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Hi there,
i am trying to get a certain unicode id of "003E". i cannot find out how to add this to a paragraph style i am creating. Also the color of the bullet. Any help will be appreciated!
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var text = "Poppins";
var bold = "Bold";
var regular = "Regular";
var bulletType = "003E";
bulletList = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add(
name : 'Main Bullets',
appliedFont : text,
fontStyle : regular,
pointSize : 12,
bulletsAndNumberingListType : ListType.BULLET_LIST,
bulletsAndNumberingSize : 14,
bulletsCharacterStyle : bold,
bulletsandNumberingColor : "Red"
position : "0p18"
1 Correct answer
Hi @kyleo94921011,
Try the following
var text = "Poppins";
var bold = "Bold";
var regular = "Regular";
var bulletType = "003E";
bulletList = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add(
name : 'Main Bullets',
appliedFont : text,
fontStyle : regular,
pointSize : 12,
bulletsAndNumberingListType : ListType.BULLET_LIST,
bulletsAndNumberingSize : 14,
bulletsCharacterStyle : bold,
bulletsandNumberingColor : "Red"
bulletList.bulletChar.characterType = BulletCharacterType.UNI
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Hi @kyleo94921011,
Try the following
var text = "Poppins";
var bold = "Bold";
var regular = "Regular";
var bulletType = "003E";
bulletList = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add(
name : 'Main Bullets',
appliedFont : text,
fontStyle : regular,
pointSize : 12,
bulletsAndNumberingListType : ListType.BULLET_LIST,
bulletsAndNumberingSize : 14,
bulletsCharacterStyle : bold,
bulletsandNumberingColor : "Red"
bulletList.bulletChar.characterType = BulletCharacterType.UNICODE_ONLY
bulletList.bulletChar.characterValue = 0x003e
position : "0p18"
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I ran the code, and the addition of the burette worked fine.
The color is specified by setting the bulletCharacterStyle property.
So you need a predefined characterStyle to use for that.
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awesome thank you guys for all the help!
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The complete list of properties that can be accessed for bullet can be looked at the following link