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Hi all,
this is an essential script (from which i'm using for years, until now.....
after the indesign update 2023 the script doesn't do anything anymore :-((
Would be great if someone could debug this:
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I always put any script in a sub-folder named, for example, "Version 17.0 Scripts" (for 2022) or whatever version number relates to the year and version your script was first produced. Sometimes it works!
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thanks Mike,
the script is in the directory preferences/Adobe InDesign/version 18.0/nl_NL/Scripts/Scripts Panel
changing the directory has no effect unfortunately....
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Is it to show the place options for a PDF that’s already placed? Maybe try this:
* Shows a selected PDF’s place options
* @ return value
function displayOptions(){
var sel = app.activeDocument.selection;
if( sel.length == 0 ){
alert("There's no selection");
if( sel[0] != "PDF" && sel[0].allPageItems.length > 0){
var pi = sel[0].allPageItems
var i = pi.length;
while (i--) if (pi[i].itemLink.isValid && pi[i] == "PDF") {pi[i][i].itemLink.filePath, true)}
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Dear Ton_T
I tried with InDesign 18.1 win, but there seemed to be no problem.
What about upgrading to 18.1?
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Assuming that you're not seeing an error message, try uncommenting this line:
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"can't find the linked source"
seems approx the same error as below
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the script doesn't do anything anymore
Hi @Ton_T , What is it supposed to do? Seems like all it’s doing is relinking the selection when it is a PDF
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Hi Rob,
yes it should relink and give you the choice of new/different pdf place options
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Did you try the code I posted?
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Hi Rob, yes I tried, seems to be the same error: can't find the link to the server (even though the link in InDesign is okay)
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You should contact the author so he may possibley fix it if needed.
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Hi Loic,
done that, he has done all he could do for me.....
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Hi @Ton_T
The script is a bit old but should work in general. Maybe nested try..catch cause problems in some versions (?)
Here is a quick rework, just in case:
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Hi Marc,
thanks, this one almost does it, only issue now is:
the link is a pdf on a different mac/server, now the script says pdf is missing....
if the link is placed on the desktop, the script seems to work fine
any solutions ?
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Maybe you can just comment line 25:
// if( !(ff && File(ff).exists) ) throw "PDF File is missing. You probably should relink.";
Not sure how remote files should be tested. Is the place() method robust enough to address this case? I don't know.
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Hi Marc,
thanks for your help, i'm sure now, it is definitely the connection to the NAS server.
If links are placed on the desktop, all versions of the script work fine.
Any idea how to let the script find the link location ? maybe giving it a bit more time somehow ?
What do you mean with the place() method ?
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Hi @Ton_T , Not sure if this is the same, but I can replicate the error if I try to get the file path for a cloud library asset. Here I’ve placed an Illustrator object from my CC Libraries, that was added to the Library from Illustrator. For AI and PSD library cloud assets there is a sync’d local version, but it’s not the path listed in the Links panel:
If I dig into my user Library the actual local path to the sync’d cloud asset is:
user ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ Adobe ▸ Creative Cloud Libraries ▸ LIBS ▸ 3C23718C4707F77D992016B7_AdobeID ▸ creative_cloud ▸ dcx ▸ ee378265-cd6f-4b65-aab6-e1a4e4406f47 ▸ components ▸