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I would like to place pages from a PDF on every other page (I don't have empty pages set up for it, I would like InDesign to do it for me, too, if possible).
Is there any way I can do it automaticaly, maybe by script?
Thanks in advance!
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There are scripts for importing multipage PDFs. One of the best is here: InDesignSecrets » Blog Archive » Zanelli Releases MultiPageImporter for Importing both PDF and INDD ...
This won't skip pages, though, as far as I know, but it wouldn't, I think, be hard to write another script in insert a blank page between every pair of pages after placing the PDF.
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as peter has written, follow the link and get the multipageimporter2.5.jsx link.
you will need another script to run afterwards which will insert a blank every second page.
var doc = app.documents[0];
var masterNames = doc.masterSpreads.everyItem().name;
var d = app.dialogs.add({name:"pick a master spread"});
d.dialogColumns.add().staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Master Pages:"});
var dd = d.dialogColumns.add().dropdowns.add({stringList:masterNames});
var index = dd.selectedIndex;
} else {
var master = doc.masterSpreads.item(index);
for(var i=doc.pages.length-1;i>=0;i--){
highlight the above text, copy into textedit (mac) or notepad (pc) and save as a .jsx file and put into your scripts folder.
now, i did NOT write this script but i've unfortunately forgotten who wrote it, so can't credit the author for this script.
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Thanks Peter and cdflash!
The story is that I have already a document with filled pages, I just want to import a PDF page between every InDesign page. What I did as of now is, I used the script that cdflash provided and now I have new empty every second page. What I would like now, is to be able to import a PDF to every other page, --and as extra credit, rotated 180º (which with the script that Peter linked to, is rotation possible).
Thanks for past and for future!
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See, that's sort of the backwards way to do it, in my opinion, becasue it's complicated to skip a page on the import.
Both the skipping and rotation might be possible via script, but I don't write them. What you can do, though, is make sure the doc is now set up as facing pages and has a two-page master. Put a frame on one side of the master where you want the PDF, then rotate it 180. Now File > Place... , pick the PDF and show import options, choose all pages and just click in the empty frames one page at a time until the whole thing is placed.
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Yup! That's exactly what I did as a last resort...
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Awesome, Thank you. Just what I needed.
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Thank you - this is just the script I need after completing a 2-up mail merge to add the back side back in (since indd doesn't allow 2-page multi-up merges)
Looked like it intially was going to work to add my Master B every other page. However, I am getting an error code on line 14. I'm not a coder, so
Error unmber 30477: Invalid value for parameter 'referece' of method 'add'
Expected Page, Spread, MasterSpread or Document, but received (Page, Page.....Page). (and page repeates to many times to retype)
Line 14 is:
FYI: I'm on Mac High Sierra running indd 2020 CC
It seems this comes up every now and then, but since it needs to be printed today, we'll probably run it through twice - once front side, then again back side. But would still love an easier long-term solution.
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I keep getting this same error when I run the script for every other page. Anyone know what the problem is here?
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theres a missing [i] in the last line. Script worked after I added it:
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Thanks to Adobe for keeping this post up here. Even 4 years later, it offered a solution for my similar issue.
However, the part of 'click in the empty frames one page at a time' would be painfully slow with a large document. My answer was similar though:
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Combining Colin's post with Multipage Importer just saved me 2000 clicks!
Thanks so much for the info, and glad it's still here almost 7 years later.
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This worked like a charm! Thank you so much!