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Comme indiqué dans le titre, lorsque j'exporte mes fichiers, un fond blanc apparait sur mon logo. Si vous pouvez m'aiguiller s'il vous plait.
Je joins ci-dessous des imprime écran pour que vous compreniez mieux la chose.
Merci d'avance pour vos retour et votre aide.
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De quel format est ce logo ? Comment a-t-il été placé dans le fichier InDesign ? Le lien est-il correct dans le panneau liens ? Quels sont les paramètres d'export PDF qui sont utilisés ?
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Thank you for reaching out and for providing the screenshots-it really helps to see what's happening. I understand how frustrating it can be when unexpected elements, like the white frame around your logo, appear after exporting to PDF.
Could you please let me know which version of InDesign you are using and the details of your operating system?
If possible, could you also share the InDesign file and its assets? I’d be happy to run some tests to figure out what’s causing this.
Reference: How to export and import your Creative Cloud Libraries (
In the meantime, one thing you could try is checking the transparency settings or the object’s background color in InDesign to ensure it’s set to none, especially for the logo. Additionally, when exporting the PDF, confirm that "Use Document Bleed Settings" is unchecked if not needed, and try different PDF presets like "High Quality Print" or "Press Quality" to see if that resolves the problem.
Looking forward to your reply!
Abhishek Rao
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When you export the PDF try changing the "Standard:" (in the upper left of the Export Adobe PDF dialog window that appears) to "PDF/X-4:2010". This type of PDF supports transparency.