footnote 1, then a footnote with a symbol and then it continues
continuously." but asking for confirmation before trying to explain my workaround.
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There are ways to do it in InDesign (as shown), but there is no integral feature to allow different numbering schemes in the same document. (Even with complex academic documents, I can't see a very frequent need for such a thing; when formatting outside the common scope is needed, it's up to the designer to work out a method that suits their project.)
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Custom reference markers - not a problem:
And as long as you don't mind them being mixed - you can have multiple types as well.
If you don't mind reflowing additional type(s) of Footnotes semi-manually - also not a problem.
But ID-Tasker isn't free and PC only.
If you would like to try it - I can give you access to the full version for free for some time.
Custom numbers / bullets / symbols / whatever as a reference numbers would be piece of cake as well - user just need to prepare a TXT file with a custom list.
In this case:
and ID-Tasker can use it instead of numbers.
One.Tiff <- image would be placed
Two.JPEG <- as above
*** <- would be used as text
4 <- as above
Of course this isn't limited to Footnotes - any kind of numbered lists - or references in the text - can be done this way.
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