In LR 14.0, the in-program help for Remove on Mac incorrectly shows Backspace as the shortcut for Delete. On Mac, the key is called "Delete":
For example, the Mac Library Shortcuts shows the correct name of that key (Delete):
The offending line in TranslatedStrings is:
It should be:
LR's convention is that occurrences of "Delete" in the help shortcuts in TranslatedStrings get translated to "Backspace" on Windows. For example:
Windows LR help translates that Delete to Backspace before displaying it.
But it appears for the Remove > Delete help, even after you change "Backspace" to "Delete", LR isn't calling the code to do that translation.
So two mistakes: 1) TranslatedStrings has "Backspace" instead of "Delete", and 2) The code for translating "Delete" to "Backspace" on Windows isn't being called.