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Hi, I am having this problem when printing my pdf created from indesign.
It's supposed to look like this:
After printing (from adobe acrobat) it looks like this:
It does not look like this in adobe acrobat or indesign.
I have checked links. I'm trying to print from adobe acrobat 8. Unfortunately, my printer does not let me print from indesign (it will crash the program or fail on the printer) so I can't be 100 percent sure this is from Indesign or Acrobat. My go to fixes were, are there invisible boxes over that portion of the background grunge image. No. There are black rectangles behind each paragraph, so that's what is causing the black to be behind Kentucky and White Lightening.
I've tried printing to another printer that is a completely different type and it has a similar result. I've saved down to Acrobat 5 to test.
If I save this as a jpg the problem does not exist-- but my clients want a pdf so they can print front to back.. (Not worth trying to explain to them how to do this!)
Here's the real kicker, this just started recently. Probably within the last maybe, month and a half. This file has been used and worked on with no problems for like 2 years+... I am assuming this is happening from how I'm saving the pdf.. but I can't be sure on why it would be a problem now.
1 Correct answer
Hi Cassandra:
I don't see any issues with the file. I exported from InDesign CC 2019 to Acrobat DC (compatibility set to Acrobat 5) and printed it from Acrobat. No issues there either.
Is there an issue with the printer? Not enough memory? Out of date driver? Can you get someone else to try to print the pdf to test this theory?
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Hi Cassandra:
Acrobat version 8? From 2006?
What version of InDesign and what operating system?
Have you tried printing from the free Adobe Reader DC?
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Install for all versions
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Thanks for your reply!
My clients are using an older version of acrobat. I have been saving the compatibility to Adobe 8/9 (PDF 1.7). Sorry for the confusion!
I am using the current Indesign CC, I also have the current version of Acrobat Pro DC 2019, but this problem is also created when printing from this as well. I tried printing from Adobe Reader DC and it also came out with the error.
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Ok great!
Are you ok sharing that page? If so, package the InDesign file (just that one page) and put it on dropbox. You can put the link here (public) or hover over my name and message it to me (private).
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I checked with my client and they are okay to share it privately.
Thank you!
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Hi Cassandra:
I don't see any issues with the file. I exported from InDesign CC 2019 to Acrobat DC (compatibility set to Acrobat 5) and printed it from Acrobat. No issues there either.
Is there an issue with the printer? Not enough memory? Out of date driver? Can you get someone else to try to print the pdf to test this theory?
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Hi Barb,
That is so strange! Honestly I don't know what could be causing this problem. I had two others try to print it with the same result. This was both to the same printer and another printer of a completely different brand.
Might be an odd request, but would you be willing to dropbox me your pdf that printed correctly? I can't help but think this could be something wrong with the way I am exporting..?
My current work around after some searching through the acrobat files is to do "print as image" and this is working --this is leading me to believe it is actually an acrobat or printer problem at this point.
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BarbBinder wrote
… Is there an issue with the printer? Not enough memory? …
Hi Barb,
I think it's exactly that. Not enough memory with the printer.
Workaround: Print as Image.
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Is the distressed artwork a vector file? If yes, you could try rasterizing the art, and replacing it within Indesign
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Hi Jeffrey, thanks for your reply. The artwork is not a vector file!
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I don't know why that is happening but a quick solution would be to output that page / image as a jpeg then Create a file in Acrobat with the resulting jpeg
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Thanks Ashley! That is what I did to get it to them in time, but the problem is this file (and 8 others for the other locations) gets updated every 1-2 weeks. I was hoping for as little steps as possible!
My current workaround is "Print as Image" in the PDF print menu.
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Hi Cassandra:
Of course. I will send a link privately.
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As an update, at first I thought the PDF you sent worked, but I realized I had print as image on. So I turned it off, and it did not work.
At this point I am assuming it must be a printer issue. Thank you for your help!
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Always happy to help, Cassandra.