The tool tip for Remove > Next Variation is garbled in LR 13.4 / Windows running in French:
This is caused by a typo in TranslatedStrings_Lr_fr_FR.txt:
"$$$/AgDevelop/Dust/GenRemove/NextVariation/Shortcut/Win=Alt + ^U + 2192"
It should be:
"$$$/AgDevelop/Dust/GenRemove/NextVariation/Shortcut/Win=Alt + ^U+2192"
Of course, this wouldn't have happened if the tool tip followed the convention used everywhere else in LR, with "Left Arrow" and "Right Arrow" used instead of ←and →, and if the developers used the Any Shortcut plugin to catch errors before release. (There's plenty of room in the tool tips for spelling out Left Arrow and Right Arrow.)