LRC take the wrong exif creation date for iphone Videos to import
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- Lightroom Classic Version Number: 13.1
- Camera raw: 16.1
- OS Version Number: 14.3.1 Intel
- iOS: iphone 13 pro max 17.3.1
i was with the Adobe Support hours over days. they didnt get it.
- Case number: ADB-33137147-W9B8
the guys in the Exif Forum could help me in half a hour 🙂
Steps to reproduce:
- Shot a video with the iphone
- video is synced to photos on iMAC
- export the video from iMAC with 4k
- import the video into LRC
Expected result: LRC take the creationdate from exif which is ok
Actual result: LRC takes the createdate from exif which is wrong. On the MAC os filesystem level everything is fine.
exiftool -a -G1 -s -api LargeFileSupport=1 -api QuickTimeUTC=1 -Time:All ./
[System] FileModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[System] FileAccessDate : 2024:02:13 15:02:30+01:00
[System] FileInodeChangeDate : 2024:02:14 15:58:27+01:00
[QuickTime] CreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[QuickTime] ModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track1] TrackCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track1] TrackModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track1] MediaCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track1] MediaModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track2] TrackCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track2] TrackModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track2] MediaCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track2] MediaModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track3] TrackCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track3] TrackModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track3] MediaCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track3] MediaModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track4] TrackCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track4] TrackModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Track4] MediaCreateDate : 2024:02:11 22:43:51+01:00
[Track4] MediaModifyDate : 2024:02:11 22:44:00+01:00
[Keys] CreationDate : 2023:07:25 22:18:48+01:00
add new XMP section with exiftool which is then used
[XMP-exif] DateTimeOriginal : 2023:07:25 22:18:48+01:00
[XMP-xmp] CreateDate : 2023:07:25 22:18:48+01:00
[XMP-xmp] ModifyDate : 2023:07:25 22:18:48+01:00
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The workaround to this problem is to export the videos from Mac by doing File > Export > Export Unmodified Original, not checking Export IPTC As XMP. It's not clear whether the problem is caused by a bug in LR or some behavior of the Mac that invalidates the contractual permission Apple gave to Adobe to read the proprietary Keys:CreationDate field.
Normally for Quicktime / MP4 videos, LR reads its capture date from the industry-standard field QuickTime:CreateDate, interpreting that date/time as "local" (having no time zone).
But for videos recorded by Apple devices, LR reads its capture date from the Apple-proprietary field Keys:CreationDate, which includes a time zone, e.g. "2024:01:30 20:31:52-08:00". LR will ignore the time zone and display "1/30/24 8:31:52 PM" as the capture date.
For some reason, for Apple-device videos exported from the Mac using File > Export > Export Video, LR doesn't recognize those videos as being created by Apple devices, so it reads its capture date from QuickTime:CreateDate. Further, the Export command replaces QuickTime:CreateDate with "now", the time of export (though it preserves Keys:CreationDate).
I don't understand enough about the Quicktime format to know why LR isn't recognizing the exported videos as created by Apple devices. I compared the metadata using Exiftool and didn't see anything obvious.
When Adobe first implemented the special handling of capture date for Apple videos, they posted that they had to get legal permission from Apple to read the proprietary Apple field Keys:CreationDate. It may be that contractual permission included a specific combination of other fields that must be present for LR to read Keys:CreationDate, and is stripping or changing some of those other fields. For example, Export strips the detailed metadata in Track5 from the exported videos. But this is all just informed speculation.
If you'd like to increase the probability that Adobe will investigate this, I recommend you submit a new bug report:
with the following information:
1. Attach a very short sample original video, exported from with File > Export Unmodified Original.
2. Attach that video exported from with File > Export Video.
3. Include screenshots of LR's Metadata panel for each of the videos imported into LR, including the Capture Date/Time field. (EXIF Date/Time Original is not relevant.)
It's not necessary to include the output from Exiftool -- the sample videos will contain all the necessary information.
Finally, a note on terminology: "EXIF" refers to metadata recorded by cameras as specified by the EXIF industry standard, as shown by Exiftool in the EXIF group. It doesn't include all the other metadata fields in an image or video, and in particular it doesn't include fields recorded under the Quicktime and MP4 standards (shown by Exiftool under QuickTime and associated groups).
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I have been experiencing this problem for a couple months. To confound the problem, when I import live photos from my iPhone 15 Pro Max, about 70% of the .jpg & .mov pairs come across with the correct timestamp, and both have the correct camera model. The other 30% have correct information for the .jpg, but the .mov is from an Unknown Camera, and has a timestamp that is off by the time zone difference from UTC plus or minus 30 minutes (totally unpredictable delta). The issue started happening when I upgraded to iOS 17 at the same time I upgrade to iPhone 15, so I don't know which is to blame. I was hoping the excellent Syncomatic plugin would let me synchronize the timestamps, but that doesn't appear as an option in the metadata that can be synced. The excellent Metadata Viewer by Jeffery Friedl shows the problem clearly that the OP described.
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I am currently using Lightroom Classic 13.1 on MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1 on a MacBook Pro M1, and iOS 17.3.