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New numpad bug since Indesign CC2020

New Here ,
Feb 12, 2020 Feb 12, 2020

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I use Indesign CC on a Windows7 desktop pc.
Since the update to Indesign CC2020 I have problems with some old files. When I open them and want to enter a number in the existing texts using the number pad, Indesign changes the paragraph format to something else.
I checked the paragraph format, there is no keyboard shortcut assignment.
Also under "Edit-->Keyboard mapping" there is no assignment for a single number on the numeric keypad.

There is also no CTRL or ALT key stuck that a key combination could be activated here by mistake.
My colleague has the same problem with an Apple pc.
So far I have observed this with the numbers 1, 3 and 4, all others work normally.

In these files I can write these numbers only by the numbers above the letters.
The only solution I found to fix this error was to delete the paragraph format to which the jump is made.

Since these are not always unnecessary formats I want to ask:

- Have anyone else the same problems?

- Have anyone a solution for this problem?










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Community Expert ,
Feb 12, 2020 Feb 12, 2020

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Adobe has updated ID's shortcut behavior in 2020.


You can read about it here. https://indesignsecrets.com/whats-new-with-indesign-cc-2020.php


Please check that there are no shortcuts assigned by way of the update, by going to the Paragraph Styles Options and confirming those keys have not erroneously been assigned. Read this subs-section in the article above. Assigning keyboard shortcuts to styles




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New Here ,
Feb 12, 2020 Feb 12, 2020

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As written above, there is no shortcut in the paragraph styles. the field is empty.

And the style change by only pressing 1, 3 or 4 on numpad to three different styles. All of these have no shotcut.

1, 3 and 4 of the keypad have no problems.

Until now we could only detect this error for files older than 2017.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 12, 2020 Feb 12, 2020

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Hi René,

I suggest you do a bug report at:



Also provide a sample CC 2015 document.


I can see the bug as well with your sample document provided at www.hilfdirselbst.org.

No chance for a workaround. Even an exported IDML file from CC 2015 opened in InDesign 2020 is showing that issue.


Uwe Laubender

( ACP )




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Community Expert ,
Feb 25, 2020 Feb 25, 2020

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Hi René,

it's been a while that I was able to test with your original document, an InDesign CC 2015 file opened with InDesign 2020.

And yes, I can see this issue as well. A very strange bug indeed.


For all lurkers and InDesign developers more details in German here:


Numblock springt zu Absatzvormaten ohne Zuweisung in CC2020

Uwe Laubender | 12. Feb 2020, 15:45



The sample InDesign CC 2015 document can be downloaded from my Dropbox account:



Important note: To edit text I had to remove all InCopy assignments from the Assignment Panel.

Details about the Assignment Panel here: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/sharing-content.html


I still have no solution for this issue. Perhaps building a new document will do?

But be aware: Importing styles will not help. If you do this from the original document the bug is visible again.

Also an IDML roundtrip will not help. Also tested this.


Uwe Laubender

( ACP )




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 11, 2020 Mar 11, 2020

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I just ran into this issue today as well. Working with a document created from an older InDesign file (pre CC 2020, but not sure if as old as CC 2015), 2 and 7 were shortcutting to a paragraph style and a character style respectively. They also did not list any shortcuts in the style panel. I was able to work around this by deleting the styles and creating new ones, but I didn't have time to test to see if replacing a paragraph style with a new one would transfer the problem or not. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 27, 2020 Jun 27, 2020

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Hello, I found this thread because something similar just started happening in our office, but it's InDesign 2020, 15.0.3 on MacOS and it's the letter "r". Has happened to more than one person. Jumps to a different paragraph style and cannot type the letter "r" in that paragraph style. No shortcuts have ever been assigned to our paragraph styles. No answer yet. Haven't tried deleting the paragraph style and re-doing. Looking for another answer first. Just wanted to add to the evidence for now. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 27, 2020 Jun 27, 2020

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1. Ran the update to 15.1.1 and this did not fix the problem.

2. Tried deleting the paragraph style that InDesign jumps to when typing the letter "r" in a different paragraph style, then recreated it, and the behavior is gone. Imported the re-created paragraph style to another document that had this behavior, deleted the old paragraph style and replaced with the new one. Behavior is also gone in that document. Will have to try this with more files to confirm. Seems like a paragraph style bug and has nothing to do with the numeric keypad in my experience. I'm calling it the old "corrupted" paragraph style was nothing complicated, font, size, spacing, very simple.




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Guide ,
Mar 11, 2020 Mar 11, 2020

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I just saw this post today, so sorry for the late response, but doesn't the number pad in Windows behave differently if you toggle the NumLock key? I'm a Mac guy, so I may be remembering this wrong, but you may get numbers if NumLock is on and shortcuts if it's off.


Just a thought.




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New Here ,
Mar 12, 2020 Mar 12, 2020

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this is wrong. 

You get numbers when numlock is on but shortcuts will also only work when its on. 

When numlock is off you have other funktions on the keys as same as the arrowkeys or the keys abowe them. 





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New Here ,
Jul 05, 2020 Jul 05, 2020

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Same bug here on my MAC. I had multiple paragraphs with lots of numbers to update. I had to open a word doc—copy the paragraphs into word—make the corrections in word and then copy and paste back into Indesign. This is seriously convoluted and I just checked today to see if there were any updates that might fix this. NOTHING.... Like you—my stylesheets did NOT had any shortcuts assigned so this one is on Adobe. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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Hi Parnold,


Another workaround, and more permanent fix worked for me: create a new paragraphy style that is the same as the one that's misbehaving but named slightly differently. Then from the paragraph styles panel, delete the misbehaving style and replace it with the new one. So far, the new one is behaving normally.






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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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That is a great solution for smaller projects. Unfortunately I am working with a legal and accounting textbook, 760 pages with hundreds of stylesheets and thousands of hyperlinks. Oh and LOTS of numbers! Redoing all the stylesheets is not really very practical in this situation. There are also ripple effects of updating a style sheet where there might be instances where it was overwritten for a one-off situation for fitting. This can trigger, in my experience, a whole slew of changes to pages, chapters, TOC settings and indexes. I think Adobe should really buckle down and fix this.




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New Here ,
Aug 26, 2020 Aug 26, 2020

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We have the same issue, with the number 2 on the numberpad. We are on Macs, OS Version 10.13.6, InDesign version 15.1.1. We don't even use paragraph styles in most of our files, but if you type in a 2 on the numberpad, the following text changes font and size, but only in certain files. Some files this doesn't happen.


Also, sometimes when you place the text cursor in a file, the whole screen blacks out for a second, then comes back. 






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New Here ,
Mar 20, 2021 Mar 20, 2021

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Today I found this bug too. Zero numpad key calls one of character styles instead zero symbol.


So I simple reassign a new chortcut for this style and all works fine again )).




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