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It seems ever since I updated Lightroom Classic to v10.3, Lens Profile Correction and Remove Chromatic Aberration are automatically applied upon import. I've searched and tried chaging the Raw Defaults in Preferences to Camera Defaults and Adobe Default, and both still apply these two settings upon Import. Does anyone know how disable this? I prefer uploading my RAW files without any settings applied during import.
The Canon RF 24-105mm F4L IS USM is one of the few RF lenses that Adobe has a matching lens profile. So it's not using a built-in lens profile with this specific Canon RF lens. The best solution is to create a Develop preset that only has the Lens Corrections selected and Enable Profile Corrections unchecked in the raw file when you create it. Then follow the below instructions to change the Raw Defaults using a preset. This will effectively turn off all lens corrections on future imports.
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What camera?
Did you look over Import Presets (lower right of screen) to see if you have one that sets this?
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Canon R5
The Import Preset bar at the bottom of the Import screen says None.
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If you are experiencing the Built-in lens profile applied as displayed in the screen capture then that is a profile that has been created by your camera manufacturer. Most likely you are using a mirrorless camera model, the profile will be applied automatically by LrC at import and there is no option for you to turn it off. this applies to the majority of mirroless camera models.
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Exactly, and why I asked what camera was being used.
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The boxes are checked upon import, nothing is grayed out and there isn't a note stating "Built-in Lens Profile applied". The screenshot below is how the Lens Corrections section looks immediately after import. Those boxes are checked automatically when I import from my card ever since I updated to v10.3.
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So what if you turn off the two checkboxes above, make a preset. Then select that preset on Import.
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Yes that is definitely an option. I just don't know why this is automatically applied to all imports and not made an option to turn off. I prefer my RAW files untouched when I first import them.
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It's a known bug with EOS R5 that's affecting most, if not all RF lenses, and is currently listed on Adobe's internal bug base.
For some it's just an irritation and for others, especially those who build 1:1 previews for lots of images on import, it's adding around 1 second per image to the import/preview building process (i.e. an additional 8+ minutes for a 500 image import)
FWIW, I have the same issue with:
RF 15-35mm F2.8
RF 24-105mm F4
RF 70-200 F2.8
RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1
At present, the way to prevent the lens corrections being applied during import is to apply a preset during import or change the LrC default settings for the camera as described by Todd, et al.
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some info at:
inquiry to members, link to feature request to disable built-in lens profile?
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The Canon RF 24-105mm F4L IS USM is one of the few RF lenses that Adobe has a matching lens profile. So it's not using a built-in lens profile with this specific Canon RF lens. The best solution is to create a Develop preset that only has the Lens Corrections selected and Enable Profile Corrections unchecked in the raw file when you create it. Then follow the below instructions to change the Raw Defaults using a preset. This will effectively turn off all lens corrections on future imports.
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This seems to be the only solution. I don't know why this changed with the update, I just wish I could import my files untouched from the camera and I control what changes I want to make to the RAW files. I wish Adobe would just make an option to apply lens corrections upon import instead of assuming people just want them applied on every import.
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I have my Raw Defaults Lens Profile Corrections set for Distortion 0 and Vignetting 75. I only change those settings on image files that exhibit "visible" distortion or vignetting. See why at the below post. Remove Chromatic Aberration can be left checked as I have yet to see any detrimental efects to date (2007-2021) with ANY image file.
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Go to Preferences, click the Presets tab, click Show Develop Presets tab. This opens a finder window with some files. Open the Basic Defaults.xmp file, which is just a text file in your favorite text editor. Find the line with the lens profile setting and turn it off there.
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The problem I have is:
YES, I want the Leica M10-R profile to be applied at import instead of Adobe Standard = retain the Camera Settings ;
BUT NOT the (made by Adobe) lens profile as it applies changes in the geometry (e.g. pincushion correction where it does not bother me or even is invisible).
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Just to add: have Macos. Did "Presets tab, click Show Develop Presets tab" this shows:
a file of 'lens profiles' with pscache.dat at 2.7MB. No .XML (that I would be scary to edit).
I did make an import profiel that is sjhown as .xml. And on clicking, even if I say, open with TextEditor, it opens Adobe Elements.
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"I want the Leica M10-R profile to be applied at import instead of Adobe Standard = retain the Camera Settings ; BUT NOT the (made by Adobe) lens profile"
To do this:
1. Edit an M10-R DNG in Develop.
2. In the Basic panel, set Profile to M10-R.
3. In the Lens Corrections panel, uncheck Enable Profile Corrections.
4. In the Presets panel, click + > Create Preset, check just the boxes Treatment & Profile and Lens Corrections, and save the preset under the name "M10-R Defaults".
5. In Preferences > Presets, check the option Override Global Setting For Specific Cameras and set the preset M10-R Defaults to be the default for the M10-R:
Now, when you import raws from that camera or click the Develop Reset button, the profile will default to M10-R and lens corrections will be disabled.
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[Oops, posted under wrong Adobe id.]
[Double oops, clarified ambiguity in step 4]
"I want the Leica M10-R profile to be applied at import instead of Adobe Standard = retain the Camera Settings ; BUT NOT the (made by Adobe) lens profile"
To do this:
1. Edit an M10-R DNG in Develop.
2. In the Basic panel, set Profile to M10-R.
3. In the Lens Corrections panel, uncheck Enable Profile Corrections.
4. In the Presets panel, click + > Create Preset, check just the boxes Treatment & Profile and Lens Corrections, and save the preset under the name "M10-R Defaults":
5. In Preferences > Presets, check the option Override Global Setting For Specific Cameras and set the preset M10-R Defaults to be the default for the M10-R:
Now, when you import raws from that camera or click the Develop Reset button, the profile will default to M10-R and lens corrections will be disabled.
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Thanks Karyn and John, I did it, but also checked my 'old import profile', M10R Import. It already had the Lens Corrections unchecked.
I made a new one [M10-R Defaults] that as far as I can see is just the same. . .
Might it have to do that sometimes I import with Capture one then synchronize the folder with LR? While when I import from card it is OK? [I use C1 for import because C1 deletes the files on the card ; with LR it is tedious to do so by hand...]
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Very sorry, there was ambiguity in step 4 -- I've corrected that:
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Ack, I shouldn't reply when I'm in a hurry. The original steps were correct, so I added a screenshot showing what step 4 should look like:
Your screenshot shows that you haven't checked Lens Corrections.