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Is there a script that it can make Overflow text automatically routed Next?(Not the main text frame)
when I run the scrip,Overflow text can auto Typesetting to the next page?
thankS Supreme~
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The code below checks the frames with excess per page and the id of the frame.
var myDoc = app.documents[0];
var myPages = myDoc.pages;
for (var i = 0; i < myPages.length; i++) {
var myPage = myDoc.pages.item(i) ;
var myFrame= myPage.textFrames;
for (var m = 0; m < myFrame.length; m++) {
if ( myFrame.item(m).overflows ) {
alert("Overflow TextFrame ID: " + myFrame.item(m).id + "\npage: " + );
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Hi Luis Fernando Brito,thank you for Positiving reply.
But this is not my I I need,It Should be able to Typesetting to the next page
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Have you looked into the feature "Smart Text Reflow" in the preferences panel ?
Thanks Stefan
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Here's the script I use. Notice the complications getting the live area when other than rulers per spread is employed. The script automatically selects the final selection point in the story and moves to that page in the active window.
//DESCRIPTION: Autoflow selected overset story
if (app.documents.length > 0
&& app.selection.length == 1
&& app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("parentStory")
&& app.selection[0].parentStory.overflows) {
app.doScript(fixOverset, undefined, app.selection[0].parentStory, UndoModes.entireScript, "Fix Overset");
} else {
alert("There must be a selection that identifies the overset story.");
function fixOverset(story) {
while (story.overflows) {
var aDoc = story.parent;
var lastTF = story.textContainers.pop();
var lastPage = lastTF.parentPage;
if (lastPage instanceof Page == false) {
alert("Story ends on pasteboard; no action taken.");
var master = lastPage.appliedMaster;
var newPage = aDoc.pages.add(LocationOptions.after, lastPage);
newPage.appliedMaster = master; // may not be necessary
var liveArea = getLiveBounds(newPage);
var newTF = newPage.textFrames.add({geometricBounds : liveArea, layer : lastTF.itemLayer});
newTF.previousTextFrame = lastTF;
if (newTF.insertionPoints.length == 0
&& lastTF.insertionPoints.length == 0) {
// allows for paragraph style with startParagraph on specific page side
alert("Story is permanently overset.");
function getLiveBounds(page) {
var rO = page.parent.parent.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin;
var bounds = page.bounds;
if (rO == RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin) return returnBounds(page, bounds);
var width = bounds[3] - bounds[1];
if (rO == RulerOrigin.spineOrigin &&
(page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ||
(page.side == PageSideOptions.rightHand &&
page.parent.pages.length > 1)) ||
(rO == RulerOrigin.pageOrigin &&
page.side == PageSideOptions.rightHand &&
page.parent.pages.length > 1)) {
bounds[1] = bounds[1] - width;
bounds[3] = bounds[3] - width;
return returnBounds(page, bounds);
function returnBounds(page, bounds) {
return [,
page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ?
bounds[1] + page.marginPreferences.right :
bounds[1] + page.marginPreferences.left,
bounds[2] - page.marginPreferences.bottom,
page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ?
bounds[3] - page.marginPreferences.left :
bounds[3] - page.marginPreferences.right
] ;
function selectIt(theObj) {
var myZoom = app.activeWindow.zoomPercentage;;
app.activeWindow.zoomPercentage = myZoom;
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