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Hi, same problem here all day. All other apps work except PS, AI, ID.
<Title renamed by moderator>
Hi everyone,
We’ve received reports of apps crashing or becoming unresponsive after launch, particularly following the release of version 19.5. Unlike generic crashes, this issue specifically causes all Adobe apps to get stuck at the splash screen or enter a “not responding” state, preventing them from launching.
The problem has been traced to certain Beta Adobe applications related to video composition and editing. We recommend updating all Beta and released versions of video-specific Adobe
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Same issue here, but for Photoshop. Really (REALLY!) hoping for a quick patch/update/work-aound from Team Adobe.
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Same issue here, but for Photoshop. Really (REALLY!) hoping for a quick patch/update/work-aound from Team Adobe.
By @billbarlow
A known current issue acknowledged by Adobe, check this thread:
Main point: uninstall all Adobe beta apps.
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depuis quelques jours le logiciel InDesingn ne demarre plus.
J'ai procedé à sa supression, puis intallation et rien à faire. Il bloque au demarrage.
Si vous avez des conseils :).
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Bonjour @tiago_6849
Il faut donner plus de précisions : quele est la version d'InDesign ? Sur quelle version de système ?
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Hi @tiago_6849,
I’m sorry you’re experiencing this issue with InDesign.
Could you please provide more details to help us better understand and resolve the problem? Specifically:
In the meantime, you might find these crash fix articles useful:
Fix crash issues when launching InDesign (
We are here to help and will look forward to your response.
Thank you,
Abhishek Rao
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Subject: Issues with Adobe InDesign and Photoshop on MacBook Pro
I am encountering a problem with my setup:
- MacBook Pro - M3 Max
- System: macOS Sonoma 14.2.1
- Adobe Suite 2024
While all the other applications in the suite are working perfectly, InDesign has not been responding for the past few days. More recently, Photoshop has also stopped functioning.
A few details:
- I've already tried reinstalling everything, but to no avail.
- I haven't installed any plug-ins or other third-party software.
- I reported the error to Adobe through their built-in report system, but the response indicated that they have not found a solution or workaround for the error detected in Adobe InDesign 2024.
Despite my efforts, nothing seems to solve the problem.
Do you have any advice or solutions to offer?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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Bonjour jmlevy,
effectivement, je suis sur un macboock pro et sur la derniere version de la suite adobe qui est la 2024.
Les autres logiciels de la suite foctione parfaiteent , sauf, et depuis quelques jours InDesign qui ne reponds pas.
j'ai essayé à plusisers reprise signaler l'erreur en suivant le rapport d'erreur proposer par adobe, mais adobe reponds : Adobe n'a pas pas trouver de solution ni de palliatif à l'erruer récemment détectée dans adobe InDesign 2024.
Voila voila...j'ai déja tout ré-installer pour voir, mais rien ne semble focntioner.
Merci pour vos conseils
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Ops voici les ref :
Macbook pro - M3 max
Systeme Sonoma 14.2.1
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Une réinstallation ne sert (quasiment jamais à rien).
Ops voici les ref :
Macbook pro - M3 max
Systeme Sonoma 14.2.1
Mets ton système à jour en 14.4, ou 14.5
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Bonjour jmlevy,
finalement j'ai des problèmes vec Adobe InDesign et Photoshop sur MacBook Pro
Je rencontre un problème avec ma configuration :
- MacBook Pro - M3 Max
- Système : macOS Sonoma 14.2.1
- Suite Adobe 2024
Alors que tous les autres logiciels de la suite fonctionnent parfaitement, InDesign ne répond plus depuis quelques jours. Plus récemment, Photoshop a également cessé de fonctionner.
Quelques précisions :
- J'ai déjà tenté de tout réinstaller sans succès.
- Je n'ai installé aucun plug-in ni autre logiciel tiers.
- J'ai signalé l'erreur à Adobe via leur rapport intégré, mais la réponse reçue indique qu'ils n'ont pas de solution ou de palliatif pour l'erreur détectée dans Adobe InDesign 2024.
Malgré mes efforts, rien ne semble résoudre le problème.
Auriez-vous des conseils ou des solutions à me proposer ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
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As-tu vu ma précédente réponse ? Mets à jour ton OS.
Edit: il y a des pistes intéressantes dans ce fil de discussion
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Bonjour jmlevy,
je viens de mettre à jour maintenant je suis sur la 14.6. 1 de Sanoma, mais la situation reste la même.
Merci pour tes retours en tout cas.
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Essaie de réinitialiser les préférences d'InDesign.
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Known current issue acknowledged by Adobe, check this thread:
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from using the community">
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do you have any beta apps installed? if so,
using the cc desktop app to uninstall per
uninstall all betas
test if problem's resolved
if not, uninstall problematic apps, restart your computer and reinstall the problematic apps.
test. if the problem's resolved, you can probably reinstall the betas, but waiting a bit would be prudent.
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Hello tiago,
I had exactly the same problem trying to open InDesign and Photoshop. I also have an Apple MacBook Pro with the M3 Max, running Sonoma 14.4.1.
Nothing helped—uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop and InDesign didn’t work. Adobe’s hotline gave me a Creative Cloud cleaner tool, but that didn’t help either.
Today, I uninstalled ALL Beta apps from Creative Cloud.
Suddenly, everything works perfectly!
It’s like a miracle!
I hope this helps you.
Good luck!
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Can anyone help me as well? I have tried all the suggested actions and still my Indesign will not open.
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I just updated to 2024 Adobe InDesign and Illustrator and same thing is STILL happening. They crash right when I open them, causing me to force quit. The only work around is to deinstall the 2024 versions and revert back to using 2023 Adobe Applications. I am running the most updated operating system on my Mac.
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I have the same issue with Mac and InDesign. I'm working on Mac Sequoia 15.2, I had severe issues with crashes on the latest version of InDesign, I already downgraded to 19.0, but the problem remains the same. Sometimes it freezes five times in a row on the spinning rainbow wheel after every restart while working on a document, it's almost impossible to get work done like this.
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hi i can't use the ID app
not too sure what is going on
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Turn off the computer and turn it back on. It worked for me.
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If you're unable to launch Creative Cloud apps like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, try restarting your PC and updating the Creative Cloud desktop app. Ensure your antivirus or firewall isn’t blocking it, and try running the app as an administrator. If the issue persists, uninstall and reinstall Creative Cloud to resolve potential conflicts.