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In the recent update to InDesign the previews for files was apparently added, as per these 2 posts:
However no matter what I do I can get it to work - what am I missing?
Windows 10 Pro, 21H2, 19044.2251, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0
1 Correct answer
You're not missing much...AFAICT, it doesn't work.
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Hi @Coldd,
Thank you for reaching out. In order to preview the InDesign document, you can go for any of the two options as shown in the screenshot below-
- You can preview the document from the tool panel.
- You can go to the "View" from the menu bar, Screen Mode, and then Preview.
Let us know if that helps.
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Yeah, I was talking about icon previews in Windows Explorer.
As per the 2 links I provided.
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I'm sorry it doesn't work in File Explorer. It definitely works in the Macintosh Finder. I've used it there.
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Not pertinent to File Explorer, but to view it in the Mac Finder, it works in Column or Gallery view but not in Icon or List view. Here is Gallery view for a student magazine turned in to my class this week:
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I stand corrected. There is a preview pane in File Explorer and if it's turned on you do indeed see the previews.
View>Show>Preview Pane
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Doesn't work for me, all relevant setting on in preferences.
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Was it saved with InDesign 2023? Did you turn on previews in your InDesign preferences?
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The screenshot I just posted was created just now, placed on the desktop.
Latest up to date InDesign 2023, all relevant settings on in preferences.
Windows 10 Pro, 21H2, 19044.2251, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0
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Well, you're a year behind in Windows updates. I don't know if that matters or not and I only have Windows 11 to check on.
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@Coldd: Have you tried restoring your preferences and caches?
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There has been a little confusion about the correct answer. Bob's posting answers the question the original poster asked so I've marked THIS as correct.
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When you have InDesign, you have also Adobe Bridge. There you find preiew and all metainformation to any file, not only InDesign. Use that instead of InDesign. When you are used to it you will like it and benefit of it.
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You're not missing much...AFAICT, it doesn't work.
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Well on OSX it also doesnt work nativly, used to atleast. I always use a nice little app. Saves me from opening it to see what doc it is.
Not sure why Windows Ind shows this setting when it doesnt do anything