Issue: Keywords created since upgrading to 11.2 are not coming up as auto complete suggestions in the add keywords field when keywording an image.
Lightroom Classic Version Number: 11.2
OS Version Number: Windows 10 v21H1 & v21H2
Steps to reproduce:
Step 1: Create a new keyword in the catalogue.
Step 2: Select an image and start to type the keyword into the add keyword field in Keywords section.
Expected result:
The new keyword should automatically appear as an auto complete suggestion when adding keywords to an image.
For example, keywords ‘car’ & ‘caravan’ exist in my my catalogue prior to updating to v11.2. Now after upgrading to 11.2 I now add a new keyword ‘carousel’ I would expect all 3 of these keywords to appear after typing ‘ca’ into the add keyword field. However, only ‘car’ & ‘caravan’ show and ‘carousel’ is missing.
Keywords added prior to v11.2 are working but new ones added in 11.2 are not.
This happens on both my workstation and laptop (separate catalogues). I checked and this was working in v11.1.