I notice that LR eats all memory when you start importing images.
When opened, it takes about 1.5-3GB ram. Then import 100 images, and RAM shoots up to +17GB
Iv been doing some tests with smaller raw files, same thing, always goes up to 17GB ram usage. The folder i imported as test contains only 5GB of raws, and LR uses more then twice that amount to import those images? When you delete the images, 17GB ram is still in use. Then tested less images, like 30, and memory still goes up, but less, around 5GB ram extra, for images that on disk only take around 1GB. Importing more images, like +300 will not make memory to increase more then 17GB.
Solution? Import images, restart LR to clear memory, edit... and ram usage will stay "normal" around 6GB during edit after some testing. Thats 10GB less then just doing an import. Whats up with that?
Im on 13.5 btw
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