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I have managed to work out how to create preflight profile in indesign with a set name, but am really struggling with how to set the actual preflight settings (missing links etc)...
tell application "Adobe InDesign 2023"
do script "
var profileName = 'Preflight Profile Name';
var newProfile = app.preflightProfiles.add({
name: profileName,});
" language javascript
end tell
I want to be able to have control of all preflight settings outlined in the screen below (including drop downs) using javascript, is this possible and is there any documentation outlining all of these settings?
Hi @SpaghettiSam , You’ve added a preflight profile, but you also have to add the rules you want to use and set their flags. Here‘s a JS example, where I’ve added two functions for creating the profile and its rules:
//Make a new Preflight Profile
var pf = makePreflight("TestPreflight");
//add rules to the profile, 2nd parameter is the rule constant string
var tr = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_TransparencyUsage")
tr.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
var ml = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_MissingModifiedGrap
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Hi @SpaghettiSam , You’ve added a preflight profile, but you also have to add the rules you want to use and set their flags. Here‘s a JS example, where I’ve added two functions for creating the profile and its rules:
//Make a new Preflight Profile
var pf = makePreflight("TestPreflight");
//add rules to the profile, 2nd parameter is the rule constant string
var tr = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_TransparencyUsage")
tr.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
var ml = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_MissingModifiedGraphics")
ml.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
* Makes a new Preflight
* @ param preflight name
* @ return the new preflight
function makePreflight(n){
if (app.preflightProfiles.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return app.preflightProfiles.itemByName(n);
} else {
return app.preflightProfiles.add({name:n});
* Makes a new Preflight Rule
* @ param preflight name
* @ param the preflight rule constant name
* @ return the new preflight rule
function makeRule(pf, n){
if (pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n);
} else {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.add(n);
Here’s a list of the rule name constants:
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@rob day Many thanks, this has got me rolling again! If the profile already exists I've wrapped the javascript in a try/on error exception, which will ultimately ignore the request and move on with the rest of the script. Thanks again!
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If the profile already exists I've wrapped the javascript
FWIW, that’s what the makePreflight(n) and makeRule(pf, n) functions do—if there’s already a profile with the provided name it uses it, otherwise it makes one. You don’t need the try statement.
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Yep, you're completely correct... Unfortunately I'd already hit 'Post' before I realised this... Thanks for clarifying!
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After a bit more digging I've become stuck again. How do you specify which colour profile you don't want to allow? The following 'ADBE_Colorspace' reference enables the colour space within the pre-flight, but I'm not sure how to target the modes or colour spaces which aren't allowed, for example 'RGB'? There is boolean reference 'no_rgb' but am not sure how to call this? This sub category will also apply to Image resolution too where there's a whole list of real and boolean references to choose from. I found an Indesign CS5 Scripting Manual online, but the examples I run simply didn't work, which means the scripting has evolved since then or I'm doing something wrong (with the latter probably being more accurate!) Any further help would be much appreciated!
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You’ll have to get into the weeds and set a ruleDataObject. This example sets RGB as a space not allowed:
//Make a new Preflight Profile
var pf = makePreflight("TestPreflight");
//add rules to the profile, 2nd parameter is the rule constant string
var tr = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_TransparencyUsage")
tr.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
var cs = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_Colorspace")
cs.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
//can be no_cmyk,no_gray,no_hsb,no_lab,no_rgb,no_spot
var csNoRGB = cs.ruleDataObjects.itemByName("no_rgb") = {dataType:RuleDataType.BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE, dataValue:true}
* Makes a new Preflight
* @ param preflight name
* @ return the new preflight
function makePreflight(n){
if (app.preflightProfiles.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return app.preflightProfiles.itemByName(n);
} else {
return app.preflightProfiles.add({name:n});
* Makes a new Preflight Rule
* @ param preflight name
* @ param the preflight rule constant name
* @ return the new preflight rule
function makeRule(pf, n){
if (pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n);
} else {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.add(n);
* Makes a new Preflight Rule
* @ param preflight name
* @ param the preflight rule constant name
* @ return the new preflight rule
/* function makeRuleDO(r, n){
if (pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n);
} else {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.add(n);
} */
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This is great, thank you! I can apply the same logic to the other buried pre-flight settings and just update the data type (boolean, real, integer etc) and name (taken from the Adobe InDesign Scripting guide), which means everything is now covered, cheers!
