Personal Template on the Welcome Screen
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Is there a way to show your own personal templates on the welcome screen like the attached mockup I did here.
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Yes in a way. You can save the custom presets you need. To save them, all you need to do is click on that "save" icon next to the preset name while creation of a new document/preset...
Once done, you can view them under the Saved section...
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I know what you are saying and I have done that. The problem is that is are preset for a document. What I need is Template the already includes some artwork like say a Header and a Footer with preselected swatches and or table settings. Do you know what I'm trying to say. And I have created the Template I was just wondering if there was a way to see it like the ones from Adobe Stock Templates at the bottom section of that screen.
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Seeing them here helps? I think you want to see file of the type .indt
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Yes that's exactly what I want. I made the templates I just wanted my team to be able to created new documents with just one click instead of going to hunt for the template where ever it got saved.
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So i assume this solves your problem?
Although the best would have been to use the recent workspace (Preference->general) but The Recent Files workspace is missing
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Not really I need the template to stay or show up in the created new window at the bottom in it's own template section like my initial mockup. Because if I use your method then that template would eventually be phased out. or push to the bottom list were you couldn't see it anymore. And I can see my recent template there but if I pass this templated out to my team it won't show up. I want to be in the create new window where it makes the most sense. Of course once I save it into their preferences. Or even if it had the option of creating new document from template like in Illustrator. see screenshot
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So I'm guessing there is nothing like this for InDesign.
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I also was looking for this feature but for Illustrator. I found this little work around. Maybe it'll work for Indesign too.
I Saved the Template I wanted as an Ai File on our server so everyone would have access to it.
Next I picked More Settings
I filled teh Name: out with what I wanted my Template to be called.
Under Profile I picked Browes and selected the File I wanted
Clicked Create Document.
Now it shows up under "recent items"
Hope this helps!