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I discovered that the version of Myriad Pro Light that I had installed did not have a certain glyph (ȳ) in a certain weight (Light). A friend suggested that I uninstall my versions and activate a newer version via CC. Worked brilliantly. Until the next time I opened the file. Now it's showing the font, but telling me it's not installed:
What can i do to make it "stick"?
I'm on Windows 10, and here's my ID version info:
{Renamed by MOD} everything's magically behaving itself. Go figure!
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I have the same problem. InDesign is not showing any of fonts I've already downloaded, especially the myriad pro, my favorite! Do I have to download the same fonts for each app?
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When you "activate" fonts with Adobe Fonts, you don't so much install them like you actually have/own them as you lease access to them. You're not "downloading" fonts; you're gaining access to them.
This causes complications, especially in instances where you formerly did have downloaded fonts (or if you're really ancient, loaded them into your system on some kind of disk) installed. While this is technically debatable – you do download files related to those given fonts on your computer – It's not like your system recognizes those files as fonts. You need an online connection and active sign-in to Adobe to access those Adobe Fonts files.
For the original poster: You've got to 1) maintain that online connection and live sign-in to access your new Myriad Pro fonts, and (likely) have to 2) change all instances where you used the previous Myriad Pro fonts you owned and removed from your system. They may look like the same font(s) you owned and removed, but as far as your system is concerned they're different fonts. You'll need to reconcile the discrepancy for any document where you used the previous cuts of Myriad Pro you owned and subsequently removed from your system.
For you, ebargains, you shouldn't have to re-download the fonts. But you'll absolutely have to be connected to the internet and actively signed in to Adobe to access the fonts.
Hope this helps,
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Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, Randy, that's not my experience.
Even with no internet the fonts should still be active as long as the user did not sign out of Creative Cloud.
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I wouldn't argue that.
But just like rebooting seems to clear out a wide range of computer problems, I've found that a fresh signout/signin can clear up a bunch of hard-to-troubleshoot Adobe online linking problems. It doesn't take much effort to do it. And often the fix will stick. Without ever knowing the cause of the problem.
My personal preference is to just run off the fonts I have a perpetual license to keep on my hard drive to use, and sidestep the issue of activated fonts entirely. But Your Mileage May Vary ...
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That's our policy, too and it clears up most of the font problems with the current version of InDesign.
We use only fonts that are traditionally installed on the workstation's hard drive.
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Copied wrote
You need an online connection and active sign-in to Adobe to access those Adobe Fonts files.
For the original poster: You've got to 1) maintain that online connection and live sign-in to access your new Myriad Pro fonts,
For you, ebargains, you shouldn't have to re-download the fonts. But you'll absolutely have to be connected to the internet
Randy, it is not true that you have to be connected to the internet to use Adobe Fonts. Here is what Help says:
Free desktop and web fonts from Adobe Fonts
“If you go offline while the Creative Cloud desktop app is running and you are signed in, any activated fonts will still be available to use. Any changes you make to your fonts on will not be reflected until you restore connectivity.
“If you launch the Creative Cloud desktop app while offline, fonts will not be available and will not display in font lists.”
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Okay, now I'm confused.
I just clicked the link you provided, and saw the information you relayed in your response. "If you launch the Creative Cloud desktop app while offline, fonts will not be available and will not display in font lists."
So are you relaying that the fonts are available to use, but they're not when you open the Creative Cloud desktop app? Like physically opening the CC desktop app, or like when the CC desktop app opens automatically and syncs with the other installed CC apps when you start your computer? If I interpret that as the latter, and that's a pretty significant issue. If it's the former, the incidence rate isn't as large, but it still strikes me as a problem. And in either case, connecting and signing out/signing in would reconcile the issue.
Have I got that right?
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If you're not connected to the internet, you will not be able to choose or sync any new fonts. But fonts you've already added will be available.
If you sign out of the CC Desktop app while offline, you are likely to lose not only your fonts, but the use of your software as well.
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Sorry, I tried to clarify something without enough coffee in me and deleted it.
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Bob, I didn’t see what you deleted “before coffee” but I know I’ve broken the “don’t reply before coffee” forum rule a few too many times!
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That's pretty much how I had it ... ideally ...
Nonetheless, I can personally affirm that I've had clients with problems with Adobe Fonts within InDesign, even though their font access should be available for access. And, I must confess, occasionally even when they are online and signed in. I consider the connecting/signing out/signing in cycle as my Karmic Fonts Fix. Even when I can't pin down the exact cause, it seems to be the effective cure.
I may be overstepping here as I define the cause of the problem, but I'm often crossing it with fleelancers/road warriors on their laptops, doing the BYOD thing at client shops. My incidence rate is low – maybe three or four times a year – but the scenario is consistent. The case may not apply here, but I do find the fix has consistently worked.
And there's no need to apologize Bob, I'm just sucking down my first tankard of coffee myself and gathering focus as I tap this out. Caffeine can be a horrible addiction ...
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The first paragraph in Help applies to what happens when the CC app is running and you stay signed in and then go offline. Nothing is broken, and you can still work while offline.
The second paragraph applies if the CC app is not running and you are offline and you then launch the CC app while you are still offline. If you are offline when you launch the CC app, it cannot make the connection to the Adobe servers while offline.
~ Jane
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Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Randy has already explained how Adobe fonts work and what could have been the possible reason for the error you are getting. If the issue still hasn't resolved please try these steps and let us know how it works:
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First things first. Update to 14.0.2
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Copied everything's magically behaving itself. Go figure!