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P: Rendition in cloud and on synced to Mobile becomes stale

Explorer ,
Jun 16, 2023 Jun 16, 2023

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I re-edit a photo from Lr Classic in Photoshop. It is in my target collection which is my sync collection. Lightroom Classic says the sync is done. The new version is visible in Lightroom on the web (Chrome). The thumbnail in Lr Mobile is correct. When I open the image in Lightroom Mobile it reverts back to the old previously edited version.


Bug Acknowledged
macOS , Windows




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Feb 27, 2025 Feb 27, 2025

Summary Workaround:  Any Stale Renditions you have in the cloud may be affected by selecting the image in Classic and performing a [Cmd/CTRL]+[ S ] to save the Catalog metadata to the file, then allow it to sync to update the Cloud rendition.

The conditions necessary to create a file in this state are:

  • Import raw file into LrClassic.
  • Edit in PS
  • Return to Classic as a Tif (PSD is unconfirmed as affected)
  • Activate Sync for the file
  • Allow Sync to complete
  • Edit in PS again (as original)
  • At some poin


Community Expert ,
Jun 16, 2023 Jun 16, 2023

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If you select an image from a synced Collection in LrC and use the editin PS function after you have completed your work and save the file a new image will be added to the Collection which will sync to your Creative Cloud Storage.

Now you should have the original synced image and the new image with the PS adjustments.


Regards, Denis: iMac 27” mid-2015, macOS 11.7.10 Big Sur; 2TB SSD, 24 GB Ram, GPU 2 GB; LrC 12.5,; Lr 6.5, PS 24.7,; ACR 15.5,; (also Laptop Win 11, ver 23H2, LrC 14.2, ; ) Camera Oly OM-D E-M1.




Explorer ,
Jun 16, 2023 Jun 16, 2023

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Not necessarily. Of the original was a Tif file and I select edit original in Lr going to Ps then a new file will not be created and this is when the issue occurs




Adobe Employee ,
Jun 19, 2023 Jun 19, 2023

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Merging with existing bug

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org
Status Acknowledged




Explorer ,
Nov 08, 2023 Nov 08, 2023

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I have a synchronized collection in Lightroom Classic. My image is in TIF format. If I re-edit the image the changes are not reflected in Lightroom Mobile. The thumbnail is correct in mobile but the opened image is not. 




Community Beginner ,
Mar 18, 2024 Mar 18, 2024

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I am using Lr on my iphone (latest iOS and latest version of the app) and have an issue I can illustrate using a video I will post below. 


My workflow: Using LrC (13.2), I send my edited images to 'all synced photographs' folder and they show up in Lr.  Once on the phone, I am occasionally facing an issue where the edited image shows up fine in the thumbnails grid view, but once the image is opened, it reverts back to the unedited image. 


I captured a screen capture video to illustrate the issue.

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6V2wl5NhJO0

Or you can view the video, attached. 


I appreciate the help.  I have searched the forums and spent time on chat with Adobe to no avail. 




Community Beginner ,
Mar 30, 2024 Mar 30, 2024

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believe I have solved this issue.  I have about 4 or 5 images that have this issue unresolved.  I just added to the sync folder a couple of new images I have been working on.  Curious, I opened up Lr Mobile and one of the new images. 

I received a warning indicating that the image has a missing image profile -  


“Camera Neutral v2 is not available on this device.  If you continue editing, your photo may look very different. To avoid this, open the photo on your original device.”


This got me wondering, so I went back into LrC and updated the image profile to Adobe Landscape and made a slight adjustment to exposure (the latter to trigger LrC to re-sync) and voila, the syncing issue on Lr Mobile seemed fixed. 


I did these same steps to several other of my images that have had this issue for weeks and those are fixed as well.


Note: my images are from either my Nikon z8 or z7 and I typically use Camera Neutral in camera as my profile.


IMG_9767.pngexpand image




Community Beginner ,
May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024

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So, this has happened off and on and is very annoying especially when I want to use my tablet to show photos to my clients. I use LRC as my library and for global first edits, and will use other software like Photoshop and others for more specific edits, but always back to LRC for cataloging. 

This seems to happen mostly with psd files, but not always. On my Mac, the photo is correct, but when it syncs to my Samsung tablet, it may be a previous version, not the latest. For example, if I edit a photo in Photoshop, and bring it back to LRC and let it sync, but then I take it back to PS to edit more, then back to LRC, LRC will show correctly, but after it syncs the changes, the older version is still syncing.

I still see the old version in lightroom.adobe.com and on my tablet.

