We've had reports that some of the files necessary for working with video get trapped by virus checking software when you install Lightroom. Check your virus checking software to see if that was the case. If it is, then either mark the files as safe, or uninstall Lightroom 4.1, turn off virus checking, and re-install.
If you have DivX software installed, that may be causing a conflict with Lightroom and video. Try uninstalling DivX, restart your computer, and see if you can import videos into Lightroom.
Disabling my virus scanner and firewall doesn't work, I cannot import mpg files. (MP4's, AVI, MTS's yes.) I'm disappointed that Adobe hasn't looked into this problem yet, this was reported at an early stage.
I have some similar problems with LR4 some of my videos will import while other won't.
Several problems show up there:
1. I import one small mpeg file, after ages the process finishes but the video is not in the catalog and a warning tells me that the video was not imported
2. I import avchd,mpeg, mov (mpg4),... files : some of them get imported while others won't and are here again displayed in a warning dialog. Why this? File with the same extension come from the same camera and I can read them perfectly in windows.
3. I import avchd,mpeg,mov,.. files. They do get imported but there is no preview and they cannot be read. Lightroom displays a small warning sign on the preview that says, when hoovered, that there was a problem at reading the file.Why that? Here a gain the file with the same extension come from the same camera. Why do some file get corrupted like that?
-> this makes lightroom absolutely unsable to catalog videos
I am experiencing the same issues (long import time and failure message at the end, with the option to save the list of not-imported videos) with LR 4. The videos are mpg files, captured with a Sony handycam.
The problem you describe with the import taking a while, then reporting that the video can't be imported - this sounds like the same thing that happens when a video file is damaged somehow and Lightroom can't read it. Are you able to play the not-imported videos in other players (like QuickTime, for example)?
I can confirm that in my case Windows media video, VLC and the PMB (application by Sony) can play the videos without giving issues.
As far as I can tell they appear to be normal mpeg files.
Quicktime (7.7.1) cannot open them with error "-2048", reporting that the file is not in a format recognized by QuickTime. Maybe this can provide some hints?
Hello Becky
Yes I can play them, as well, from start to end with window media player, and vlc. I did not try any other software.
That makes a big part of my videos (40% at least) that cannot be imported.
I have then the problem of the files that do get imported but generate no previews.
In the end I can only import about 5% of my videos.
Anyway thank you very much for your feed back.
Hello Becky do you have any followup? Is there something that we can do to help you reproduce/track down the issue? Improved video support was a major selling point for buying LR4 and it is really frustrating not having it.
If the video is mpeg2 format, Lightroom will not support it, for licensing reasons. I know at least some Sony Handycams shoot mpeg2 video. You would need to check the documentation for your specific camera to see which video format the camera shoots. Note that some video files that are mpeg2 format may still have a file extension of .mpg.
Becky this seems a possibility. I am cheking mine ( http://store.sony.com/webapp/wcs/stor... ) and it says "Video Format : MPEG2-PS ".
Does this mean that there will never be a solution?
thanks for the explainations
That is a real shame, a huge part of my collection is MPEG2
that makes lightroom unfit for these.
I hope you can quickly come up with a solution
Becky thanks for your answer. I appreciate your openness, even if it is disappointing for my needs. Just to be sure, I am looking at the following page: http://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom/kb/v... which states that file extensions MPEG and MPEG4 are supported: but nothing is said about video formats.
I am researching the possibility to convert my mpeg2 files, to which format should I (try to) convert them: mpeg1 or mpeg4? Or do you suggest another path? Or do you recommend against trying this conversion?
I have to add to the movie issues in LR 4.1RC.
MOV videos from Canon 7D - while they are imported - do NOT play or scrub and can't be trimmed or edited. The video place holder is there - but videos don't play.
However, the performance of still photo develop module HAS improved in the 4.1RC.
This sounds exactly like my second issue. Though not all of the videos are affected. The funniest thing is that there is no setting difference between those that get played and those that don't for a same given camera.
Thanks for the comment. I am not an expert in video formats. So, the question is: is there a feasible path (obviously involving some kind of conversion from mpeg2) to display those video in LR or it is not possible without heavy quality loss?
I purchased an upgrade from LR3 to LR4 but have a serious problem. I have many short video clips in my catalog in the same folder as my pictures. I shoot video and pictures with a Nikon D90 and Panasonic TZ7.
As soon as I open a folder (in library mode) which contains video files some background programs are started like dynamiclinkmanager.exe and dynamiclinkmediaserver.exe. After a few seconds the latter one uses a constant 25% of CPU while in LR all video files in the upper right corner of the thumbnail get marked with a ! in a triangle. Both process remain active (including 25% CPU load for dynamiclinkmediaserver.exe) when LR4 is closed, they can only be killed via windows taskmanager. I have also tried to import new videofiles but I am running in the same problem here: I have not been able to import any video files, I tried several different formats!!!! This was never a problem in LR3.
I have seen reports from other people that seem to have the same problem. For me LR4 is completely useless because of the fact that many folders in my catalog contain videofiles resulting in the problem described above as soon as I open one of them. I'm seriously considering a refund if this problem cannot be solved!!
Some additional info:
- PC with Icore5, 8GB RAM
- Windows 7 64-bit
- Video's open and play correctly in Quicktime (V7.7.1 build 1680.42)
Please let me know what I can do to get rid of this serious problem.
update: LR 4.1 RC2 has shown improvement in video editing now. I can view videos - some not that smoothly -but I CAN scrub and trim clips from my 7D DSLR. There's seems to be some caching in playback - it does stutter. LR is not my main video editor - I use Sony Vegas 11.
I followed the suggestion to remove DIVX software. After rebooting there was some improvement: now both dynamiclinkmanager.exe and dynamiclinkmediaserver.exe shut down correctly after closing LR4. Also, video clips from my Panasonic TZ7 already in the LR3 catalog play correctly in library mode.
However, the following still does not work:
- I am not able to import new video clips. Thumbnails display "preview not available", importing results in an error message that there is a problem with the video file.
- all video clips already in my LR3 catalog and shot with Nikon D90 do not play. Thumbnails still have a triangle with "!"
Anyone having more suggestions to solve my problem with importing and editing video files from a Nikon D90? I have updated to LR 4.1, I don't see any improvement.