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Is there any way of preventing InDesign from opening full screen in Windows 11?
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It should open the same size at it has been closed?
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Usually it opens the same way it was if I have just put the PC in Sleep mode. If, as it was last night, a Windows upgrade was installed and the PC rebooted, then InDesign opens full screen. There is no way to resize the full screen window easily -- I'm unable to grasp the edges, particularly at the bottom of the screen, with my cursor. I hesitate to restart the PC, even once a week, since keeping it in Sleep mode keeps the window the right size in Windows 11.
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Has something changed between Window 10 and 11? You should be able to right click the program icon and choose properties, the set how it opens: Minimized, Normal Window (which ought to retain the last size you dragged for it), or Maximized.
If it's really Maximized to full screen, rather than your having dragged a Normal Windo to full screen size (a bad thing, in my opinion, becasue it makes it near impossible to resize), you need to click the Normal Window button to reduce it.
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ID opens in the same configuration it had when you closed it... except (for me) about one time in a dozen it will either make the main window full screen or minimize it to the three corner-button blocks.
But if you set it all up the way you want and save a custom workspace, that's how it should open nearly all times.
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For me, sometimes, it opens slightly less than full screen - I always work full screen.
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Try it on an ultrawide. 🙂
I have the main ID window in the center, my full range of working palettes to the left and a browser in the right-hand quarter or so. A working window any wider is hard to "track" without wearing your neck out.
Why ID just occasionally takes the main window full-width (under all the palettes etc.) or minimizes to a tiny rectangle is not something I've figured out the why or prevention of. I just sigh and use the screen manager to reset it.
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Try it on an ultrawide. 🙂
By @James Gifford—NitroPress
How about 3x 27" - Dell u2711, 2560 x 1440 - in portrait? 😉
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Yes, I ran variations of that setup for years. On the recommendation of a colleague, I upped to a Samsung 48" (with my best legacy 27" above it) and have never looked back. It's an awesome workbench although you do need to learn to manage it (for which there are apps that define working areas and the like). As he put it the first time I called up to gush over the setup — "My god, it's full of stars."
But it can cause weirdness with older apps, sometimes almost hilariously. And the ID screen size bug was present, at least for me, even on more traditional setups.
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Yes, it seems to open full screen after a full restart (as happens when Windows 11 installs an upgrade). If I leave it in Sleep mode, when I start an InDesign session, it is in the same configuration as before. Getting the full screen to minimize even a little is quite difficult after a restart..
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Hi Fred:
Would you mind sharing a screenshot of what you see after a restart so we can see exactly what you are facing?
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Sure. I just restarted, and the InDesign window opened full screen. If I click on the minimize button, the window becomes huge. In neither view can I grab the edges of InDesign to resize the window. I can usually reduce the horizontal image by moving it to the second (portrait) screen, but reducing the vertical image to move it back to the landscape screen takes a lot of moving it around.
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You're in luck.
I'd like it to be the other way around, but every time InDesign opens in windowed mode, I have to set it to full screen after each launch.