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I am using indesign cs6. i want to break a frame as one word in one line. For more understand i am upload two image. one pic for many sentence which want to break. second image for output means What I want. can you provide any script or any shortcut command for it.
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Well this does it but if you need anything extra just ask
Hope it helps
if (app.documents.length > 0 && app.selection.length > 0 && app.selection[0] instanceof TextFrame) {
var originalFrame = app.selection[0];
var paragraphs = originalFrame.parentStory.paragraphs;
// Get the original frame's position and size
var frameBounds = originalFrame.geometricBounds; // [top, left, bottom, right]
var x = frameBounds[1];
var y = frameBounds[0];
var width = frameBounds[3] - frameBounds[1];
// Iterate over paragraphs and create new text frames
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
var paragraphText = paragraphs[i].contents;
// Create a new text frame for each paragraph
var newFrame = originalFrame.parentPage.textFrames.add();
newFrame.geometricBounds = [y, x, y + 20, x + width]; // Adjust height (20) as needed
newFrame.contents = paragraphText;
// Adjust position for the next frame
y += 25; // Spacing between frames (adjust as needed)
// Optionally remove the original frame
alert("Paragraphs have been split into separate text frames.");
} else {
alert("Please select a single text frame.");
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You can't just copy contents - just in case there would be different Styles applied / local formatting.
And instead of creating a new TextFrame - duplicate original one and change its bounds.
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Ok - thanks for the feedback - included a 1 step undo too.
What do you think?
if (app.documents.length > 0 && app.selection.length > 0 && app.selection[0] instanceof TextFrame) {
app.doScript(function () {
var originalFrame = app.selection[0];
var paragraphs = originalFrame.parentStory.paragraphs;
// Get original frame bounds
var frameBounds = originalFrame.geometricBounds; // [top, left, bottom, right]
var x = frameBounds[1];
var y = frameBounds[0];
var width = frameBounds[3] - frameBounds[1];
// Disable redraw for better performance
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = false;
var parentPage = originalFrame.parentPage;
// Iterate over paragraphs and create new frames
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
var paragraph = paragraphs[i];
// Duplicate the original text frame to preserve formatting
var newFrame = originalFrame.duplicate();
newFrame.geometricBounds = [y, x, y + 30, x + width]; // Adjust height (30) if needed
// Keep only the current paragraph and remove other content
newFrame.parentStory.texts[0].contents = paragraph.contents;
// Adjust position for the next frame
y += 35; // Adjust spacing as needed
// Optionally remove the original frame
// Re-enable redraw
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = true;
alert("Paragraphs have been split into separate text frames.");
}, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Split Paragraphs into Frames");
} else {
alert("Please select a single text frame.");
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You misunderstod my comment.
When you copy .contents - you are copying ONLY text part of the Text object - without the applied formatting.
You either need to move() paragraph - iterating backward the original collection of Paragraphs - or copy&paste whole Paragraph.
And why do you "modify" width of the new TextFrame?
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Those Two steps - won't give you what I've suggested:
// Duplicate the original text frame to preserve formatting
var newFrame = originalFrame.duplicate();
// Keep only the current paragraph and remove other content
newFrame.parentStory.texts[0].contents = paragraph.contents;
First one - will preserve "graphical" formatting - what I've suggested "between the lines".
Second - will still make text look wrong - if there are multiple Styles / local formatting.
You are just replacing contents of the whole TextFrame - with contents of the single Paragraph.
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I hope it will work:
for (var i = paragraphs.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
// Duplicate the original text frame
var newFrame = originalFrame.duplicate();
newFrame.contents = "";
newFrame.geometricBounds[0] = newFrame.geometricBounds[0]+y;
newFrame.geometricBounds[2] = newFrame.geometricBounds[0]+y+30;
//[y, x, y + 30, x + width]; // Adjust height (30) if needed
// Adjust position for the next frame
y += 35; // Adjust spacing as needed
Untested, but if there are any errors - I'm sure you'll be able to fix them.
It's just to show you what I mean.
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I hope it will work:
for (var i = paragraphs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { // Duplicate the original text frame var newFrame = originalFrame.duplicate(); newFrame.contents = ""; paragraphs[i].move(LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING,newFrame.texts[0]); newFrame.geometricBounds(0) = newFrame.geometricBounds(0)+y; newFrame.geometricBounds(2) = newFrame.geometricBounds(0)+y+30; //[y, x, y + 30, x + width]; // Adjust height (30) if needed // Adjust position for the next frame y += 35; // Adjust spacing as needed }
Untested, but if there are any errors - I'm sure you'll be able to fix them.
It's just to show you what I mean.
By @Robert at ID-Tasker
That's not working for me
I had a look again - what do you think?
if (app.documents.length > 0 && app.selection.length > 0 && app.selection[0] instanceof TextFrame) {
app.doScript(function () {
var originalFrame = app.selection[0];
var paragraphs = originalFrame.parentStory.paragraphs;
// Get the frame's geometry
var frameBounds = originalFrame.geometricBounds; // [top, left, bottom, right]
var x = frameBounds[1];
var y = frameBounds[0];
var width = frameBounds[3] - frameBounds[1];
var height = 30; // Set height for each new frame
var spacing = 5; // Space between frames
// Disable redraw for better performance
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = false;
// Loop through paragraphs and create frames
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
geometricBounds: [y + (i * (height + spacing)), x, y + (i * (height + spacing)) + height, x + width],
contents: paragraphs[i].contents
// Remove the original frame
// Re-enable redraw
app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = true;
}, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Split Paragraphs into Frames");
} else {
alert("Please select a single text frame.");
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What's not working in my code? What errors do you receive?
By @Robert at ID-Tasker
Can't remember the error. Sorry
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Right, It should be geometricBounds[] - not geometricBounds() - a reference to elements of the array.
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@Eugene Tyson Thank You sir for help me. I am change little bit in your code then is working sir. Thank You sir
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Hi Peeyush can you let us know which code worked for you - what you changed and post the working code that you changed?
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I just noticed:
var paragraphs = originalFrame.parentStory.paragraphs;
this might be a problem - if parentStory has more textContainers than currently selected TextFrame...
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Could be. Let's wait for the op the get back on specific requirements