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Hi, everybody!
I wonder if there's a way —or maybe there's a script that already exist— to convert all columns from all tables in a document to individuals text frames with the same high and widh lenght that had as table columns and preserving the same paragraph style from each cell.
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The following sample script demonstrates getting the information you want from a table.
set colInfo to {}
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
set tableRef to table 1 of story 1 of document 1
set colList to columns of tableRef
repeat with i from 1 to length of colList
set thisCol to item i of colList
set celList to cells of thisCol
set wid to width of thisCol
set totHgt to 0
set celInfo to {}
repeat with j from 1 to length of celList
set thisCel to item j of celList
set c to contents of contents of thisCel
set s to applied paragraph style of paragraph 1 of thisCel
set h to height of thisCel
set end of celInfo to {c, s}
set totHgt to totHgt + h
end repeat
set end of colInfo to {celInfo, wid, totHgt}
end repeat
This creates a nested list of lists that you can then parse to create your text frames with contents and styling. Hope this helps.
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Just by curiosity! … For what use?
Michel, from FRIdNGE