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Hi everybody,
After spending a lot of time finding for nothing, then I decided to ask for help and I hope someone has experience about the issue that I am going to tell you:
I am working on hundreds pages that contain the same below circle. My point is that I need to resize the circle A to circle B with the details below (also the text running from inside to outside).
I tried alot of Find/change but it didnt work.
Just For Fun … But Not For Free!
In the sample below, an hypothetical InDesign user would like to "change" all ovals in a doc, with no fill color, "blue" stroke color (+ 1 point weight), "Blue" para style applied to the text existing on the oval with a 69 percent scaling … changing the stroke color [to "Red"], the para style applied and push the text at the top outside of the oval!
Note: our user has not used object styles here and the ovals have various dimensions!
So, many conditions to be checke
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I feel like I am missing something but here is how I would approach things given that I got you right:
1) Create a snippet for the right sized circle with dimension data.
2) Use either find object of loop through allPageItems to build a source objects summary
3) Loop through that array of references and place snippet instead of objet*
*you generally need to place it once and then you can duplicate the obj.
Another option might be to make a link to an external ressource so next time you need a change, all you have left is to update links.
Last but not least, Marc Autret demonstrated a technique to use InDesign Objects the same way as Illustrator symbol with live edits:
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Salut Loïc,
Personnellement, je n'ai rien compris ! …
Ou alors :
Au départ, on a un cercle bleu avec du texte bleu sur le tracé en bas mais dans le cercle.
On redimensionne [X = 12.4/18 %] le cercle [pas son contour] pour obtenir le cercle rouge ! …
On en profite au passage pour réduire de X le texte et le passer au-dessus du tracé (à l'extérieur).
Changement de couleurs en sus ?!
Est-ce cela l'idée ?!
Mes meilleurs sentiments,
Michel, de FRIdNGE
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First you need to get a list of the circle objects. If the only circle objects in the document are the ones you need to change, you are in luck. The following AppleScript might give you some ideas. It assumes the only ovals in the document are the ones you want to target.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
set myMatrix to make transformation matrix with properties {name:"myMatrix", vertical scale factor:0.69, horizontal scale factor:0.69, counterclockwise rotation angle:0, clockwise shear angle:0, horizontal translation:0, vertical translation:0}
tell document 1
set ovalList to every oval
repeat with i from 1 to length of ovalList
set theOval to item i of ovalList
set pageRef to parent page of theOval
tell pageRef
transform theOval in parent coordinates from center anchor with matrix myMatrix
end tell
set pathRef to text path 1 of theOval
set text alignment of pathRef to baseline text alignment
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
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Personnellement, je n'ai rien compris ! …
L'idée c'est d'épargner à InDesign le même process sur une centaine de page. Puisque l'objet A doit avoir les propriété B, autant produire manuellement une fois cet objet B sous forme de snippet puis dans un deuxième temps, on repère les objets à modifier et au lieu de les modifier un à un, on les remplace littérallement par le snippet précédent. Et tant qu'à éviter des opérations inutiles, on placera l'item une fois, puis on le dupliquera.
Bien sûr cela ne vaut que si l'opération vaut à l'identique sur toutes les pages. C'était là mon introdutcion, je rate sans doute quelque chose. Cependant, même si les oéprations de retaillage varie, j'effectuerai volontiers cette derniere sur le fichier Snippet lui même.
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Hello à tous pour ma part je me servirais des bibliothèques pour placer l'élément et ensuite le dupliquer. Ayant le même lien si en changement est réalisé, après la mise à jour du lien tout est synchronisé (mais je rejoins Loic.Aigon​ sur l'idée)
Ensuite il est possible de créer un objet et je lui appliquer un style, ainsi il suffit de changer le style pour l'ensemble change. au passage je rappel qu'Indesign accepte les signes * + - / dans champs à remplir par exemple il compre,nds 12mm*2cm ...
Je viens de tester la solution en passant par transformation, on indique les valeurs, ensuite on propose un raccourci pour répéter la transformation et on utilise ce raccourci pour faire chaque transformation.
Ensuite je pense que les pros du scripts pourraient faire bien mieux
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or maybe that Marc Autret's Equalizer script would do the trick
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Just For Fun … But Not For Free!
In the sample below, an hypothetical InDesign user would like to "change" all ovals in a doc, with no fill color, "blue" stroke color (+ 1 point weight), "Blue" para style applied to the text existing on the oval with a 69 percent scaling … changing the stroke color [to "Red"], the para style applied and push the text at the top outside of the oval!
Note: our user has not used object styles here and the ovals have various dimensions!
So, many conditions to be checked and validated! …
Here, there're 12 ovals but only 5 will be treated by the script [I've indicated with a "grey" background the original size of the oval before the script].
The"oval 0" has been already treated! … so not treated again, of course!
Before the script:
After it (1 click later!):
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Hi Michel,
That is exactly what I'm looking for! Can you please share the script with me, it would really help me out a lot. I have no mean of repaying you with monetary value but you can have my utmost gratitude!
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I like the name on the circles
Great Job Michel !!!!