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I updated my InDesign and since then my keyboard shortcuts don't work.
Discussion moved by moderator from Adobe Creative Cloud to InDesign
Quit InDesign and delete your Preferences. Then Relaunch.
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Quit InDesign and delete your Preferences. Then Relaunch.
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Jane, on MacOS custom keyboard shortcut sets are stored in /Users/home/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 13.0/en_US/InDesign Shortcut Sets.
Deleting your Preferences deletes your custom KBSC sets.
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i dont see that file. Could it be Indesign Defaults or DVADiologue prefs?
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Hi ggdc49250264 ,
what exact keyboard shortcuts do not work?
Default ones like Ctrl+c ? Or custom ones you stored with InDesign?
While updating InDesign it could be that the update process removed your custom ones.
Or that they went corrupt if you migrated your set from an older version. Then built them anew.
Also possible: You are running an app side by side with InDesign that steals the keyboard shortcut.
Browser add-ons come to my mind here.
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After last software update (InDesign 13.1), the default keyboard shortcuts listed below no longer work.
These are normal keyboard shortcuts that have been default since I started using a Mac II over 25 years ago. (except the "w" function.)
From the others I've seen expressing the same issue, it's beyond reason why Adobe hasn't gotten to the bottom of it. They act like they're the only game in town. Oh wait ...
Frustrated and exasperated in Texas
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A SOLUTION (for the MAC at least)
I just yesterday had this exact problem too on my mac. Adobe support had me remove preference folders in my /Library folder, which did not work, a reinstall of Indesign didn't help me. Support then took over my MacBook and eventually tried out a new /root profile. From which everything worked. So it definitely was something happening on my profile. Tried closing all open apps... and it turned out EXODUS (a multi coin cryptowallet application) was 'stealing' my Cmd/Ctrl/Option/Shift keys from Indesign. Closing it while running Indesign totally solved everything!
So check for any applications 'running' or installed/allowed in your "system setting/security&privacy/accessibility" options.
Best of luck!
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As it turned out, I discovered a similar issue that was causing my problems. I had recently installed an Internet security app called Webroot. After much frustrating research, I stumbled on to a selection option in the dropdown that says "Pause Secure Keyboard Entry." Without that option selected, virtually NONE of the default quick-keys in all Adobe apps would work.
Problem solved. So now, after a restart, I select the PAUSE and I'm good to go.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your findings.
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Thanks! I had this problem, and found that it was something running in Chrome - simply restarting Chrome fixed the issue.
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I wish Adobe would spend more time investigating this. At least twice a week many of my keyboard shortcuts stop working - the space bar won't invoke the hand tool, the option key functions like copy-on-move, and similar stop working. I am currently on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (often don't update macOS right away because Creative Cloud often has conflics), with the newest Chrome and updated versions of CC apps.
I use InDesign the most, but this happens in multiple CC apps, regularly, and updating or closing Chrome doesn't usually fix it. I don't want to have to trash all my CC preferences every time it happens, and having to shut down everything and restart doesn't help productivity.
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Yep, its incredible annoying that I can't hold ALT and move an object. Any fix for this??
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Hi, sorry but did you find a fix for this? I am unable to alt+drag to duplicate an object too.