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My problem is that when creating the table of contents, it appears to me out of order. I have styles created for a section called "section" and another for titles, but when placing the table of contents, the title appears first and then the "section" one.
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Yep, if you just make the Editorial frame extend to the left hand margin, it'll get picked up before the Virus y pandemia frame. You could do that a bunch of different ways; my inclination would be to apply an image wrap to that skull-icon-thingy, so I could make the frame that holds "Editorial" go all the way to that left margin, but I wouldn't have to change the alignment on "Editorial" to right align.
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I'm guessing that "Editorial" is the section and "Virus y pandemia" is the title. I'm also guessing that they are in separate frames in your body text.
If my assumption is correct, then what you're looking for is for "Editorial" to be collected first. Collection of items for the TOC happens in a top-down, left-right manner (given a left-to-right language like English or Spanish). So I'm guessing that maybe your two terms "Virus y pandemia" and "Editorial" are in separate text frames, and that the "Virus y pandemia" frame is further up the page, or further to the left than the "Editorial" frame. Note that it's not where the text appears in the top-down left-right heirarchy, but where the frame containing it appears.
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In the document they are like this.
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Yep, if you just make the Editorial frame extend to the left hand margin, it'll get picked up before the Virus y pandemia frame. You could do that a bunch of different ways; my inclination would be to apply an image wrap to that skull-icon-thingy, so I could make the frame that holds "Editorial" go all the way to that left margin, but I wouldn't have to change the alignment on "Editorial" to right align.
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I think Joel is right here however his initial statement of top-down, left-right direction is actually left-right, top-down I believe. I think this will make sense now based on his suggestion.