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So, thanks to you @rob day I was able to manipulate nearly every setting within the pre-flights using javascript. However, there was one anomaly, which, for some reason isn't scriptable, even though there are sub categories in the pre-flight...
Interactive Elements, which is defined as 'ADBE_InteractiveContent' in the guide, has no rule properties to work from. Is this an oversight by Adobe or am I missing something?
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Try this—you can use in a $.writeln() or an alert() statement to get the string constants for a specific object
//Make a new Preflight Profile
var pf = makePreflight("TestPreflight");
//add rules to the profile, 2nd parameter is the rule constant string
var tr = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_TransparencyUsage")
tr.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
var cs = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_Colorspace")
cs.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
//This sets all of the interactive options to true
var ic = makeRule(pf, "ADBE_InteractiveContent")
ic.flag = PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError;
//This skips animations
var noAnim = ic.ruleDataObjects.itemByName("no_AnimatedObject") = {dataType:RuleDataType.BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE, dataValue:false};
//use this to get the names of ruleDataObjects
//can be no_cmyk,no_gray,no_hsb,no_lab,no_rgb,no_spot
var csNoRGB = cs.ruleDataObjects.itemByName("no_rgb") = {dataType:RuleDataType.BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE, dataValue:true}
* Makes a new Preflight
* @ param preflight name
* @ return the new preflight
function makePreflight(n){
if (app.preflightProfiles.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return app.preflightProfiles.itemByName(n);
} else {
return app.preflightProfiles.add({name:n});
* Makes a new Preflight Rule
* @ param preflight name
* @ param the preflight rule constant name
* @ return the new preflight rule
function makeRule(pf, n){
if (pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n).isValid) {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.itemByName(n);
} else {
return pf.preflightProfileRules.add(n);
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The missing piece has been found! It's still a mystery as to why this wasn't documented in the first place... but thanks for getting everything answered, it's much appreciated!
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Why do you use Javascript when you can stay in AppleScript?
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
make new preflight profile with properties {name:"Spaghetti"}
end tell
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@Dirk Becker I find that Javascript is more robust than Applescript when setting up settings within the Adobe suite. There are certain instances where the only way to manipulate particular settings within Applescript is by using GUI scripting, which I don't really like doing... the more processes I can run hidden, the better! Also, any excuse to use Javascript is also a good excuse for me to understand it better.
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What are you doing in AppleScript before or after you call the do script that you can't do with JS? Are you writing tells to other Mac applications?
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Hi @rob day exactly that... I use Applescript as it's easier to manage (in my opinion, due to lack of Javascript knowledge) but like to use Javascript for specific tasks, which aren't supported as well in Applescript. I have found that when it comes to any settings in the Adobe suite, Javascript covers all bases, whereas it's not as well supported in Applescript, and sometimes requires GUI scripting as a 'workaround' to solutions. All the time Applescript is being supported, I will use it as the backbone to most of the scripts I build. However, I'm aware this might not always be the case, so dipping into other languages is key to getting a broader understanding of how automation can be managed in the future too.
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For Preflight I think AppleScript has everything that JS has:
With JavaScript there is also the BridgeTalk object, which lets you move between Adobe apps. I’ll only use AppleScript for in-house scripting where I need to call on a mac only application like Mail, Numbers, Finder, etc.
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Copied to use Javascript for specific tasks, which aren't supported as well in Applescript. I have found that when it comes to any settings in the Adobe suite, Javascript covers all bases, whereas it's not as well supported in Applescript, and sometimes requires GUI scripting as a 'workaround' to solutions.
By @SpaghettiSam
I think that for InDesign, both AppleScript and JavaScript offer identical support (I'm sure others will correct me if it's not so). For some other apps - for example Bridge and Acrobat - JavaScript covers way more than AppleScript for sure.
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While I've also written some AppleScript in the distant past, most of my InDesign scripting was in ExtendScript.
On the other hand, for "tells to other Mac applications" I've just recently started a UXP "Plugin" script with a large share of AppleScript - impressive that you nowadays can also directly call frameworks. Before that I had actually used AS to "tell InDesign" from another application written in Java.
I think there is not so much testing of InDesign features with AppleScript, causing that the AS parser eventually gets some keywords (actually multi-word phrases) wrong. My first assumption when I read the above doScripts was we had another such case, so without trying regular AS in the first place I attempted to work around using chevron syntax, to only find later that the simple script works without problem. So it partially also was a question to myself.
Your answer also helps with the question whether to run some AppleScript test cases when working on scriptable plug-ins.