I've tried:

Stop syncing that collection 

Delete the files from lightroom.adobe.com

Delete the files from deleted on the website 

Start syncing the collection


Same old version gets synced. So, LRC on the computer is good, tablet shows older version.


I'm pulling what little hair I have left trying to figure this out. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 




Explorer ,
Jul 29, 2024 Jul 29, 2024

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I have numerous sync'd collections created in Lightroom Classic. When I view them on either my iPad or iPhone, some, but not all, of them will revert to a previous version.


As an example, I might replace a sky in Photoshop. Save that image as a *.PSD and add it to the LRC catalog. I then select that edited version and add it to a sync'd collection in LR Mobile. What shows up on the iPhone or iPad for a quick second is the properly edited version only to be replaced by an older iteration of the same image.

This occassionally happens with sky replacement, removal of objects using the remove tool. I haven't seen it with generative fill.


I've removed the image(s) from the collection, restarted LRC and added it back into the collection but it still will revert to a prior version. (I don't want to change the name of the file if I don't have to.)


Any suggestiions or recommendations would be appreciated.




Explorer ,
Jul 31, 2024 Jul 31, 2024

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While certainly not a great solution but I did the following and the image now is correct in LR on my iPhone.

  1. Establish existing collection as the target collection
  2. Remove image from target collection
  3. In LRC, export the desired file and any supporting RAW file(s) to the desktop.
  4. Go to LRC and delete the file(s) completely from LRC. (In my case this was a "finished" PSD and the original RAW with LRC edits.)
  5. Close, backup and restart LRC.
  6. Click the "Import" button in the lower LHS column
  7. Find your images on the desktop
  8. Import them into your "My Pictures" or "Pictures" top level folder in the LRC catalog
  9. Add whatever metadata presets that might be missing
  10. Select these recently imported files and manually drag them to desired subfolder in your LRC catalog.
  11. Add the "finished" file to your specific collection.
  12. Make sure that collection is sycn'ing with LRC
  13. Wait for that file added to the collection to show up on your mobile device and verify that it's presenting the correct version of your image.
  14. Take a deep breath!




Explorer ,
Jan 14, 2025 Jan 14, 2025

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I have a series of collections sync'ing to my LRC Mobile app on my phone and on my iPad.


Recently, I updated a photo (a PSD layered document), removing some distractions that I saw after I thought I had finished processing the image. In PS, I added a new layer, made the adjustment(s) and saved it back, as the same name, into LRC. LRC shows the updated version in the catalog and in the corresponding collection.


I then remove the old version of the image from the collection and add the updated one. On my computer, Winders 11, it shows the updated version. However, on my iPhone and on my iPad, the old version of the image, without the distraction removal showing, appears on both devices.


Things I've tried:

  • Made sure that LRC was using the latest version
  • Purged the LRC cache
  • Created a JPEG from the PSD and put that JPEG in the collection
  • Created a new collection with a new name and put the image in that new collection
  • Uninstalled LRC Mobile off my iPhone and reinstalled it.


The only thing I have been able to do to get the correct image to show on the iPhone or iPad, is to remove the "offending" image from the LRC collection. In the LRC catalog, I'll export the correct file to the desktop, delete the file from the LRC catalog. From the desktop, I'll rename and then import it as a new image into the catalog. I'll put it in the correct catalog folder and then add that recently imported version into the collection.


After all that hoop-jumping, the correct image is finally displayed on both the iPhone and iPad.


There's got to be a better way to do this.


Any cleaner way to do this?





Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2025 Feb 27, 2025

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Summary Workaround:  Any Stale Renditions you have in the cloud may be affected by selecting the image in Classic and performing a [Cmd/CTRL]+[ S ] to save the Catalog metadata to the file, then allow it to sync to update the Cloud rendition.

The conditions necessary to create a file in this state are:

  • Import raw file into LrClassic.
  • Edit in PS
  • Return to Classic as a Tif (PSD is unconfirmed as affected)
  • Activate Sync for the file
  • Allow Sync to complete
  • Edit in PS again (as original)
  • At some point, after repeated round-trip edits, the file will exhibit an "!" indicating that Metadata is "Changed on Disk." It is at this point that the binary rendition becomes stale. Metadata and Lr edits can continue to update, but the underlying pixels remain stale. 
  • [Cmd/Ctrl]+[S] will save metadata to the file and eliminate the "!" The stale rendition is now updated in the cloud.

  • A Library Filter will reveal all afflicted files in the catalog by searching for Metadata Status = "Changed on Disk".
    Select All 
    [Cmd/Ctrl]+[S] to save the metadata to the file. 

Let me know if this works for you. 


Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org



