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I was dumb and let my CC software update automatically and now several fonts fail to load in InDesign. Right now it's Avenir and palantino. I have tried all the basics, rolling back the software, clearing the font cache, activating and deactivating the fonts, reinstalling the fonts, reinstalling the software, etc.
InDesign 15.0.3
Mac OSX Catalina
I contacted adobe support a few times and they are now telling me it's Apple's fault and I need to call their support and have them update their system fonts. I call BS, they were working fine before CC updated.
Adobe gave me a workaround where you open a new document and use all the fonts in it that you are going to need and keep that open while you work. This works about 30% of the time.
Is anyone else having this issue? Adobe support is a ___ joke so I am hoping someone else has answers.
(Moderators note: This is a public forum. Please refrain from using profanity—even using *'s.)
Edit: PDFs export without a problem, but its really hard to design anything when I cant see the correct font
{Renamed by MOD}
1 Correct answer
Hi there,
We're sorry to hear about this. We are currently investigating this issue. I would request if you could upvote this issue here ( and try the steps shared on this similar discussion (
It would be really helpful if you could also share a few sample files in comment section. It wil
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Why would a font error be and adobe software issues?
its your font manager that handles font activation, not indesign.
Are you using the font manager your mac came with or a professional font manager like suitcase fusion?
if the first... show us a screenshot of what the font manager shows for those fonts.
Next question, how many fonts have you installed and where do you download them from? Reason I ask is because the font managers computers come with are not able to screen fonts to make sure they are healthy... so, you could just have corruption.
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The fonts are system fonts (currently the font is Palantino Bold) and is controlled by Fontbook. There were zero issues until adobe updated. There is no corruption, the fonts work fine in every application besides InDesign. I have gone though hours of troubleshooting on this topic. I can make a new document in InDesign and use the fonts with no problem, but if I save that document and reopen it, the fonts are then broken again.
Edit: This is now happening on two seperate computers after updating to 15.0.3. The fonts that will not work are different though. Man, if adobe could have an update that fixed something rather than breaking something I would die.
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do you see the fonts from the find font dialog?
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Yes, the fonts are there but then I click change all it doesn't actually replace anything. If I keep opening and closing the file enough times it will sometimes eventually work.
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Furthermore, I made a new document and as you can see those fonts work fine. If I save this document and reopen it, they will once again be missing.
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JUNE 11, 2020
Yes ... I'm having the same issue and mostly with the font Avenir which has worked perfectly fine on all earlier versions of Mac OS ... only having issues since upgrading to Catalina + using FONT BOOK to manage. VERY FRUSTRATING. From a professional standpoint, it's a HUGE issue for corporate designers working on extremely tight deadlines. I have to package files and then work on a completely different computer ( Mac OS that is not Catalina ) to finalize projects when this transpires. Sometimes ... if I open the idml file instead of the indd file, the fonts will render accurately but only temporarily. After exporting the file to a PDF, the screen refreshes and the font window pops up indicating a slew of fonts are not available on the computer. It may very well be an Apple Catalina issue but as end users, our expectation is that Apple and Adobe will pony up and play well together in the sandbox. Throwing the book at the end user and telling us to work it out with Apple is certainly not the level of customer service I'd expect from Adobe. We're not software developers ... but there is a solution. Hopefully ya'll will find some resolutions and fast.
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Exactly the same, except I have been running Catalina for months and it wasnt until I updated InDesign that the error started. I am on tight deadlines right now and it's very stressful.
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A professional workflow requires professional software. Font Book is NOT a professional font manager and is not meant for professinal font management.
Reasons why a professinal graphic designers should not use font book:
- A real professional font manager will not allow you to put somethign bad in - FONT BOOK will let you install anything. and that causes font issues, corruption. so on
- FONT BOOK can't tell font types (TT, OPEN TYPE, post script.. so on). So you can install fonts that have same names but different types, andFONT BOOK wont know what to do. and that causes font issues, corruption. so on
i recommend you ty the 30 day free trial of suitcase so you can see and the difference.
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Font managers do not solve the issue.
