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i keep running across the error "folder name too long" when packaging an indesign file. i've already ruled out that it's not a windows, sharepoint or onedrive problem (where we strore our files/folders).
does anyone have soluation how to override this when packaging from indesign?
(so stupid in this day and age, when people are finding better ways to organize their files structures, to have a limit on file name length....ugh.)
thanks! 🙂
1 Correct answer
if the error is "folder name too long" it's not the length of a particular folder's name, but the length of the whole path plus the length of file name stored within. So yes, if you have a deep structured file/folder system it could happen that InDesign is not able to package to such a deep nested folder.
Workaround: Package to your Desktop folder.
Then try to move the package to your target folder.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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How long is your package name? I just tested this on my Mac and InDesign limits the folder name to 276 characters. Do you really need a longer name? If you do, you can log a feature request (, but maybe you can get by with a shorter, more descriptive name. Or rename the folder after you create it.
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It's another Adobe bug: I had one instance where ONE character - not one word, but character - gave the error.
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pretty sure its a windows limits the number of characters you can use for the whole path plus the length of file name stored within, and we have a deep structured file/folder system....
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if the error is "folder name too long" it's not the length of a particular folder's name, but the length of the whole path plus the length of file name stored within. So yes, if you have a deep structured file/folder system it could happen that InDesign is not able to package to such a deep nested folder.
Workaround: Package to your Desktop folder.
Then try to move the package to your target folder.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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yes, the whole string is too long and that's what i have to to the desktop, but its really bothersome.....if i get interrupted by anything, it takes me a while to remember what stage of saving, moving, etc. i was at. 😕 same thing happens with packaging or exporting the file to a PDF....have to save to the desktop and move over into the folder. ugh.
i wonder why windows can't lift the charater length limit?
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This limit *has* been lifted in Windows -- probably back in 2015 or earlier. There is a system setting called "Long Paths Enabled" which defaults to 0 (disabled) for backward compatibility. When set to 1 (enabled), the limit is removed. However, applications must be also updated to support the long paths. Unfortunately, InDesign and the Bridge "Place" command did not get the memo!
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I have done the same as you and saved my files on Desktop and it worked, but then I moved them into the correct folders, which are shared with my co-workers and they can't access my PDF exports from InDesign. We get all sorts of error messages every time we try to open one file and I don't know what to do! 😞
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Packaging to desktop (with the same length file name) worked for me. Thanks, this has been driving me nuts
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Hi, Uwe Laubende
I had this problem now it's working thank you so much cheers!
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Uwe, packaging to the desktop worked perfectly! I have been trying to get this file to package for a half hour, but finally I came across your solution. Thank you so much!!
Robin Spring
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It sounds like you're encountering file path length limitations when saving your InDesign document due to the long names of the linked pictures. This is a common issue, especially on Windows systems, where there is a limit on the maximum path length, also mentioned by another user.
One workaround you can try is to use shorter aliases or symbolic links for your image folders. Here's how you can do it:
Create a Short Alias or Symbolic Link:
- On Windows, you can use the mklink command to create symbolic links.
- On macOS or Linux, you can use the ln -s command to create symbolic links.
- These commands will create a shortcut to your deep structured database folder, allowing you to access it with a shorter path.
Replace the Folder Path in InDesign:
- After creating the alias or symbolic link, replace the folder path in your InDesign document with the path to the alias or symbolic link.
- To do this, open the Links panel in InDesign, select all the linked images, and then use the "Relink" option to navigate to the new path.
Test and Save:
- Once you've relinked all the images to the shorter path, test saving the document to see if the issue persists.
- If successful, you should be able to save the document without encountering errors related to long file paths.
Using aliases or symbolic links allows you to maintain the structure of your database while providing a shorter path for your InDesign document to access the linked images. This should help you avoid the file path length limitations without having to rename or move your image files.
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Another example of poor programming on InDesign's part. So frustrating.
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a little "work-around" is: i can save the long-named file to my desktop then move it into the correct folder, and that's worked so far....fingers crossed!!