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P: Photo placed in wrong spot on map

Dec 11, 2016 Dec 11, 2016

The new Lightroom version has a major bug in the map module!When you try to position a photo somewhere on the map Lightroom 6.8 assigns a wrong position (near the spot).

Bug Investigating
macOS , Windows
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correct answers 2 Correct answers

LEGEND , Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

This bug has been outstanding for many years.  Workarounds:


1. Set Preferences > Interface > Font Size to Automatic and the Windows Display Settings > Scale And Layout to 100%.   Dragging photos to the map and the Develop eye dropper then become accurate for most people. But if the fonts are now too small, adjust the Windows Display Settings scaling, not the font size in LR.  (That works for some but not all people.)


2. Instead of dragging to the map, right-click the map location and do

Adobe Employee , Feb 15, 2017 Feb 15, 2017
I have been able to reproduce this issue and I have logged a bug as well.

Smit Keniya
Adobe Lightroom Team
replies 152 Replies 152
Community Beginner ,
Apr 26, 2020 Apr 26, 2020
I was the person who found that Setting LR to Auto for font size solved my problems.  For me, a good workaround until I solved my problem: Right click the spot you want and then select the photos. This was accurate on my systems even when the "drag and drop" was not.
Seems like the problem might be more complex.
I have two 4K screens and they both (now) work  fine.  Here are the details for those trying to make sense of all this - hope they are useful:
Screen on Windows 10 desktop: Benq SW320 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 6GB with latest drivers from NVIDIA (the Microsoft suggested ones didn't work with the new graphics acceleration option in LR)
LR Font size set to "Auto"
Screen settings in Windows:
Font size is set to 150% (Recommended)
Resolution set to 3840 x 2160 (Recommended)
Screen on Laptop Yoga 2 Pro Windows 10 (6? years old) using onboard "Intel(R) HD Graphics Family"
LR Font size set to "Auto"
Screen settings in Windows:
Font size set to 200% (Microsoft recommends 250%)
Resolution set to 3200 x 1800 (Recommended)
Jun 06, 2020 Jun 06, 2020
Ok this is a bug, easy to solve it seems, because so reproducable.  Adobe get your act together...

It happens when the screen settings in windows is different than LR:
I've got my font size to Medium in LR
and scale in windows to 100%
--> putting the pin is correct.

Just change the windows scaling to 125% -> google map changes in LR in scale! and shibang -> pin placing is wrong.  Easy to fix, because so reproduce-able as a bug (If my bug explaing as a software developer was so easy, my product wouldn't have bugs :))

Jul 07, 2020 Jul 07, 2020
Thanks so much for the right-click workaround. Now we need Adobe to fix the issue so that it works like it used to and supposed to work.
Oct 10, 2020 Oct 10, 2020

The new Lightroom classic 9.4 version has a major bug in the map module! When you try to position a photo somewhere on the map Lightroom assigns a wrong position (near the spot).

Oct 10, 2020 Oct 10, 2020

This bug has been outstanding for many years.  Workarounds:


1. Set Preferences > Interface > Font Size to Automatic and the Windows Display Settings > Scale And Layout to 100%.   Dragging photos to the map and the Develop eye dropper then become accurate for most people. But if the fonts are now too small, adjust the Windows Display Settings scaling, not the font size in LR.  (That works for some but not all people.)


2. Instead of dragging to the map, right-click the map location and do Add GPS Coordinates To Selected Photos. That should place the photo accurately.  Dragging the map pin also works accurately for most people.

Oct 11, 2020 Oct 11, 2020

Thank you! Workaround 2 works perfect and is easy to remember 🙂 😉

Engaged ,
Oct 11, 2020 Oct 11, 2020

*Chris Notz You can also Ctrl+click (Cmd+click on the mac) to place the photos on the map instead of dragging on top of it.

New Here ,
Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

Hi, I've just wasted half an hour trying to figure out why this wasn't working today after I had been using my laptop on an external monitor, and then unplugged it. I finally came across this thread but Adobe this is not really good enough when your customers have already diagnosed the root cause for you a year ago. It is a pretty fundamental function of the map module to be able to set a location of a photo accurately and I can't believe it is a difficult fix for the software code to query Windows settings to know what the text scaling is currently set to and take that into account. I know I can workaround it by changing my Windows text scaling to 100% (and struggle to read Windows text) but why should I have to do this? Pete.

Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

This bug has been outstanding for many years.  Workarounds:


1. Set Preferences > Interface > Font Size to Automatic and the Windows Display Settings > Scale And Layout to 100%.   Dragging photos to the map and the Develop eye dropper then become accurate for most people. But if the fonts are now too small, adjust the Windows Display Settings scaling, not the font size in LR.  (That works for some but not all people.)


