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Hi all,
Wondering if anyone else has come across this issue when using the publish online feature in InDesign?
When I publish an RGB document online the colours seem washed out and as if they are being converted to CMYK.
InDesign doc is set up in RGB transparency blend space and looks as it should when working. Have played around with different 'Transparency Blend Space' and 'Colour Settings' but nothing seems to work (Please see below images for refernce of before and after it is published).
Oddest part is that when I export to a PDF it looks how I would expect.
Very frustrating, am i missing something obvious!?
Any help appreciated,
InDesign Doc
Publish Online
I did but still doesn't work for me unfortunatley...
Turns out that if I save the placed files as .eps or .pdf rather than .jpg this solves the problem so will use this as a work around for the time being!
Thanks for your help
also have this problem with InDesign versions from recent years.
There is indeed the solution of setting the color space “Emulate Adobe Indesign 2.0 CMS Off”, but this has a disadvantage for me, my documents are mixed CMYK and RGB, with this solution the CMYK is not interpreted correctly and I can't redo everything.
The effective workaround for me is not to import JPG or TIFF images, but to use postscript bitmap images by saving the images in Photoshop in “EPS” format.
Color spaces will be correctl
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Are the colors Spot or Process?
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I'm using Process. Sorry, should have mentioned that the document is a portfolio and contains a range of different types of work. Individual pieces have been created in illustrator, exorted as JPEGS and then compiled in InDesign. All JPEGS look as expected until the document is uploaded using 'publish online' and this washed out look applies to everything not just the one logo.
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Is your document’s assigned RGB profile set to sRGB (Edit>Assign Profiles...)? Your screen captures look like AdobeRGB profiled color getting displayed as sRGB in the browser.
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Also... are you using a wide gamut monitor? If so I’d expect this for all kinds of web site.
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Have tried a range of colour profiles including AdobeRGB and sRGB and get the same result.
Have attached another set of screenshots to give more context, the first is how it looks when i open a PDF within google chrome and the second is how the publish online doc looks within the same browser on the same monitor (iMac Retina 5k).
PDF in browser
Publish online doc in browser
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Have tried a range of colour profiles including AdobeRGB and sRGB and get the same result.
Are you using Edit>Assign Profiles or Edit>Convert to Profile to change the document profile? Changing the Working RGB Space in Color Settings wouldn’t normally affect an existing document.
Here I have ProPhotoRGB assigned to the document and the Published document color shifts in OSX Firefox.
If I do a Convert to Profile with the destination set as sRGB I get this:
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Thank you, sorry for the late reply!
After a lot of trial and error this method seems to work when the document is created from sctratch in InDesign but there is still an issue when placing links into the document that have been created elsewhere even if the correct colour profiles have been used.
The easiest work around would be to recreate everything in InDesign but this wont always be possible when documents include JPEG's etc. created in other applications.
Is this to be expected or is it an issue with the feature?
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After a lot of trial and error this method seems to work when the document is created from sctratch in InDesign but there is still an issue when placing links into the document that have been created elsewhere even if the correct colour profiles have been used.
Did you try using Edit>Convert to Profile...>RGB Profile>sRGB? That’s working for me with existing documents.
The example in my last post has your logo placed with a ProPhoto RGB profile, and it is getting correctly converted to sRGB in the Publish Online export as long as the document’s assigned profile is sRGB. For existing documents you’ll have to use Convert to Profile..., changing Color Settings would have no affect.
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I did but still doesn't work for me unfortunatley...
Turns out that if I save the placed files as .eps or .pdf rather than .jpg this solves the problem so will use this as a work around for the time being!
Thanks for your help
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I have exactly the same problem.My In Design is in RGB.
I have read several articles on the subject and I do think there is something wrong with "publish online".
It's been 3 hours that I've been trying everything possible to try and my jpg's are faded and dirty once online. I tried to convert from srgb to rgb, then the other way around, I tried jpg, psd, png and pdf and only pdf gives me the correct colours.
The images are all in basic sRGB IEC61966-2.1. I think I have tried everything but I can't get a correct "publish online". Unless I change all the images to pdf.
Left - font Safari - Back In Design (look the red carpet it's the same with the green and skin tones
and the same with the bottom image in pdf format
I would have liked to find a solution other than the pdf but now after trying everything and losing half the day I am discouraged.
Thank you all and thank you for finding the pdf backup solution which I hope to find a real solution at adobe one day.
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Can you select one of the images in InDesign and screen capture the page along with your Link Info panel?
I can publish your images and color and get a match in Safari. Here the images are showing sRGB as the embedded profile and the document’s Assigned Profile is also sRGB:
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Yes, it is exactly the same profile everywhere. Here's a screenshot of the top image in JPG and therefore faded with publish online.
I can't understand why it doesn't work with jpg and well with pdf.
This is a test file, go to page 5
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Looks like the other images on the page are matching. Could you package the ID file and assets and share via Dropbox or youu CC account?
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Yes, please find the link in dropbox. It's just a test but the client likes the principle, so I'll have to start the concrete version.
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Seems to work for me—I’m using CC2020. You could try Saving as an IDML and reopening, in case it is a file corruption:
Here’s Firefox
There is a moire happening from the carpet texture, so the color changes slightly as the images scale in the browser, but I don’t think that‘s what you were showing in your captures.
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Thanks for your help Rob, but I'm still lost. I started from scratch. New document, 1 single page 3 images. The sibt greens are (bland sibt green) and the reds are (bland orange-brown). I'm sure you'll get it right again. It's quite crazy, not to understand it at all.
I created a web file and make sure to be in RGB at the creation, the profiles are sRGB like the images but it doesn't work for me. It's enough to drive me crazy.
Dropbox link
Here is the result at home
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I'm on a 16' mac book pro and the last update In Design CC
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I tried it out of CC2021 an it’s still working for me. I’m on Mojave so maybe it’s a Catalina problem?
Here’s Chrome:
My published:
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Were you ever able to solve this? I'm having the same problem. Also, I'm not able to try to convert to profile as it's greyed out and I cannot figure out why. But I have lovely color in InDesign and dull flat looking, especially reds in Chrome when I publish online. Would love any help!
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Hi, I've been having problems like my colleagues with colour management in In Desgin and illustrator since the last adobe updates. It is impossible to stabilise the colour management even when using Bridge. But on the other hand this instability made me discover that when In Design puts itself in "Emulate Adobe InDesign 2.0 - management disabled" mode I no longer have the problem and the display is correct in Adobe Publish Online. One problem can solve another. Today I spend my days changing the profile in InDesign which always defaults to 2.0 without being able to change it at home anyway.
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This solution is working for some users:
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Thanks. I don't see where to check or change "Emulate Adobe InDesign 2.0" etc. How do you change in and out of that setting?
For the moment I'm giving up as I have to present what I'm working on tomorrow and for now have found that exporting to an interactive PDF and sending client a link to that at least maintains the color...but would like to fix this.
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Edit>Color Settings.
The bug sets the Color Settings to Emulate InDesign 2.0 CM Off, which you don’t want. If your Color Settings are not set to Emulate InDesign 2.0 CM Off, then you are not experiencing the bug
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Thank you Rob, I hadn't seen your last reply. I just redid my preferences and chose the right profiles in Bridge so that it syncs with other adobe applications and it seems to be working for now.
So to publish on "Publish Online" with the right colours I choose the profile Emulate InDesign 2.0 CM off, but for everything else I obviously keep my profiles and like that everything seems to work.
Thanks again for your help.