Table: convert first row to header rows
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Hi all and sorry for this question.
I find this script that auto convert to header the first row of a table (we know that using table style - if i set a cell style for header - InDesign do not recognizes the header row that i also set in excel).
So i find a script that do it - but have 2 problem: error: 45 (Error string: Object is invalid) Line 4 and works for all table of the document (the best could be if work only with the table selected or of the page). Do you have an idea to solve this?
var myTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables;
for (var i = 0; i < myTables.length; i++) {
myTables.rows.firstItem().rowType = RowTypes.HEADER_ROW;
(Another problem: what is the best way to set a border table use cell style? I want stroke 1!
The solution to do a stroke to the text frame fitted is a bad way, i think. Can i have a confirm? Yes, i use a table style and cell style - but i see that table style do not override cell style. See also here:
Many thanks
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You might find some useful points in this post
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Many thanks Trevor - but it is not so easy...
Anyway what do you think about point 2 here:
Really many thanks.
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Try this
#target indesign;
var myRows = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().rows[0].getElements(),
myCells = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem(),
l = myRows.length;
while (l--) if (myRows
.rowType == RowTypes.BODY_ROW) myRows .rowType = RowTypes.HEADER_ROW; // need to check that the top row is not a header so as not to throw a can't set error myCells.leftEdgeStrokeWeight="1pt";
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To apply to selected page only change lines 2 and 3 to
var myRows = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.everyItem().tables.everyItem().rows[0].getElements(),
myCells = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem(),
The best way to set the strokes for the cell would be to give them a cell style, so given that you have set your cell style "Cell Style 1" up you can use this.
app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle ="Cell Style 1" // for cell on the page
app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle ="Cell Style 1" // for every cell in the document
So you can put the code together as
#target indesign;
var myRows = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.everyItem().tables.everyItem().rows[0].getElements(),
myCells = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem(),
l = myRows.length;
while (l--) if (myRows.rowType == RowTypes.BODY_ROW) myRows .rowType = RowTypes.HEADER_ROW; // need to check that the top row is not a header so as not to throw a can't set error
myCells.appliedCellStyle ="Cell Style 1"
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Hi Trevor and really many many thanks.
I have to do some text because i have some problems to run your example.
Anyway i use cell and table style.
The problem is that if you use cell style you can not have a table border (because cell style override table border)!
So the question: what is the way to have a table border?
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@Folobo – in that case you need a couple of cell styles for each and every occassion 😉
First row:
Left upper corner, middle in row, right upper corner
All rows except first and last row:
Left, middle, right
Last row:
Left bottom corner, middle in row, right bottom corner
If your first row is formatted differently than row two, you'll need another set of cell styles…
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Hi all,
Well I have been realy lacking sleep, as can be seen by the times of some of my posts.
No need to set up loads of cell styles.
Just set up the one cell style and one table style that uses that cell style. Set the table border with the table style.
Then try this.
#target indesign;
var myTables = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.everyItem().tables.everyItem(),
myRows = myTables.rows[0].getElements(),
l = myRows.length;
while (l--) if (myRows
.rowType == RowTypes.BODY_ROW) myRows .rowType = RowTypes.HEADER_ROW; // need to check that the top row is not a header so as not to throw a can't set error myTables.cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle ="Cell Style 1" // to make sure that even cell with manual cellstyles applied to them are Zapped
myTables.appliedTableStyle = "Table Style 1";
myTables.clearTableStyleOverrides ();
myTables.cells.everyItem().clearCellStyleOverrides(true); // true clears undefinded overides / false clears just defined overrided, take your pick, if in doubt, guess
Works for me.
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I'm still in doubt if clearing the table style overrides will work in every occasion…
But, of course, I will give it a try. Provided I'll find time to create a complicated enough test scenario.
OT: lack of sleep? Yes. Let's starting fresh with that 🙂
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I got a small question with applying cell styles. Ive got a script where i can change 2 tables per page which adjusts the width of each row according to a cell style. Ive added 2 lists 1 has the cell style and one is for the 2 width of the columns.
My problem now is that when i had setup the tables i used cell styles for the body, left and right column using table styles. My script doesnt seem to see these styles. It seems the script only check if they are manually applied.
cellStyleName = ["Product - Row 1", "Product - Row 2", "Specs - Row 1", "Specs - Row 2"]
cellWidth = ["108", "105", "35", "54"]
cellColor = ["Red", "Red", "Red", "Red"]
for (b = 0; b < cellStyleName.length; b++)
if (app.activeDocument.cellStyles.item(cellStyleName).isValid)
app.doScript(sizeRows, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Undo Resize Height of " + cellStyleName);
alert('There is no Cell Style named "' + cellStyleName + '"');
function sizeRows() {
cellarray = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().getElements();
for (a = 0; a < cellarray.length; a++)
if ( == cellStyleName)
cellarray.width = cellWidth;
else if ( == "[None]")
cellarray.appliedCellStyle = cellStyleName;
Ive tried adding a if statement in the sizeRows function which checks if == 'None'. But i keep getting errors
I need to get the even and uneven numbers for cells i guess in order to apply the correct cell style.
Essentually easch column has a cell style. Ive gotten script from the web and have tried looking into other script. Dont understand or can find the method to get column row instead rows. Most script seem to run and use row. It would be easier if i can apply the style to a complete column at once.
Below is my setup. the table are made using linked Excel files for easier updating
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@Laubender Hi and really thanks! My problem is that i have to place all cell style in a table style (i import data with excel).
I understand your way but i have to set it with local formatting (out of cell style).
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What didn't work with the code in 7 above?
did you make the change
clearCellStyleOverrides (false)
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Try This,
Worked For me.
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
for(var T=0; T < myDoc.textFrames.length; T++){
for(var i=0; i < myDoc.textFrames