2. Instead of dragging to the map, right-click the map location and do Add GPS Coordinates To Selected Photos. That should place the photo accurately.  Dragging the map pin also works accurately for most people.

Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

See here for another workaround to the bug that doesn't involve changing the scaling:


Dec 27, 2020 Dec 27, 2020

I have the same issue but in LrC 10.1. Using a 4k monitor (win10 and scaling 125%). If I put LrC on the secondary monitor (1440p) it works. Also scaling 200% on the 4k monitor is a work-around, but that makes using LrC a terrible experience. 

Explorer ,
Jan 17, 2021 Jan 17, 2021

Same issue here! (Since .... a long time ago!)

LR Classic 10.11 (202101041610) / Windows 10 / Display Scale 125%

Community Beginner ,
Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021

How can I "Drag the map pin?"

Engaged ,
Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021

@don_dement If the selected image has GPS coordinates, the Map module will show a pin on the map at that location.  You can click on that pin and drag it to another location on the map to change those coordinates.

undefinedexpand image
Community Beginner ,
Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021

Not so, and never has been so for me. As you say "click on that pin," if you mean drag that pin, it instead drags the entire map. I've tried Ctl, Alt, Shift - drag and so on. No difference.

I set the display text resolution from 175 to 150 and that fixed the pin location error. I hope my eyes don't tire more easily now. I doubt if I can keep other programs going easily with smaller typeface. I may have to set the resolution back up for classes.

I teach LR by Zoom and my students have a variety of devices. They're already struggling with the tiny and light-gray-on-lighter-gray text and backgrounds Adobe gives us. I have to constantly make excuses for the simplest things that never get upgraded, and for the upgrades that set us back (like today's v.11).

Engaged ,
Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021

Yep, when you hover over the pin, the middle should display the maroon circle with the direction arrows as shown in my previous screenshot .  You should be able to click & drag that pin to a new location then.

Community Beginner ,
Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021

That works OK for one at a time. I want to drag a whole group to the right place but that drags the whole map. I did one alone and it worked - right beside it dragged 6 at once from the filmstrip then tried to move that group - dragged the map. So we're both right under different requirements.

Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021

You can accurately place a batch of photos with a different workaround: Select the photos in the filmstrip, right-click the map location, and do Add GPS Coordinates To Selected Photos. That should place the photos accurately.

Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2021 Jun 14, 2021

When I place photos on the map by dragging and dropping, they are dropped a few centimeters (on the screen) besides the location where I dropped them.


Is this a bug?


(Windows 10 up to date; Lr Classic 10.3)

Enthusiast ,
Jun 14, 2021 Jun 14, 2021


There is apparently a longstanding bug with dragging photos to the map:


I had the same issue (on Windows) for a very long time and I was so used to it I could drag the pictures to a place so they would appear in their almost exact location (centimeters away). In the past few months noticed that it finally worked fine, without doing anything except keeping everything updated. Now on LrC 10.3, it's still flawless. So, really not sure what's the cause, maybe you'll find a working solution in the linked thread.

Hope that helps,



Michael Niessen - Photographer, photo-editor, educator

Photo-editing (Ps/Lr/LrC) and photography workshops & one-on-one training (off- and online)
Jun 14, 2021 Jun 14, 2021

To build on Michael's reply: That bug report describes a workaround that works for most people. Instead of dragging the photos to the map, select them in the filmstrip, right-click the desired location in the map and do Add GPS Coordinates.


The occurrence of the bug seems to depend (at least in part) on the current settings of Windows display scaling and LR's Preferences > Interface > Font Size.


This is an old bug. Please add your constructive opinion to the bug report and be sure to click Like and Follow at the bottom of the first post. That will make it a little more likely Adobe will prioritize the fix, and you'll be notified when the bug's status changes. Product developers rarely participate in this forum and won't see your feedback.



Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2021 Jun 19, 2021

Thank you both @MNiessenPhoto and @johnrellis for your replies and suggestions.


The strange thing is that I never had this problem before. It only happend after the recent update of LrC to 10.3 (and at the same time Windows keeps on updating as well as the NVIDIA GPU driver).


Thank you @johnrellis for the suggestion on giving this issue more attention.

Jun 19, 2021 Jun 19, 2021

Glad you got it resolved.  It's pretty shameful that Adobe hasn't fixed this over the years. 

Contributor ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

After updating to LR Classic ver 13.3 I am having problems manually positioning images in the map module. If using a gpx file, or images already containing the GPS info, all is fine. But when I drag an image from the filmstrip to the map and release it, it jumps about several hundred yards (or more) to the south-east.

Anyone else having this issue?

Community Expert ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

Could you confirm your operating system please? And I'm guessing that's Lightroom Classic 10.3?

Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.