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Scaling Tables

New Here ,
Jan 04, 2017 Jan 04, 2017

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I'm using InDesign CC 2015. I am having issues scaling tables.

In previous versions of InDesign, I have scaled tables in two ways:

The first and the one I use most often... I'd select the table (i.e. the text box which the table is inside) using the Selection Tool, hold Command + Shift keys while dragging the corner and the table will scale in proportion to the desired size I'd like.

The second method... I'd select the table (i.e. the text box which the table is inside) using the Selection Tool, while still selected, change to the Scale Tool and double click the Scale Tool icon in the Tool palette to bring up the Scale palette... here I would input the percentage I'd like to scale the table and the table will scale in proportion to the desired size.

When I do any of the above two methods using InDesign CC 2015, NO SCALING happens.

I've found a work around by exporting the file to .idml opening the .idml in an older version of InDesign, scaling the table(s), saving the file, and opening the file in InDesign CC 2015 and continue working.

Can anyone suggest anything to avoid me going between versions of InDesign




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Advisor , Jan 05, 2017 Jan 05, 2017

Recommend that you use the Type tool to scale the table. The Frame itself won't scale with it until you set a object style for a table.

If however you set the object style> Frame Fitting> to auto fit and also under Text Frame Auto Size Options> set auto sizing to height and width when you use the type tool to scale the table the frame should then scale with it.

NOTE: Tested this in latest version of InDesign and works perfectly.


Community Expert ,
Jan 05, 2017 Jan 05, 2017

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I think we already had that problem discussed.

See this thread here:

Scaling text box isn't scaling the table cell inset

My workaround in answer 11 then:

Re: Scaling text box isn't scaling the table cell inset

I cannot tell if this workaround will apply in your situation.

Your workaround however:

1. Export to IDML

2. Do the changes with an earlier version ( I suppose InDesign CS6 )

3. and open the older version document with CC 2015

is a very good one.





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Advisor ,
Jan 05, 2017 Jan 05, 2017

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Good answers and useful for me - but I think he just wanted to scale like you would any frame - in which case my method should work on a lot of versions of InDesign.




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Advisor ,
Jan 05, 2017 Jan 05, 2017

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Recommend that you use the Type tool to scale the table. The Frame itself won't scale with it until you set a object style for a table.

If however you set the object style> Frame Fitting> to auto fit and also under Text Frame Auto Size Options> set auto sizing to height and width when you use the type tool to scale the table the frame should then scale with it.

NOTE: Tested this in latest version of InDesign and works perfectly.




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Contributor ,
Apr 11, 2017 Apr 11, 2017

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Hello! I'm very new to InDesign, and I'm wanting to resize tables (with text boxes) to fit multiple page sizes. Some have suggested that I use liquid layout, but I think that's a lot more complicated than it has to be for the simplicity of what I need to resize. Your recommendation seems like it would work for me, but I can't quite figure out how to follow your commands. Could you please try to explain it to someone who is more of a novice to this software? Thank you in advance!




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Community Expert ,
Apr 11, 2017 Apr 11, 2017

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Contributor ,
Apr 11, 2017 Apr 11, 2017

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Thank you! I don't understand why I received an email telling me that the moderator had rejected my post. Thank you for everything! You've been very kind and helpful! Hopefully I can get this done one way or another!




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