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Hi there,
We're sorry to hear about this. We are currently investigating this issue. I would request if you could upvote this issue here ( and try the steps shared on this similar discussion (
It would be really helpful if you could also share a few sample files in comment section. It will help us replicating this issue and resolve it as soon as possible.
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I have upvoted the bug, and I have been through all the community posts about this. I have also been on the phone with support for over 5 hours so far this month and provided many sample files/screen share sessions.
The only workaround so far is to NOT package files. I repeat DO NOT PACKAGE FILES. If there is a folder called "document fonts" then fonts will NOT work in the file. Seems backwards yes? Thats the adobe way apparently.
Also, if you pirate an older version of InDesign it will also work. I am lucky in the sense that I still have a copy of CS6 laying around to help get me through deadlines when the software I pay $50 a month for doesnt work.
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Hi, was this issue ever resolved? I am having the same problem. I completed a layout for a magazine using InDesign, sent it o be edited, and now that I have the final file back none of the fonts (Webdindgs TT, Calisto MT) are working properly. I have installed them, and they work fine in InDesign if, and only if I open a new document and type using the fonts. There is no way I am going to copy-paste the entire magazine into a new document just to get the fonts to read. There has to be some better solution to this problem.
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Nope, they keep saying it will be fixed with the next update but so far I have not had the problem solved. However, the work around I have is to delete the "document fonts" folder that is with the packaged files. When that files is deleted, my INDD files appear to have working fonts.
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Thank you so much for replying. I did package the document in order to send it to the magazine designer, but I wonder, how do I delete the document fonts folder? If you can explain that, I would really appreciate it. Thank you again for your reply.
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you don't want to be deleting the fonts folder created when you package files. You can do your find and replace of fonts, redefine styles and package again. its good to have package files for moving/sharing files later
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Its just the folder that is in the packaged folder. usually when you package something you have the main INDD files, a "links" file and a "document fonts". All you need to do is remove the fonts folder (you can put it anywhere like on your desktop, it just needs to be out of the folder where the indesign file is) or delete it and fonts should work again. I posted an image of the folder I am talking about.
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- You're using InDesign CS6 ?
- Which operating system are you using ... Catalina?
- Are you saying that when you remove the fonts folder from the Packaged file, you no longer have font issues?
I think it's weird and it would be a huge pain in the asset to have to do this every time I work on a file but perhaps this reveals where there is a conflict between the software code and font handling.
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If you are using a pirate version of adobe software you probably don't want to tells us that.
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I am using a physical copy of CS6 I bought years ago, but for those who need to get work done on a deadline that may be their only option. Or you know, adobe could actually test their software.
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i recommend you switch to a professional font manager like suitcase fusion. there is a 30 day free trial. give it a test.
I would like if adobe provided a font manager.
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Did not solve the issue, but thanks I guess.
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This is beyond funny to me that this problem has been marked as "Solved". This is an ongoing problem and it's happening with a lot of common fonts. While it didn't start happening to me until I updated my MAC to Catalina, it's been since at least March that I started searching and commenting on support community threads about this. And now it's August, with the last update I can find from June that just says "we are working on it".
I really dearly wish there was some way to easily jump ship and find good alternatives to your software. Which sucks because over all, the products are great. I just find it really aggrivating that something as important as fonts connecting properly, hasn't been treated like the high priority issue it should be.
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i have not had any of these issues (Neither 5 other designers i work with directly). Judging by this thread, and others similar to this, (i dont' know what you have so i will not put in in the same bag) it looks like folks are not using a professional font manager for their font management. so yes, issues like these will happen since only they know what other fonts they have installed and they have conflicts/corruption that they dont' even know they have.
yes, they did and update and now there are issues. maybe the update finally caugh up with bad font management or lack of knowledge/experience. We don't know the full story of what has been done to make an educated called. so the issue is solved, yes.
If you work without a professional font manger and you start installing font from different locations, yes, you will have font issues eventually.
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I have been having this issue all year and one of my thoughts was to try font managment software. I have used them before but since I only work with a handful of fonts for the games I work on, I have not used them in some time. The same issues occur even with the three font management systems I have tried out (Typeface, Fontbase and Rightfont). Dont get after people for not using "prefessional font managers", this is a legitmate problem and it is still not solved.

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